
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Chapter 5 and Re-Edited 1 & 2 posted! · 5:31pm Jan 2nd, 2022

I completed the promised re-edits of Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 of Victory: Premonitions before posting Chapter 4. This messed with the every-other-day release cadence I had admitted to liking so much, but it was definitely necessary. The prize pool for the contest has gone up, so competition will be steep! With that in mind, I went ahead and posted the work-in-progress cover art I was working on. It's just a simple interpretation of Saturn for now. The plan was originally to draw The

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Science Fiction Contest Results! · 8:08am Feb 27th, 2022

You know, when I started this little prequel to my upcoming Victory Universe, I wasn't actually all that sure of what would happen to it within the context of the contest I was writing it for. Would it win big? Would it be forgotten in the entry pile? I honestly feared both options. Premonitions was the very first act of a writer, like the Tin Man of Oz, shaking off more than a decade of absolute rust. I took on the project knowing I wasn't yet at a level where I could do proper

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Victory: Premonitions is Completed! · 7:19pm Jan 3rd, 2022

I was able to get a final edit of Chapter 6 uploaded last night. It took a few small adjustments to get the overall word count under 20K. Thankfully, nothing significant was lost in that transition. The original version of the final edit was 20,126 words compared to the final count of 19,997 words. That cut it very close to the contest's cap! In all of the site views that display the truncated amount of words, that gets commonly rounded up to a perfect 20K words. It wasn't a significant

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Chapter 2 is Done and Dusted! · 10:49pm Dec 26th, 2021

I'm excited to be making progress on actually posting this thing. This whole project has been very exciting. I'm not sure if the Mature rating will stick. I've always had a bad relationship with these online self-rating systems. I'd much prefer an "in progress" rating that was the functional equivalent of shrugging your shoulders and seeing where things go. As it stands, part of me wants to tone down the later chapters and re-concept the scope into something with less adult themes. I'm not

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Chapter 3 Complete and a Progress Update! · 2:40am Dec 29th, 2021

Chapter 3 of Victory: Premonitions is out! So far I've stuck to an every-other-day cadence with these releases that I really like. This chapter saw a lot of special attention in the editing process to correct for run-ons. This was the result of some specific feedback I got from the first two chapters. I may still go back and make edits to Chapters 1 & 2 to correct for this before posting Chapter 4. Behind the scenes, I completed work on Chapter 6 and have everything through to the

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A Dark Premonition That Did Actually Come True (Even If Only Technically) · 7:38pm Jan 30th, 2021

I haven't spoken about this very openly often, but without anything else to do right now, I may as well discuss it with you.

Back in 2017 when things in my life took on a massive downturn and I literally faced death following a mental breakdown, I had some very, very disturbing premonitions on what my own death would look like. The scary part about this story is that it was almost exact to how I dreamed of it.

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Tera's Frozen North Lights · 11:09pm Feb 27th, 2023

Tera Amare's debut finally happened! The all-seeing Nursery Mother who commands respect from even the royal heads of two states. And Chrys' moral compass. This wisened, well-traveled unicorn whose age is a mystery is an old, old character of mine. To a story that no longer exists, but whose spirit extends to the rest of my works. You bet I had to get a drawing of what she's capable of! Take a look:

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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results