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Shit, homie, I love the bad guys, so here's something I conjured.

In lieu of the recent activity of creating a character, I've developed a system/rubric for creating an antagonist. Unless they're the main character in the story, their focal point is on a different quota and set of ideals. They don't need much description; but still just enough to understand their goal.

Here's what's required:


Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist):

Age/Date of Creation:

Appearance (Physical Only):

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists):

Goal or Directive:

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only):

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities:

Strengths Over Protagonist:


And that's about it. Feel free to add more if you need to.

A future antagonist of mine, and an idea/example would be this:

Name: Pulvereus (Derives from "Pulvis," Latin for "Dust")

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Pulvereus is not a specific species, but is an artificial tool. However, it carries a sort of magically-based intelligence; unknown to most as it is a relic from before Celestia/Luna's rule.

Age/Date of Creation: An unknown date; but most assume that it dates back to 3500 years before Celestia's rule.

Appearance (Physical Only): It is a small, about a foot and a half in diameter. It is a bluish-black orb with mysterious etchings on it in some ancient language, mysterious line-like designs and a narrow equator. It is completely solid except for one hole on this equator, which serves as an "Eye" of sorts and glows a bright blue; and it has four holes around the upper hemisphere of this orb.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Pulvereus is capable of bringing plentiful harvests for earth ponies or bringing harsh, unforgiving dust storms that can not only damage crops; but living things as well. Pulvereus on its own is not particularly evil, however. But the will of those who wished to use it as a weapon managed to corrupt or misguide it. It speaks in an ancient, unrecorded language which is the sound of multiple voices. It is capable of learning and can be related to a sort of computer AI of sorts, like HAL 9000. It shows no emotion and speaks in near-monotone.

Goal or Directive: Pulvereus, upon being released, was to cause the same issues it did upon being corrupted. It wishes to bring Equestria to a bleak, deserted wasteland with its abilities.

Why is It There/Why is It An Antagonist?: Pulvereus was created by ancient unicorns, and infused with the power of the elder. Back then, unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies all came from different regions. Isolated areas could often not be the focus of farming and trade, and ponies starved. As a result, Pulvereus was created to help them. However, a wicked-hearted pony managed to corrupt the device, and it wreaked havoc. After a long battle to find and restrain it, it was locked deep in the crystal caves below what would be Canterlot.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Pulvereus considers the protagonist (Whom is undecided) to be a nuisance and attempts to eradicate them over the course of its duty.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Pulvereus shows no worry about more powerful, divine forces. It brushes them aside, and only fights when there is strong resistance.

Strengths Over Protagonist: Pulvereus has the ability to conjure dust storms of vast magnitudes and fire bolts of magic. Its shell is impossible to crack and can easily apprehend several.

Weaknesses: Its core "Eye" is vulnerable to practically anything, and a sensory overload can cause Pulvereus to shut itself down to prevent damage. Its sensitivity to light forces it to be in darkness, and shining bright light in its eye can frizzle its senses temporarily.

Perhaps it could use more work, but that's what I got.


These are always fun. :pinkiehappy:

Name: Snooty

Species: Earth Pony

Age/Date of Creation: 48 years of age

Appearance: Dull yellow stallion with an elegantly groomed medium-short length white mane. He wears a well-tailored black vest as well as a pair of small reading glasses on his snout.

Personality and Traits: Snooty lives a life of lies. He wears a mask of deception as a Fine Fashions dealer and a generally well-mannered good guy on the outside. when in reality, he is actually an extremely pompous, arrogant big-time criminal smuggler.

Goal or Directive: The protagonist unknowingly sets back his business by a rather sizable amount of profit and effort on Snooty's part. This has driven him to tracking her down for revenge. Further in the story he gains ulterior motives that coincide along with his goal of revenge.

How They Feel About the Protagonist: Annoyed. Sees the protagonist as an annoying flea that bit him and got away, and is seeking them just to squish them for daring to bite him.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Snooty is aware of Authoritarian of equestria, but through his age and experience doing what he has, he views them as ignorant and no threat to him anymore.

Strengths Over Protagonist: Skilled at deceiving and manipulating others, as well as big time criminal connections and resources at his fingertips.

