
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Blue Curtains That Shined Yellow · 11:26pm Feb 15th, 2021

The morning sun blurred my eyes, and the steamy heat that evaporated from the green sod beneath me stole every bit of my strength. Then, from between the rays of the afternoon, emerged two vibrant orbs. The pair came softly from the curtains of the midday blue skies. They watched me with concern.

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A little update on things. · 2:44am Jun 26th, 2023

Hey guys, Frost here. As you know, I mentioned in my last blog that I had an idea in the works that I wanted to try out and see if people liked it.

Well, after some thinking, I decided to go for it. Once I look it over a couple more times, it should be good and I'll be sure to submit it. In the meantime though, here's a small taste of the rabbit hole I've been working on.

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March 18th - Authors chat · 6:39pm Mar 10th, 2017

Saturday 18th March - 22:00 GMT / 17:00 EST

I shall be within a teamspeak server along with other authors to answer any questions with regards to my story and to talk to readers or anyone who wishes to join.

Feel free to come along, the server is secured but I shall provide the server address below along with a download link for Teamspeak, should you wish to join.

Ask myself and other authors questions about our stories.

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What's an Angel Without Wings? · 1:34pm Jan 14th, 2021

I've lost all of what gave me purpose, yet they still love me.

Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results