
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Life Update/Need to Make Money · 10:36pm Dec 17th, 2016

Long time no see, huh guys? I'm not dead or anything like that, but I've been kind of busy and distracted lately. Haven't really been able to focus on writing a whole lot. Won't get into any specifics for a lot of it, but to put a long story short, I've been accepted for an IT course at the local community college next fall, and I have to pay a CAD$200 deposit by the 29th of December. Good news is that I've got $170 set aside. The bad news is that I have to find some way to make up the

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Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. Also, a small MH:E update. · 7:07am Apr 14th, 2016

I'm leaving home tomorrow to turn my associate's degree into a bachelor's degree at BYU Idaho. For reasons I do not fully understand, their honor code forbids beards. Mustaches are fine, apparently, but they kinda look really dumb on me. :derpytongue2: Whatever the case, It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make so that I can attend school there.

Click below the break for related pics of me, as well as a small update on what's going on with Monster Hunter: Equestria.

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What We Don't Talk About (New Fic Out!) · 1:54am March 2nd

Hello ladles and gentlespoons! I wrote a fic! Missed me? I missed you all!

TWhat We Don't Talk About
Rarity and Applejack put the romance in necromancy.
Silent Whisper · 6.8k words  ·  43  5 · 395 views

Does this mean I'm so back? We'll see. Lots of real-life stuff going on right now for me, but I'm still here, and I still have more stories to tell.

Also, pro tip, don't work for Kroger (even just on a temporary basis), folks, it saps the life out of you. Lessons learned, yo.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results