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As the final results of the TwiDash Abandoned Fic challenge are pooled together(to be announced later today,) we are ready to announce our next little challenge. Since time seems to be a universal issue here, we've decided to extend the timeframe for this one to see what happens.

Good luck!

UPDATE: Contest entries will now be due by Sept. 30th at 23:59 GMT.

I could think of something. Count me in on this one.

Wow, 2 months to write this.

Time to put on my idea hat. :twilightsmile:

This time I'm in for sure.

I've got an inkling of an idea. Not sure if I'll have time to write it, though. I've already got two other stories I'm working on. Although, it is two months. I could just power through the others so I can get to this one... We'll see. I guess I'm entered.

Group Admin

No matter what you guys do, timing will always be a universal issue for everything :pinkiecrazy:

I would love to get in on this one. Count me in.:twilightsmile:

I remember reading a SoL vacation fic not too long ago. I have to say, ponies on vacation are just so fun to read.

hhmmmm... I have a lot of projects I need to work on.... but this... bah, two months is more then enough time for me.

I'm in

Group Contributor

I had so much fun writing for the second contest, I definitely have to partake in this one.

Question: the previous contest excluded more than just sex, but also cross-over, human in equestria, the like. Is that allowed this time? Not that I want to do any of that, but I was just curious.

Group Admin


Yep, those things are allowed this time. We figured this contest we'd give a much more general prompt and leave the door wide open.

Hmm.. AppleDash contest entry is done.

VitSoL challenge has a vacation prompt AND I still need to write some TwiDash for it.

Challenge Accepted :rainbowdetermined2:

I'll give it a shot. Count me in. :twilightsmile:

Hm, I'm game. I think I'll give this a shot as well.

I think I will try this one too. I may not win but I think it will be fun to try.


It's nice to see, Jake, it really is.

Had a great time with the recently completed challenge, so I'm in again for sure.

Let's do this!

I'm in this time, in some kind of miracle I struck inspiration. Let's hope I'll be able to finish it within the timeframe.

Group Admin

Small point of clarification now, before the contest is well under way.

Multiple entries from a single writer ARE permitted.


Really? I'm not trying to be annoying or anything, but that doesn't seem fair.

Group Admin


While having multiple entries means that a writer technically has more 'chances' to win, the way we vote is by all judges opting for their top three and then weighted votes are added together, so having multiple entries means that a writer would be providing a 'spread' for their points, making it technically less likely for them to take first place if we're just looking at points-to-writer all other things considered equal.

While it could be said that it makes it more likely for someone who writes faster to win, we're really looking for quality over anything else. A short story which took forever for a writer to make that's outstanding will more than likely beat something from a writer who produced several entries that are all pretty good.

Not sure if I'll finish it, but hey. Count me in.

I just had a thought, does it matter if Twilight is an alicorn or a unicorn in the story?

Formerly Committed
Group Admin


It does not matter whether Twi has wings or not.

good luck guys! (or girls) :twilightsmile:

I'm going to try, despite it being my first time writing Twidash . I prefer to read it :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by anniquinskywalker deleted Aug 21st, 2013

Okay, some of us are already doing this, so I guess I will too.
Here's the first chapter to my entry: The Bet

Whoa, the party's already starting! So let's do this!


I'm elPossenreisser, and I like to write TwiDash :twilightblush: What I'm trying to say is, provided I get my story completed in time, I'm in.

I can't believe I'm basically tardy :twilightoops: *runs to shower for a bucket of ice cream*


Someone's going back to Magic Kindergarten.

I keep thinking that it would be hilarious :pinkiecrazy: Might finally learn some levitation too :trixieshiftright:

So bats, are you going to do those in depth reviews like you did last time? :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


...I suppose I will. Only by request, though.

So I have to write 3 chapters by Thursday.

Did it for the first contest, can do it again! Its go time! :rainbowdetermined2:

Well, might as well pack it in, everyone. He is coming to beat the shit out of you all again.

Yeah, maybe next contest, when I am more able to write. I can barely get a chapter out a month on my story, so...

Unless I make a one-shot in a few days that is super awesome amazing. I doubt it, though. I still need to work out my character writing muscles.

Ahh, young writer problems. They are amazing.

1717416 In that case, may I request one? :twilightblush:


No chances of getting another day or two extra for the latest chapters? Can the uploaded chapters still be edited aka proof-readed after the 26 Septembre or would that go against regulations for the competion? Can I enter with an incompelet fic aka two chapters and deliever the rest after the 26th or would I get disqualified?

Dang I knew I shouldn't have visited my parents for the weekend. Or go to that party yesterday. Or play GTAV all day long. Cure my lack of dicipline! :twilightangry2:


All entries must be labled "complete" by the deadline in order to be qualified for the contest. However, in accordance with the rules, all entries may be allotted an extra 24-48 hours after the submission deadline if Judges are notified within a reasonable amount of time. In other words, no "it's the last day, can I have an extra month because I've only written two pages of my multi-chapter epic?" requests.

As far as post-date editing goes: feel free to edit your story for spelling and grammar to your heart's content; just know that judges read contest entries at varying times and will judge based on what they see and not the product that it becomes after they've read it.

I hope that answsers your question. Please feel free to contact me or any of the other members of the TwiDash Group Administration Team with any other questions, comments or concerns.

Good luck with your entry!


Well, I do need another two days to finish the fic. Is today still within a reasonable amount of time or not anymore? :/


Here's my entry, hope you guys like it. The Bet

My entry
Honey(on the)moon
23 h and 58 minutes later than everybody else, I'm ashamed of myself. I'm sorry everbody. :fluttershysad:

So how many entries do we have officially now?


Enough to put me faaaaaaaaar away from first place. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

My very, very, very, very, very late entry is up:

Taking a Breather

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