Weaknesses: His Arrogance leads to assumptions, as well as refusing to get his hands dirty and do lesser deeds himself.

He was a very fun character to build. :twilightsmile:


Funny you should mention this. I plan to try this with my next antagonist.

With my current antagonist, I have developed him so that the readers absolutely despise him. Which is actually not that hard to do. However, I tried my best for the antagonist to see himself as not evil or bad.

In one scene the antagonist examines the protagnist's body and comments about the "high quality" of it. the Protagonist then calls him a "Perverted scum!"

To which the antagonist replies. "Perverted scum? I am but a simple business stallion, inspecting the quality of potential goods; that is all."

I honestly had more fun building my antagonist than my protagonist. :scootangel:

Group Admin

Name: Aetherius, Elemental Lord of Air

Species: Elemental, specifically an air elemental.

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown. Aetherius claims to have been a witness to the birth of the first stars, and is possibly a creature from an older, destroyed universe.

Appearance: Aetherius appears in the physical realm as a series of tornadic systems that form the rough shape of a biped. His shape is variant, being that he embodies Air itself. He can shrink down to less than a breeze, and possess people by entering through their lungs and into their bloodstream. His non-physical form cannot be described, but it is capable of traversing the universe.

Personality and Traits: Aetherius is a survivor. He has survived countless millenia by offering his services and the services of those under him as elemental mercenaries. Aetherius is a loud-mouthed, pompous, narcissistic, flamboyant, manipulative braggart, a talented liar, a noted thief of magical artifacts, and the elemental equivalent of a womanizer.

Goal or Directive: To claim Equestria in the name of the elementals. He is a lord who desires godhood, and a kingdom of his own to rule. He wants all lifeforms to either be exterminated or to bow before him as he believes they should. In his mind, since elementals are the "children of the universe", they are the rightful rulers of the universe.

How They Feel About the Protagonist: Aetherius finds ponies to be laughable, but he is terrified of humans and their technological capabilities.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Figures: Aetherius respects no one. He thinks himself either as an equal or a superior being to literally everything in the universe. And those that he believes himself equal to are few. He once challenged a god to a duel, right after gravely insulting that god's sister and making several rather lewd propositions.

Strengths Over Protagonist: His magical power, ability to possess almost any being that he finds, combined with his penchant for surviving situations that most would perish under. He is an Elemental Overlord, commander of a legion of earth, water, air, fire, and metal elementals who will follow his orders. Aetherius and his nearly endless army have invaded hundreds of worlds, seeking one worthy of being claimed under his rule.

Weaknesses: His ability to lead and command is questionable. His inadequacy at commanding has allowed several schisms to occur and many factions to arise among his ranks of elementals. He is sometimes considered a fool by his lieutenant, an even older and wiser earth elemental named Patrem, who constantly threatens to take command of the elemental army. Aetherius's problems with authority often lead to him breaking the contracts that he wrote as a mercenary, and subsequently being chased across the stars by those who hired him in the first place. Since he is an air elemental, he is considered a being of Chaos, and is thus harmed by artifacts and magics of Harmony, like the Elements of Harmony or the Crystal Heart.

Name: Teardrop

Species: Earth Pony

Age: Little older than the Mane 6, around Big Mac's age

Appearance: Black body with blood red eyes, mane and tail. Probably going to change this though. Cutie Mark is three tears.

Personality and Traits: Teardrop's cutie mark is tears and his special talent is causing pain and suffering. He's essentially born to be evil. Think about it-- a pony's personality and life is defined by their cutie mark/ special talent. Pinkie Pie's special talent is causing joy/ laughter and her personality reflects that. Same with Rainbow Dash, Twilight and every other pony. Teardrop's destiny is evil, and his personality reflects that. He enjoys causing pain and suffering, and earned his cutie mark when he realized that he enjoyed it. He knows it's wrong, but it's just who he is and who he was destined to be. It's not like he had a choice in what his special talent would be. Secretly, he wishes that his special talent was something else, but he knows it's something beyond his control.
Being an Earth Pony, Teardrop relies on his brain to win since he can't fly or use magic. He's clever, resourseful and a brilliant planner (similar to Batman). He will find his enemy's weaknesses and exploit them. He can also find the evil in anypony, and knows just how to crush their dreams with his words (similar to what Discord did in the maze, except Teardrop for example would convince Pinkie that her friends always laugh at her behind her back and the effects would be permanent a.k.a. Pinkie wouldn't trust them ever again). In his mind it's actually an advantage being an Earth Pony, since he's underestimated and doesn't rely on wings or magic, which he considers crutches.

