
Viewing 1 - 20 of 114 results

New Lost Cities Art! · 11:04am May 29th, 2016

So for whatever reason I was reminded that I have a Wacom tablet and an old copy of Photoshop, and I realized it's been a little while since I did any digital painting. Since I'm in a bit of a slow spot with my writing at the moment, I decided to try and illustrate one of my favorite characters from Lost Cities: Queen Platinum.

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Report Cold in Gardez · 1,153 views · #Art #backstory

My OC · 3:20pm Jun 3rd, 2017

My OC is Called Crystal Clear, he used to be a normal pony until that one day.

His whole town was destroyed by something.... no by him. One day he was walking through the forest until he slipped into long forgotten tomb where a ancient evil slumber called The Darkness. Now he the only pony in its tomb, The Darkness took over his body killing everypony in his path, now he sits in chains in front of Princess Celestria and luna, waiting for his trial.

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Report The Crystal king · 337 views · #OC #Backstory

TL;DR: Midnight Masquerade · 7:49am Nov 30th, 2016

This is an experimental post to supplement a TL;DR of an OC's backstory over the course of the many fics they've appeared in (as well as the implicit links between them). As such, spoilers may appear below, tagged by story. All fics that are not rated M will be linked as well.

Name: Midnight Masquerade
Aliases: Shadow Beast, Foresight, The Cyclops
Status: Alive, ~2000 years old
Species: Changeling
Gender: Male

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Report Shadow Beast · 339 views · #backstory #OC

About: Malum Prohibitum · 8:33am Aug 9th, 2015

So, seeing as I'm still awake. . . how about some backstory?

Malum Prohibitum, born to two unicorns in Canterlot. He spent much of his youth in Ponyville. When he reached the age of 13, he already had a cutie mark. It was an exclamation mark under a magnifying glass.

So, from the age of 13, Malum attended law school in Canterlot. Then, one day when Malum was 22, an opportunity for a case was given to him. He would ask to defend Equestria's newest Princess.

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Information on the Doc. · 12:08am Jan 19th, 2016

My name is Doctor Vohr T. Tex. A simple student in the countryside of WV. But enough about me, lets hear the backstory of the character of Dr. Tex.

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Backstory stuffs · 3:03pm Sep 28th, 2016

So, i am currently working on a backstory that involves my oc and a cannon ppny from the show and films. Its already 6 chalters in, and more is to come soon, im hoping to het this done before the end of the year, if not, then i can work on it til next summer. I hope everyone enjoys it when its released, and i promise it has a little bit of everything.


#55: Some times a game is just a game... · 2:30pm Jun 9th, 2015

But sometimes you like that game so much you spend 4-5 hours writing a backstory for your ESO character.

The love is still with you my pony friends, and I recently published another chapter of our favorite quizzical Goat prince.


A Different Backstory for Starlight Glimmer · 3:25pm Nov 9th, 2020

Hopefully, this one will be less controversial than my last Starlight-centric post.

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Announcement 3: Return of the Hiatus · 12:48am Feb 3rd, 2021

I'm sorry to say this, but Power of the SOUL is going back on hiatus for a while, as my friend and I are working on three stories to flesh out the backstories of Emerald Breeze and Speda Hooves.


Fallout Equestria intermission chapter because I don't feel like doing anything else right now at the end of midterms week. · 8:50am Feb 19th, 2021

This is a historical chapter, as it explains the origins of Fallout Equestria in the most educational and logical way possible.

EThe Disastrous Adventures of Crew-T
A decidedly unprofessional team of weirdos yoinked out of their comfort zone crashes through fanfic worlds and beyond, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Link your story in the comments and see what happens!
TheMajorTechie · 15k words  ·  29  7 · 497 views

no, i am not bad at the game. trust me.


Why do I write romance? · 4:47am Dec 17th, 2020

So yeah another blog, but like I have never really dwelved into this and I figured it would be good to let you all in on a little secret.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
After my divorce with my ex-husband, I went through a phase of "hating" men, and then I realized it wasn't males that were the problem. It was my ex specifically. Even now whenever I'm around him it "triggers" me. I just get so angry, and all I want to do is be left alone. And of course he never listens nor cares.

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Cheeapter III: Flaming Thunder · 11:07am May 3rd, 2017


Amigo Chapters 3 and 4. · 6:31pm Feb 16th, 2019

First, almost two years since the last update on this story. I'm worried I might give some of you a kiniption fit from the irregular regular updates. The biggest problem I had was what direction I really wanted to take this, other than just simply Grumps McGurt in Equestria. I'm good on an idea, so hopefully I'll have this story wrapped up in the next couple weeks optimisticly, or months if my alcoholism kicks my ass again.


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Crackshot stats · 2:45am Mar 5th, 2020

This is going to be the stats of Crackshot his special is 6 strength 9 perception 5 endurance 5 charisma 5 intelligence 5 agility 5 luck his traits are good natured and trigger discipline his tagged skills are small guns repair and explosive. His main weapon is a .50 caliber anti-materiel rifle second weapon is a shotgun either 12 or 20 with justice engraved on the barrel and some mines and grenades he wears canterlot police barding with a helmet there is a crosshair inside a shield on the

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Alternative MLP Backstories: Rainbow Dash · 10:01am Oct 5th, 2017

Disclaimer: Dispite how this may come across I do not hate Rainbow Dash. This is just something I did for a laugh in between chapters of Outlaws and Angels. It wasn't really long enough or deep enough on content to be considered a story.

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So going to start the second chapter, hopefully tomorrow · 7:53pm Aug 15th, 2015

I wanted to get some opinions on a few things. First I'm going to state that with Ch.2:

- Don't expect much action like you did in Ch.1, mostly due to the nature of Ch.2
-Prepare for some backstory, also that it may come with some confusing choppy bits. This is mostly due to this being a short story that I can't exactly flesh out those portions.

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I made two wolf oc's. And then killed the mother off. · 3:14am Dec 31st, 2015

Just cuz I can. The mother is Kio, and the son is Kato. I killed Kio off, cuz... It's sadder that way. And I LOVE sad stories:pinkiecrazy:

Inspired by a video with LOTS of sad stuff in it.
It's called [There are no words] a speedpaint. It had the Safe and sound song by Taylor swift so... o3o
There's the title for ya.

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Report Doukzor · 376 views · #wolf #oc #wolf oc #backstory

A Blackened Sunset's release date · 3:50pm Feb 5th, 2022

Hello everypony! :twilightsmile: I just wanted to make a quick announcment that I have a new story coming out soon! :pinkiehappy:

It's been written for a few years now and I've been waiting for so long to find the right moment to release it.

The story is called A Blackened Sunset a Sunset story that has connection with my huge story Wherever the Light Shines (broken into five parts).

Summary's below;

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Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse · 4:40pm Aug 16th, 2021

In my opinion, backstory and motivation should only explain why antagonists are what they are, not excuse them.

You shouldn't have an antagonist get off scot-free just because they've had a tragic backstory or good intentions. They need to put in the work and realize that what they did can't just be brushed off.

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Watching BloodyBunny on youtube. · 8:53am Jun 1st, 2017

I discovered this gem by accident. For what it is, it is hilarious. While not as good a Robot Boy, Samurai Jack, or My Life as a Teenage Robot it has it's crowning moments of awesome that could be categorized as Lilo and Stitch or Skunk Fu like. I don't know if it's based on a video game but it reminds me of the premise of Naughty Bear. So far so good, maybe I'll discuss it more later. it might make a funny backstory for Angel Bunny.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 114 results