
Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results

Regarding the movie... possible spoilers · 11:26pm Oct 21st, 2017

Well, I've seen it.
Animation: top notch
Princess nerf at the very sight of some villain: As to be expected, where would be the story if the bad guys are defeated in the first few minutes?
Mastermind: ....

Sigh... Of all the evil schemes and power hungry maniacs out there they take one with the mindset of a 12 year old?

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Other Perks Of Rewriting The Dark Knight · 11:15pm Nov 2nd, 2017

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, I've been thinking it over, and I have indeed decided to go through with rewriting The Dark Knight, as there are several other perks to it, other than just putting a better crossover pairing together in the form of... Kyest? No, that sounds like something we shall never speak of ever... maybe Templo? Yeah, that has a nice ring to it. Anyways, there are other freedoms allowed to me by rewriting the story.

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Working On A New Project · 7:47pm Dec 18th, 2017

Hey, guys. Well, I'm beginning work on a new project for this site. Now, I don't want to give away too many details, for fear my enemies will ruin it for me once again, but I will say this. Although it's a crossover, there are no humans whatsoever, Spike X Tempest Shadow is the main shipping, and Tempest Shadow is the main character.

May fortune favor the foolish.


Coming Eventually: Your Angel of Death Awaits... · 4:36pm Dec 23rd, 2017

Hey, guys. Thought I'd finally raise the curtain on that Spike x Tempest Shadow project I've been working on. Well, simply put, in this story's universe, Tempest Shadow, following her parents' murder and inheriting their multi-billion bit company, becomes the Phantasm, aka this DC Comics character:

Here's the long description for the project:

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Fixed it! · 8:03pm Nov 2nd, 2017

Don't know what the Hell was goin on there, but let's take it from the top!

Anyways, I'm doing some research into Tempest Shadow, and she kinda reminds me of...

So I think I'll rewrite The Dark Knight to take place AFTER the movie, so I can ship these two together. Thoughts?


Half-Arc of Letters to give you poor bored people something to do · 2:10pm Mar 23rd, 2020

Going ahead and posting the four chapters I have of Letters in the queue one per day so you have something to read while bored. Since the last posting on this was a year and a half ago, it may behoove you to go back and re-read from Chapter 80 of Letters, but if you want, I’ll give you a quick run-down of the pertinent plot points below the break, and a snippet out of an uncompleted

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You know... · 7:50pm Nov 2nd, 2017

The more I look into this Tempest Shadow character, the more she reminds me of someone... someone who's story I really need to get back to work on...

Hmm... call me crazy, but I think I might rewrite what I have for the opening chapter of The Dark Knight. And I'll be shipping Kylo Ren with Tempest Shadow (that'll be her Knights of Ren name now.)


Coming Eventually: The Darkness and The Light · 11:58pm Nov 2nd, 2017

Greetings Gotham, Joker here! Well, I've decided to rewrite The Dark Knight, or should I say, The Darkness and The Light. Honestly, that was the title I should've gone with in the first place, but I just had to call it the Dark Knight. This incarnation of the story is set after the events of the MLP movie, while Fizzlepop Berrytwist aka Tempest Shadow is undergoing her reformation, having been plagued by strange dreams of wearing a dark garband standing among a group of similarly dressed

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Author and story plug - MagnetBolt · 2:46pm Mar 23rd, 2018

Grats to the wonderful MagnetBolt and his induction into the Royal Canterlot Library with the excellent story, The Doom That Came to Tambelon. Described in one sentence of impending doom and destruction: Trixie, Starlight and Tempest foalsit Flurry Heart. Go read.


New Fic: Finding A Way Elsewhere - Out Now! · 2:18pm February 7th

If you need a link, click the embed below! Tempest/Fizzlepop x Anon, of course, as teased just a few days ago. Had to add another 3k-4k approx because I had her sounding incorrect to one of my pre-readers, and once I added what I needed, my pre-reader was happy I had made the changes (and so was I).

TFinding A Way Elsewhere
Fizzlepop Berrytwist went to a Pinkie Pie party celebrating Gummy's birthday. She was bored out of her mind, when Anon, Equestria's lone human, walked in. She didn't expect him to be there. She also didn't expect him to make her feel whole again.
Soaring · 9k words  ·  226  12 · 3.3k views

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The Monster Will Return - Soon (after much editing) · 3:09am Mar 15th, 2018


Tempest X Neighsay Shipping Time · 2:00pm Jul 24th, 2021

This was the first itme FimFiction Had The Chanpop, Tempsay, or NeighShadow. We should just appreciate Chancellor Neighsay for having a relationship and a good reforming. Having Tempest as his "girlfriend" would be interesting according to Melody Song so I would like to thank that writer for those amazing stories. So let this ship be Off The Charts!!!


Soon to cum · 9:44am Oct 20th, 2017

I mean come on! Who could resist such a pair?!

Viewing 1 - 13 of 13 results