Looking for Editors 5,422 members · 3,384 stories
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Group Admin

Art by Camled.

The Rules of the Land

  1. Give detail on what you want to have edited! This may include the premise, ideas you may have for future chapters (if the story is already published), content warnings, etc. A short excerpt can go a long way to "selling" your fic to potential editors as well!
  2. Provide a working link to your work, whether it be on Fimfiction, Google Docs, or some other platform. If not, then at least expect for folks to comment or PM you for this link. Be sure that you have an "unpublished view password" set if your story isn't yet... well, published (or if you have unpublished chapters) and be sure to set the permissions on Google Docs to "view" if you're using a public link!
  3. Mature content is allowed, but please use the embed tags, or provide content warnings if your fic is unpublished.
  4. Obey Fimfiction's site rules.
  5. Spam, trolling, and any other content unrelated to this group's purpose of helping people find editors and prereaders is not allowed.
  6. "Bumping" and/or reposting threads for the same story can happen up to once a week. If you're making a new thread, please remember to delete your old post! If you start posting the same request every week, or posting a bunch of requests for comments, we might ask for more time as well, because it gets old, you know?

That's about it! In general, not much, if anything, has changed with the posting of these rules. I've tried to keep 'em in-line with the activity that Looking for Editors normally gets, so for the vast majority of cases, it's just business as usual. :twilightsmile:

Now then, with the rules now being stated, feel free to take a look at the posting guidelines and how to request an editor! They aren't meant to be cookie-cutter examples on how to do things, but they might help!

Group Admin


Provide a working ling
I don't have a changeling hired under me... :fluttershysad:

Comment posted by Bernard deleted Jul 17th, 2021
Group Admin
Group Admin

No worries, it's already fixed. :twilightsmile:


  1. Provide a working link to your work, whether it be on Fimfiction, Google Docs, or some other platform. If not, then at least expect for folks to comment or PM you for this link.

I'll add that FiMFiction links--Coupled with a password! If you don't set up a password, then the link cannot work!--only allow the reader to view the unpublished chapters, not edit them, as many seem to think. Furthermore, if you include a GDoc link, make sure that the sharing settings only allow people to view the story. You don't want to give access to the commenting or editing rights to a random bunch of folks on the internet. Save the link with the commenting rights for your editor and share it privately or at least tie it to their email address.

It also doesn't hurt to include a short excerpt from the story (ca 5 or 6 paragraphs should be enough) directly in your post. That way people get an idea of what errors they might expect without the need to click any links or embeds. (Some also don't like opening GDoc links because they then have to remove the docs they merely checked out from their folders.)

Group Admin

Oh yeah, nearly forgot about the password stuff! I'll add that into here and the new posting guidelines when I get to it. :twilightsmile:

Great :twilightsmile: I think the comment might suffice, so you probably don't need to add that here, though doing so surely cannot hurt. I've been correcting and guiding people for years in this regard since the group was pretty much abandoned, so it's pretty much an automatic reaction on my part.

Group Admin

Yup! Still, I think I'll put it up in the main post itself as well for more visibility.

What's the rule for the group's folders?

Group Admin

"Quick Help" would ideally be for things like first-glance opinions on things like the descriptions, "Pre-Readers" is for... well, pre-reading, and "Editors" is the main folder.

No like, do we have to make a thread before putting stuff in pre reading or... We can just do it?

Group Admin

you can just do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

the previous owner of the group treated the folders as a story dumping place, and because the group is so old I'm just gonna leave it that way. most of the actual prereader/editor request stuff happens in the forums instead.

Will someone reply to my post

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