Goal or Directive: Teadrop believes that it's his destiny to bring about pain and suffering upon the world. He sees it as a mission bestowed upon him, and he will do anything to complete it.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Teardrop considers other villains (NMM, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra) to be amateurs and failures. He respects the heroes though, and even though they oppose him, he understands that they are just doing their duty as he is doing his. He still considers them enemies however, and shows no mercy.

* Am still brainstorming his weaknesses.
*No protaganist since he's still a villain without a story.

Cool, I'll give it a try. :pinkiehappy:

Name: Averxeus (Comes out suddenly for absolutely no reason.) :pinkiecrazy:
Pronounced Ar-Verx-Zeus

Gender: Primarily Male. (He can change it by using his Magic.)

Species: Alicorn.

Age: Physically 18, Spiritually 257.

Appearance: Light blue coated body (Trixie's color), Piercing and challenging eyes, Often seen smiling lightly, Eyes are Dark Purple colored, Wild styled Brown Shonen mane like Cloud Strife's. He currently has no Cutie Mark.

Personality and Traits: ENTJ for the personality. Chaotic Neutral alignment.

Having the Alpha Male traits, Averxeus loves to challenge and win over others, yet he still can accept the lost in a battle. Contrasting with the traditional villains, he is more kind hearted, free spirited, no-nonsense and barely has anything against the protagonists. However, morality doesn't matter to him. When he want to get what he wants, he does not hesitate to use dirty tactics such as white lies, brainwashing, or HAX, only if he think it was honorable or necessary. Calm, cool, yet friendly, he is rarely seen angered and is often having fun around his gang. He doesn't have a Friend-Enemy view. This is why he often has a good time with Dylenne, the main protagonist, even to the point that they called each other buddies, at a time both of them are attending a music concert. He and Dylenne are described to be, "Pals and True Friends" by Princess Celestia. However, both of them hate the idea.

Goal or Directive: He thinks all the authorities are trash, he wants to disband them and forms his own to take over the world. He wishes all people could see in his ways.

How He Feels About the Protagonist: When he first see Dylenne, he had a disgusted feeling of her. When Dylenne first had a conversation with him, he describes that Dylenne's motives are trash and meaningless. He also quickly judge Dylenne as a loser before even knowing her better.

However, one time after Dylenne win a battle against one of his friends, he quickly takes interest in her for her abilities. One time after challenging her with the result of a draw, he had a change of mind and apologize to Dylenne for his rude opinions before.

When he and Dylenne both discovered that they have similar tastes of music, they become friends instantly. However, conflicts are still formed sometimes between their perspectives, values and opinions. For now, he takes Dylenne as his frenemy. (Because he couldn't find a better term.)

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: If they has nothing against him, he wouldn't even lift a finger on it. If he wants to overwhelm them, he tells his friends or minions to examine them secretly before executing a full scale assault or a winning debate against them.

Strengths Over Protagonist:
- Even though both he and Dylenne are superior strategists, Averxeus thinks quicker, executes plans faster and is more efficient than the main character.
- As an alicorn, he can both fly and use magic. Dylenne is an Earth Pony.
- An expert on Psychology.
- A supernatural leveled Magic user. Knows more magic than Twilight or Princess Celestia. He can also cast magic using his hooves than horns.
- Has a better company than Dylenne.

- While the main character loves cheese, he absolutely HATES cheese. For some reason, when he sees cheese, he will easily get distracted and start rampaging on getting rid of that slimy and yellowish pseudo-molten. When he accidentally eats cheese, he instantly faints for about half an hour, but he has a magical detector which detects the presence of cheese components in his meal.
- He and Dylenne both have high wisdom, but Dylenne is usually wiser than him.
- He gets cocky very easily. Leading him vulnerable to traps.
- Very arrogant. He values successes very highly. This leads to his downpour of missing some important factor in life.
- Even though as a supernatural leveled magic user, his elemental magic was limit only to his elements. (Dark lightning) This makes his elemental combat tactics very predictable.
- He does not trust others easily. This leads him not to cooperate with other strangers.

