
Viewing 1 - 20 of 31 results

Transcendence Sequel · 4:52am Sep 1st, 2015

Three days...

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Report Corejo · 838 views · #Sequel Prep

Writer's Workshop: Technobabble and the Audience Surrogate · 4:22am Dec 19th, 2015

I. love. technobabble. But I recognize as well as anypony else that you've got to be careful with it. When done properly, it creates a sense of distortion, unease, and "behind the curve"-ness. But bobbled, or worse, done to cheat, and it just seems lazy, contrived, or pointless. But to ease us into this talk, let's cover the audience surrogate a bit.


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Writer's Workshop: Getting to the Goal · 7:21pm May 9th, 2015

Hey, everypony! I've got another idea for one of these. Let's talk about Goals some more!

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Writer's Workshop: The Hero's Journey · 3:39am Oct 25th, 2015

Hey all! You may have heard this term before to describe a story, or perhaps you've only heard that it's really important. The Hero's Journey is one of the most basic story concepts there is. I describe it as a rags-to-riches story, because that's exactly what it is. It's such a fundamental story method that nearly every culture has a story that follows it. Let's dig into what it entails.


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Writer's Workshop: For the Bible Tells Me So · 4:43am Jan 7th, 2017

No, this isn't a post about the use of Biblical allegories (though I definitely need to do that some time). This is more about a story planning tool to help you keep track of all of the information in your story. I'm sure there are tons of different terms for it, but the one I've latched onto is the "story bible." Basically, a story bible is a compendium of all of the important facts about your story. Let's go over a few of the things you should have in it:

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Writer's Workshop: The Long and the Short of It · 2:30am Jul 8th, 2016

This'll be a companion piece to my other workshop I put out today. When you set out on a new story, do you plan ahead of time how long it's going to be? By this, I don't necessarily mean the number of chapters or the order of the plot points. I literally mean, how many words is your story going to be? When you eventually put pen to paper, you'll need to know how much you intend to write. If you don't do this, have you considered that you might be writing too much or too little? There's a tempo

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Writer's Workshop: A Simple Four-Part Story Model · 2:03pm Apr 18th, 2016

Quick update for you guys. I've been crazy busy recently, but I thought I'd share a simple model I created for one of my clients that can help you understand how stories work. It's a quick little thing that looks like this:

1. What is the problem?
2. What is the solution?
3. At the start of the story, why can't the characters do the solution?
4. At the end of the story, why can the characters do the solution?

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Writer's Workshop: Less than a Tragedy · 10:55pm Apr 17th, 2015

We modern-day peeps love happy endings. Tell me, what was the last movie you saw that didn't end on an uncompromised happy note? That's not really how life works, though. Life isn't always that easy. Sometimes victory comes at a very high price. So let's talk about stories that buck the trend of happy endings and go for something a little more somber.

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Writer's Workshop: Anatomy of a Story · 4:09am Aug 11th, 2015

Hey, all! It's been a while, huh? I know I have a different Workshop written up elsewhere, but it's been in development for so long that I must have just forgotten about it. Anyway, I was having a chat with one of my clients when we got into the discussion of how many scenes should be in a chapter. It turns out that the term "scene" isn't as self-evident as I thought it was. What if people were confused by my usage of the term "act" in my previous Workshops? Seems to me like I should go

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Writer's Workshop: Challenging Traditional Story Concepts · 6:16am Feb 2nd, 2017

All of us are embedded with ideas and concepts we've picked up from our culture. These ideas appear in our stories so easily that oftentimes we don't realize that there could be any other way to tell it. I'd like to take this moment to look at these assumptions and illuminate some alternate possibilities. (Think of this as a prototype Formula Breakers.) For starters, let's check out:

The Call to Action

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Writer's Workshop: Chandler, Croshaw, and Priest · 3:03am Feb 11th, 2017

No, that's not the name of my new law firm. It's three different concepts to help you make every part of your story interesting.

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Writer's Workshop: The Neverending (Back)story · 12:49am Dec 6th, 2015

Hey, all! Time for another fun little lesson. This time, we're gonna talk about writing backstory and how much you need to set up beforehand. Let's begin.


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Ponyville After School - Chapter 4 is now available! · 5:41pm Aug 31st, 2021

The only colt on the school's cheerleading team has heard a rumor that Flitter, one of the cutest mare in Ponyville, likes anal sex, something he's quite curious about.

Perky Prep & Flitter


Writing and (Mostly!) Cooking Updates · 1:34am January 30th

So just under a week and a half ago, I decided to get back on the wagon and begin intermittent fasting again.

I woke up today, and felt absolutely awesome when I had my first weigh-in since starting, and I'm down six pounds.

Then, I got called into work for an extra six hours on my next check.

So all in all, it's been a really freaking good day.

Just finished with meal prep for the rest of the week. Because what's better than frozen TV dinners?

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Headcanons: Crystal Prep (Plus, Bonus Entries - Cinch and Cadence) · 10:42pm Sep 15th, 2018

Hey there everyone.

Been a while since I last posted a headcanon list. I apologize for that. No real excuse other than my own laziness, and addiction to the new Spider-Man game.

But I've finally torn myself away from the world of web-slingers and supervillains long enough to compose this latest set of thoughts about the rival school to CHS... along with some bonus concepts about its former principal and dean-turned-current-principal.

Crystal Prep Academy:

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RE: Dead By Sunset Edit · 1:35am Jul 6th, 2020

It's done guys. It's still not the cleanest work in the world, but it's far and away closer to my current standard. I've tidied up whole swathes of the paragraph structure, added a few bits, tweaked a few things to keep the canon consistent, but I haven't changed anything to the story itself.

The biggest change was to the third Interlude. I wanted to give the CMC a little more screen time.

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I've dropped 15 lbs in under a month. · 3:01am February 14th

Obviously, I feel fucking awesome about that.

It's largely due to intermittent fasting for the past 24 days, where I've gone anywhere from 16 to 21 hours without eating every day.

That and meal prep, and tonight's cooking is for the next few days.

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Just a little help · 9:26pm Monday

Hey gang, I'm thinking of putting up character profiles for the Crystal Prep bimbos that have been featured here in the story. Just some basic info with additional things that come with this world. They're all based on this image here The problem is it's only these half-body drawings that I could find. I was wondering if anyone here has full-body images for all twelve of them? That would be immensely helpful. I had already asked Annon if they had

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Everfree, and apologies. · 3:47am May 12th, 2016

So in about 8 and a half hours I will be flying to Seattle for Everfree Northwest 2016. I have been working on chapter 4 and it's about 50% written.

I wanted to get in done before the convention but I couldn't make it, sorry. However I do have something to share something with you guys.

Starla sure is taken with the butterfly isn't she?

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Am I the only one? · 5:48pm Jun 4th, 2018

Ok so I like Princess Twilight and pony turned human Twilight. But I hate Sci-Twi or the real human Twilight. Is that weird? or do other people think the same. I would like to know what you think.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 31 results