
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

Hearth's Warming Tidbit 18: Divide Between Alicorns and Unicorns · 8:05pm May 21st, 2020

Sorry for the late post, yesterday was so busy for me. Not to mention I have been having the hardest time staying awake this week. Hopefully the rest of this week is better. Next week is the final chapter for this season so catch up while you can, it's don't be as big as last season finale, but with leave a massive mark on the story. I hope you enjoy it and this. This tidbit is sort of a second part to Tidbit 16, here I will reverse the roles and show the separation between the two species.

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 16: The Four Towers of Faith · 9:21pm Apr 22nd, 2020

Sorry for post this one so late, last week was utter chaos. But here is the biggest tidbit for this season, though don't assume multiple pages. I only covered the base knowledge needed to understand this monument. Also warning for chapter 17, hints to what will happen in that chapter as well as massive hints to even season 3 will be given here. so tread carefully. This won't be the only time this monument appears in the story.


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Tidbit 15: Unity Between Unicorns and Alicorns · 5:38pm Mar 11th, 2020

This tidbit is a powerful one and one of the reasons why I chose to do one tidbit per episode this season. This is such a strong subject that I’ve seen very few writers ever try to tackle. This is why this will be one of my only two-part tidbit. You can probably guess by the name alone what the second part will be. Until then this is the Unity Between Unicorns and Alicorns…


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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 4.5 - Rex's Title · 11:08pm Nov 28th, 2018

Sorry for the late post, work was really getting on my case. I was so busy today, luckily I already had this piece written up long ago. This is a major piece for Rex's character, so if you want to find out more about Rex then click right in here and find out what his title is and what does it mean for this world.


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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 14: Unicorn’s Pflicht · 8:04pm Dec 11th, 2019

Well, this was a fun one to write and it makes perfect sense in this cntext. This is a short one, but very important for the later chapters. Simply put this is one of the possible outcomes Todeskampf. Give it a read, this is the order and rank known as Pflicht.


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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 5.5 - Gole D Apple · 5:23pm Dec 19th, 2018

Yeah, I know this isn't the original tidbit planned but the more I wrote on Silver the more off track I got so that post will still happen, but it will go up later on, I have different plans for that one now. And I know this went up ealier then planned, this is due to me being busy the next few days. As for this current new tidbit, it will be about Silver's older brother Gole D Apple and yes in case you are wondering the name is inspired by One Piece. I chose this subject since it still

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Hearth's Warming Extra Tidbit 3: Plaza of the Gods · 6:59pm Sep 7th, 2018

Sorry, this came in a day late. I've been really busy the last few days from college to some injuries I received Wednesday. I wanted to get some work done but I fell behind when I literally fell backward of a stairway two days ago, I'm not seriously injured, but I did need an ice pack for my arm and ass afterword. Luckily I didn't hit the ground face first. Today I feel a little bit better, plus a story I have been wanting for a while finally got posted so some good news. But for now, I have

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December Schedule / Journey of Hearth's Warming Winter Finale / Winner of the Christmas Commission (Bottom) · 7:07pm Dec 1st, 2018

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Ōmisoka soon enough. So many holidays in this month, so happiness to you all. This is going to be a big month for me and for all of my readers. As the title said I'm pulling what TV channels often do with their shows and that have a winter break once December ends. This month you will get episode 5 of Journey To Hearth's Warming as well with other stuff and then Journey To Hearth's Warming will be going on to hiatus until March, but that doesn't

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 4 - Limbs of the Broken One · 6:28pm Nov 8th, 2018

Sorry for the late post, Wednesday was really busy for me. But the blog can still go up today. You've heard of the Order of One, well this next group is sort of the opposite. Be ready as the Limbs of the Broken One will be making their first appearance in the next chapter of Journey To Hearth's Warming. Read more down below....


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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results