Name: [undecided]

Outline of Concept: It is a negative energy that can drive anypony it interacts with to insanity.

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown. Presumably existed from the beginning of the universe.

Appearance (Physical Only): Manifests only in dreams. Can appear as absolutely anything. Usually appears as the victim's worst fears.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists):

Goal or Directive: Feeding on the insanity of it's victims.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only):

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities:

Strengths Over Protagonist: Infinitely versatile. Interaction causes insanity.

Weaknesses: [undecided]

Heck, why not. I'll try this.

Name: Names vary, but it is commonly referred to as T̸he T͢a͜i̛ńt́

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): A dark energy that only truly manifests itself with a host.

Age/Date of Creation: Seemingly from the beginning of time, possibly earlier

Appearance (Physical Only): Without a host, as if ink or darkness had come alive. A ţ͢a̷i̡͘nt̢e̷d host will have certain physical aspects enhanced, especially vision (eyes become pale and slitted) and height for some reason. Teeth often become sharper. There is no change in cutie mark.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): By itself, none. With a host, it ranges from chaotic neutral to neutral evil.

Goal or Directive: This changes depending on the host. In its own words, it turns you into the monster you would never let yourself become, and lets you run free.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Also dependent on the host chosen, but as a general rule, considers all others weak and easy to manipulate for their own benefit.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Also dependent on the host. As a general rule, though, self-preservation is priority number one; and a t҉àí̕͝n̵t҉͢e̡d̵̨ host will obey the law and show respect for authority for the sole purpose of not being arrested.

Strengths Over Protagonist: Everypony has a dark side. The t͡͏ąin̶̡t̕ lets it out. Such a host has no regard for anything but their own fulfillment and pleasure, and this lack of moral compass means they are willing to cross the lines that the protagonist will be hesitant to cross.

Weaknesses: Without a host, the ţ͜a̛i̡n̶̢t́ can be captured and held in a magically reinforced jar, rendering it helpless. With a host, pride; more specifically, hubris. The t͡͏ąin̶̡t̕ed host will likely believe herself invincible (in direct violation of rule 24). The t͡͏ąin̶̡t̕ also wants power, and is not above abandoning one host for another.

XiF #9 · May 16th, 2013 · · 2 ·

Name: princess celestia
Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist):
Age/Date of Creation:
1002 years old
Appearance (Physical Only):
or pink
so confused
Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists):
Goal or Directive:
keep peace in equestria
How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only):
doesn't kno protagonist? idunno
Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities:
Strengths Over Protagonist:
is probably a god i think the protagonist is a terrorist or something i forget
apple jucie


Go home, XiF, you are drunk.


993976 But what if Celestia was an evil tyrant and the only pone who could fix Equestira was Don Quipony? :fluttershysad:

Your antagonist sounds like it, from the movie It according to my brother. I think the concept closely follows that of the Nightmare (fanon idea that there was an outside entity which caused Luna to become Nightmare Moon.) I do have some suggestions to flesh out the idea.

Only appearing in dreams and feeding off of the "insanity" of it's victims, presents a logical fallacy if you want to state that it existed at the beginning of the universe. Depending on how you view your worlds creation, there might not be anything for it to do until intelligent life comes about. I would avoid having to delve deeply into history and back-story by making its inception a more recent thing.

The "negative energy" that makes up this entity should have a physical aspect. A wisp of animate smoke or the quintessential radiation from an object (perhaps even a magical virus or the like). Doing this gives the concept a focus, and prevents the story from becoming a total mind game.

You should really decide once and for all if this entity has sentience or not (are it's movements instinctual? Or is it simply a mindless zone of insanity?)

Usually appears as the victim's worst fears.

This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with insanity, and I suggest you choose one or the other. If you choose to have it show your worst fears, it should probably feed on something other than insanity, like fear.

May as well ask for some input on my current villain.

Name: Krastos, the glue maker

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Bear.

Age/Date of Creation: He is fairly old for a bear. About 40 in bear years.

