
Viewing 1 - 20 of 34 results

Mouse Guard, Part 2: no mice edition · 8:25pm Nov 11th, 2016

Ever since I wrote that Mouse Guard RPG post, I kept thinking about it. Over time, I'm starting to understand those ideas more clearly, refining and sharpening them. So here are further thoughts on it, without all the extra stuff about RPGs and character acting. This time, I'll keep it simple.... but at the same time cancel it out by looking at the complexities.

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Report hazeyhooves · 417 views · #useless

Useless Nameless Library trivia 2 · 9:42am Feb 1st, 2018

I'm tired to death, and I'm working on the final 2 chapters of New Age, so here's a dumb bit of information you don't need to know whatsoever:

When I blindly write a chapter, I almost always write Dickrod instead of Discord. No idea why.


Useless Nameless Library trivia 3 · 4:46pm Feb 4th, 2018

Considering it's somewhat relevant to the New Age chapter I'll be uploading in few minutes, let's have another one of these (they don't take much effort):

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Useless Nameless Library trivia 1 · 10:21pm Jan 16th, 2018

I might make this a blog segment like I did with Nameless Library champion spotlight and story spotlight. Why? I've got an hour to kill and I'm bored. Here goes:

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Useless Nameless Library trivia 4 · 8:55pm Feb 6th, 2018

I'm pretty sure it's written somewhere already, but I'm too lazy to check. Desert Shade's name is made by taking Blazing Light, Choking Darkness, and Cromach being from the sandy Griffon Empire. Light, darkness, sand - Desert Shade.

Now, her name was originally supposed to be Nightshade, because I planned New Age before deciding that Corrupted Lands would get a story. While writing Queen Nightshade, I completely forgot about Des, and it eventually ended up like this.


What for · 2:26pm Apr 19th, 2020

Come, someone please tell me if there is any reason to go on. I see none. What is the point of being here?


Question about my Plot · 2:18pm Apr 18th, 2020

I would like to ask frankly, this question that has been in my mind since my latest chapter. People keep saying that my story has no plot and therefore, it is bad and it's one of the worst stories on here, while I see worse stories being called, 'the best story ever'. How is that possible.

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Report Subsistence · 255 views · #Useless #upsetting #why

Drax would be proud! · 9:45pm May 13th, 2017

As you know his favorite side arms, the Akjagara?
Well I got him a new mod!

Yes, that mod has a NEGATIVE 168.1% damage.
Meaning... it does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Glad I didn't click confirm.

Report REDMAMBA · 487 views · #Useless #Mod #Random #funny #FAIL

Armor Is Useless Trope · 10:37am Oct 12th, 2020

Is there any book/movie/show etc where armor is actually useful? Because we keep seeing guys dying even if they are wearing full plate armor by little more than a wooden stick poking their chest, figuratively speaking. Not a spear, a wooden stick.

The armor we see in entertainment seems to be made of butter rather than steel it seems. Why would you even bother wearing it? Granted in video games, it seems to work.


I got bored. · 9:11am Aug 29th, 2017

So I decided to search up stories on here, with the only qualifier being that the story exists.

There is 1,686,000,000 (rounded for your viewing pleasure) words on this site.

One billion, Six hundred eighty-six million. I better get busy with reading.


It Occurs To Me · 3:05am Dec 30th, 2019

If anyone wants to read non-ponyfic that I write, I maintain an account on Archive Of Our Own (AO3) where I upload random crap I grunt out when I'm feeling like writing something else.

Per usual, it's all useless lesbians, but at this point does that really surprise anyone?

Here's my works, if you want to check them out.




Minuette, ch. 6: trivia, translations, and stuff: · 7:44pm Oct 14th, 2015

Originally, those were supposed to be in the author's note at the end of the chapter, but since they got out of control, I decided to make it a separate blog of various trivia I learned while writing the last chapter (for such a wacky story, research takes a lot of time. Assuming that you can call googling various oddities "research"):

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Is it just me or are the Princess useless? · 7:48pm May 6th, 2016

I was thinking about each of the princess. Is it just me or are they useless. Celestia raises and lowers the sun Luna does the same with the moon. I have no idea what the hell Cadence does.

But I'm not going to talk about Twilight that would be a longer list.

When ever something happens (Discord returns, changelings invade, Tirek escapes, ect ) Twilight and the gang handle it.

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Gotta Love Cops · 2:34pm Jan 12th, 2020

Cops, they never do there jobs right or even prevent crimes but they will stop everything they're doing to to yell at you for calling them and to solve our own problems. Fives times they ignored me and aggressively told us to deal with it. Okay me and my hubby will deal with the extremely violent man who keeps trying to attack us every other week. Last week he kicked our front door down and almost stabs me ad cuts my hubby but they wont do anything 'cause he's under aged(17) earlier today(11pm)

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Report JadeFox · 190 views · #Cops #Useless #Worn #Out

HGJFDHJGFDGHJKHGFD. · 10:22pm Oct 28th, 2015

Maybe a new chapter will rise from the grave?


Three things I learned from Hunter X Hunter · 11:05am Dec 18th, 2016

I get into odd conversations with my friend Scott over stories in videogames and cartoons. We started bouncing ideas around that famous trope in shonen manga (and by extension, anime too), the FIGHTING TOURNAMENT ARC. Why is it used so much? Why does it keep falling flat? (Why do we collectively groan when we see it coming? :raritydespair: )

Bouncing ideas back and forth, I figured out my own little theory. The authors use it as a delaying tactic! :trollestia:

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Author Spotlight #5: All Art Is Quite Useless · 1:24am Nov 11th, 2017

Hey guys! Back with another one of these thingies.

So, this time I'm talking about a more active author in recent days that I think you all should pay attetntion to. For a brief idea as to why and some story recs, check below the break!

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Still No Progress! · 2:14am Sep 12th, 2016

Yay, a useless update.

Seriously, though. How can people update 10,000 word stories every couple weeks? I rarely make it over the 1000 mark most times, and my updates are still scarce at best.

I'm not dead. I'm just really bad at time management.
End Blog Post.

EDIT: I will still try to update my blog at least once a month. If not to update on story progress, at least to tell you I'm still here.


DON'T BUY A NINTENDO SWITCH · 2:35am Mar 13th, 2017

I don't know how many Switches do this, but that was a lot of Switches in the video. I know you shouldn't believe everything you see or read on the internet, but by god this is fucking embarrassing.

I'm glad I'm getting the Wii-U version of Breath of the Wild, to be honest with you guys.

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Pointless Blog #1: Nothing of Interest Here (I mean it) · 11:51am Jul 9th, 2016

Random pointless blog because I am making simply to share something that has captured my heart. Tis a metapor as much as artwork or playing card. For it is entirely useless and utterly shit for use, yet it looks incredibly cool.

I have to find a way to put a cyborg-zombie-werewolf into a story. Goblin necromancer-engineer using worgen corpse in Treacherous Mists, or something!

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 34 results