
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

About Friendship and Love and something in between · 1:29am Apr 29th, 2019

This blog entry is something very personal. If you aren't interested in that, you know where to not read.

I am merely writing this entry, because I need to unload this somewhere. Today, my friend and I broke up with each other. No, more precisely, she broke up with me. Even more precisely than that, our friendship just crumbled away until she didn't have the strength to endure it all anymore.

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Mistakes from the past that still affect today..... · 4:46pm Dec 23rd, 2023

Since she blocked me, so many thoughts are going through my head..... Almost seven years ago, an event happened that shattered me so much, that I turned into the worst friend possible for a while, because of the mental problems it brought me. Everything was wonderful at that time; my writing was growing fast, I had found the best friend I could wish for and I had my dream position as a quest writer of "Legends of

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What was the Cause? · 1:37am May 19th

Something I don't know yet is the cause of the mistake I made more than seven years ago..... I know how the consequences happened. This mistake caused a conflict that affected my mental health. It confused me and made me say stupid things that hurt my friend. I felt guilty about this, the guilt was building up and it caused me to have angry, aggressive outbursts when

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results