Appearance (Physical Only): a large bear, about three meters tall. He lost his right arm during long ago and it was replaced with a magical, steampunk-like prostethic that transforms into a chainsaw, a launching claw and a demolition ball.
He also has a scar over his left eye, which he lost too.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): He is headstrong and single-minded but extremely cunning and manipulative. Always cold in his approach to business, he only treats with respect those who he deem on his level or those who can earn him money. He is also over-confident on his experience as a hunter and dealer.

Goal or Directive: He just wants to do his work and make the most money that's possible. That is, catching strange creatures for wealthy, powerful beings, ponies being his specialty. His client's preference for ponies made him earn him the 'title' of glue maker.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): To Krastos, most ponies are useless for anything else than getting him paid or pets, even keeping a trophy pony for himself from all of his jobs and changing it after a new one comes, but Snowcatcher(main character) is different. According to him, she is smart and doesn't care for others as much as him, preferring work and money over friends. Because of this, he sees her as a potential partner for business rather than a pet.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: He never fights something he deems more powerful, either politically or physically, than him. He also keeps himself out of authority's sight, working on the underground and keeping his abductions on a moderated level that make them sound like isolated cases without relation between them.

Strengths Over Protagonist: He is a bear. I wish I was kidding here, but him being a three meter tall bear with a mechanical arm is a great advantage. That and a large pack of sparklewolves he uses for guarding, pulling his sled and pre-tracking; they know the forest and are extremely fast on it.
He also has a penchant for emotional blackmailing which catches the protagonist off guard.

Weaknesses: He is too confident on his views and information, result from working alone all the time with only stupid lackeys on his side. Too reckless on fights, often understimating his enemies from encasing them on templates for their species on how do they fight. Ponies don't fight, for example, so he goes all out on them.

Why don't you like me Beauzoe?:applecry: I asked you things and I'm still waiting for response.
Why, Beauzoe? Why?:raritydespair:

997956 Curious as to how a bear in the MLP universe got a magical, mechanical arm that can transform into three different things. What's the source of its power, and who made / conjured it?

>T̸he T͢a͜i̛ńt́
Oh god, my sides

It's bear powered. His arm runs on the power of being attached to a bear.:rainbowlaugh:

Seriously, though, I didn't think of it like anytime I use bears or chimps on anything I write.
The only thing I can possibly tell you is that out of Equestria, technology is more heavily used than magic and one of his benefactors gave it to him or he bought it when he needed it to slay dragons on his way to become the embodiement of european extreme metal.

1033167 Well it's a very good idea to develop some sort of "backstory" for that arm, because not only will it make the fact that a mere bear has a cyborg arm believable, but it may also open up new doors in terms of future arcs, characters, settings, ideas and plots. Perhaps some crazy scientist made it and wanted to test it on a live specimen, or something like that. Maybe Krastos just woke up with it on there one day, with no real idea where it came from, and he just pretends to have made it himself (something a really over-confident, almost arrogant creature would do).

I've done the same thing, where I've designed a character first in a way I want them to be / look, then I work on how they got to where they are now, which also brings up lots of other things that I end up going with. I'd say at least a third of my current big story has been developed this way.

Also, lol.

He does have a story of slaying and catching all kind of creatures for anyone who pays him(including dragons, manticores, sea monsters, etc.); he lost his arm when fighting a dragon and then replaced it, but I really didn't thought where he got it.

At first I thought that the chimp witch he was working for could gave it to him but she is crazy and doesn't use technology of that kind, just kinda voodoo magic.
Now, I've included chimps on the side on that story and their technology is just insanely advanced, so then it could be speculated that he got it from them or from something else which reverse-engineer it and made a bootleg prostethic.


New writer here.

Anyway, let's cut to the chase: These three are the main baddies of my New World of Darkness Crossover, The Clockwork Heaven:

Name: The Overseers of the Golden Beach (Barachiel, Harahel, and Jophiel)

Species: Angels of the God-Machine. Mystical, self-aware robots, essentially.

Age/Date of Creation: This would be a spoiler, but trust me, they could have been built yesterday and it wouldn't matter. Programming is complex enough to actually have personalities of their own already, they don't need actual experience to be effective.

Appearance (Physical Only): Varies between the three; Barachiel is a swarm of strange metal parts that can arrange themselves into any shape he desires, Harahel is a giant azure amoeba of nanotech with the ability to extrude a carapace (he's already been described IC), and Jophiel looks like a cross between a cybernetic butterfly and a mannequin of a pegasus.

Personality and Traits: Flat, and deliberately so. The God-Machine gave them simple personalities so they could focus on their missions, so all that's really notable is their attitude; Barachiel is laconic and diplomatic, Harahel is curious and scientific, and Jophiel is zealous and dismissive of ponies (even referring to them as "it" in place of proper pronouns). They all regard each other as siblings.

Goal or Directive: Oversee the running of the theme park and resort known as the Golden Beach and see the Machine's ultimate plan for the park to its conclusion. To that end, Barachiel oversees park security and manages the rivalry between his siblings, Harahel researches new advancements to the park and drafts upgrades to their operation, and Jophiel puts plans into practice and eliminates threats to the park. Indeed, the plot is kicked off when Jophiel kidnaps Pinkie so Harahel can figure out how Pinkie Sense works.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Casual disregard for most of the Mane 6, until they start to really annoy the Overseers. They're also curious about Twilight for some reason.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Is it the G-M? No? Then it's a potential threat to be warded off or destroyed.

Strengths Over Protagonist: Besides the sheer power of angels (Jophiel is pyrokinetic and plans two steps ahead constantly, Harahel is superhumanly intelligent and amorphous, and Barachiel is nearly impossible to hurt since he just separates into smaller pieces), all three control the Park utterly, and possess the ability to send opposition into a pocket dimension filled with clockworked (cyborg) minions. They also have a Dalga, a sapient cybernetics factory that can turn captured organic lifeforms into loyal minions with surveillance equipment and disguised weapons. They've also replaced Fluttershy with a spy. And this isn't getting into the fact that, as ephemeral entities, just killing them isn't enough; the mystical matter that makes up their bodies simply disperses and then reforms over a period of days in a safe place.

Weaknesses: Arrogance and dogmatic thinking. They honestly don't think anyone mortal can stop them, so despite having every advantage they decide to have fun with the Mane 6 (more specifically Twilight) first. They also haven't considered there might be other threats, which is going to bite them in the flank. Also, they depend on a magical network called Infrastructure to avoid Essence Bleed (leaking their own power source out and starving to death)-they can't leave the park, only send clockworked out in their stead.

Name: Jason/Grey Area
Species: Pegasus
Age/Date of Creation: Sometime in the late 80's
Appearance (Physical Only): Undecided. Dark colors are prominent, and hairstyle is more on the formal side.
Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): A "humanity is evil and war is horrible" HiE taken Up To Eleven, to the point of both parody, and EEEVIIIIL-ness.
Goal or Directive: To escape Earth for the percieved "utopia" that is Equestria. By the time he would be introduced, he would technically have achieved this goal already, and the aftermath is what he's trying to overcome.
How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): A nuisance and an optimistic idiot. (Assuming the protagonist is non-evil and doesn't hate humanity as a whole.)
Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: He's neutral for the most part. He only shows Celestia and Luna slight respect because he knows they're good leaders.
Strengths Over Protagonist: Has a level-head, and is a pegasus, assuming I don't change my protagonist to a pegasus in the many months to most likely come before I create anything resembling a story.


Name: Nacht Dunkel

Species: Unicorn (formerly) Alicorn (now)

Age/date of creation: approx 500 years before Celestia's rule

Appearance: Dark grey with a black mane and I Black lightning bolt for a cutie mark

Personality: Evil, selfish, disloyal, dishonest, heartless.

Goal: Power in all former, Knowledge or land. (As alicorn) Also wishes to destroy the elements of harmony.

How he fells about the protagonists: Lord Raven the 7th- a problem to be dealt with before it becomes larger
Princess twilight: is this REALLY the element of magic!? Ha I thought more of you! This is going to be easier then I thought!

About other powers- things getting in his way

Strengths: Created Changlings and has command over them. Created the elements of Darkness. Can shapeshift can posses ponies. Extremely powerful magic user.

Weaknesses: Unexpected occurrences and the Elements of Harmony

Name: Fear

Species: Alicorn

Age/Date Of Creation: Since the first creation of Equestria...

Appearance: Pitch Black with a bloodied red mane and tail...pure white eyes and green toxic hoofs and a scythe as a Cutie Mark

Personality: Dark-Hearted,Cruel,Selfish,Disloyal,Liar,EEEEVVVVILLLLL

Goal: To make all of Equestria die in a black hole of fear and hatred

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Had a interest in the Elements of Harmony bearers knowing they fear their opposites...

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: knows their power but is more of a higher power level than Celestia....

Strengths Over Protagonist: Wiser than Celestia herself this Alicorn will do anything to get what he wants...he has super strength and magic abilities he can make a fear hole which sucks up the victims and feasts upon their flesh of fear..he shows no mercy....yet FlutterShy seems to always get away from him..

Weakness: FlutterShy's and Discord teamwork


Name: Princess Celestia, Lady of the First Light, Warden of Sol, The Lightbringer, Morningstar.

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Alicorn

Age/Date of Creation: Around four thousand. She stopped counting a while ago.

Appearance (Physical Only): Looks like Princess Celestia. Tall, elegant, white furred, shifting rainbow mane, sunburst cutie mark.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Calm and thoughtful, Celestia never makes a decision without thinking it through. Her years experience help her in making decisions quickly and effectively. She tends towards utilitarianism, working for harmony for the largest number of ponies possible. She does posses a fierce temper, but is well practiced in keeping it in check. Conciously works at not being set on too high a pedastal by her little ponies. Generally projects a mask of serenity and goodwill.

Goal or Directive: Harmony for all Equestria. Barring that, harmony for the largest number of ponies possible.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): She considers the protagonist as a useful nuisance. She does her best to keep him under control, but he occasionaly slips out. Lately, she's trying a new tactic, and it seems to be working.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Surprise.

Strengths Over Protagonist: A country of nigh fanatical subjects, enough magical strength to do some pretty terrible things, enough physical strength to not have to resort to magic, thousands of years of experience and memories to draw and, and enough intelligence to easily outwit him.

Weaknesses: Her Neutral Good mindset prevents her from doing anything without justification. This, combined with her unwillingness to let her subjects see her do anything un-harmonious, and the effect his vanishing would have on those dear to her, means she has limited space to manouever in while dealing with the protagonist.

I gots 2. Ho ho, this'll be fun... :derpytongue2:

Name: Piercing Blow.
Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Regular unicorn.
Age/Date of Creation: Around 20
Appearance (Physical Only): Dark grey coat, literally full of holes, slicked back red mane
Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Technically insane, but rarely acts it. Also quite friendly (Always greats with a friendly, "Hello!")
Catchphrase: "Surprise!"
Goal or Directive: Total freedom for all, no matter what the cost, and have fun doing so. :pinkiecrazy:
How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): To quote GLaDOS, "I thought you were my greatest enemy, when all along, you were my best friend."
Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Surprisingly respecting but laughs at any threats.
Strengths Over Protagonist: One step ahead, also has following of about 2,000 changelings.
Weaknesses: Not much physical strength, usually relies on his own wits rather than brute strength. Also occasionally acts like a moron.
Location: Mobile

Name: Dead Ringer
Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Pegasus
Age/Date of Creation: Late 40s
Appearance (Physical Only): White coat, no mane (Bald) but thick brown beard, also wears small glasses and a dark blue tux.
Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Calm but threatening, also 'rules' with an iron fist.
Catchphrase: "I see you..."
Goal or Directive: Simply, get as much power as possible, by any means necessary. :trixieshiftright:
How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Stars off not knowing that the protagonist exists, but slowly realizes that he is becoming more and more of a threat.
Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Attempts to 'erase' them.
Strengths Over Protagonist: Power, followers, more intelligent.
Weaknesses: A bit arrogant.
Location: Canterlot Castle (He took over)

Based off of New Vegas' Mr House?

Antagonist: Ardat Lili

Species: Vargary( large demon with lower half of a spider)

Age: Unknown, thought to be a few hundred years old.

Appearance: upper half of body is vaguely humanoid, at the end of torso is the body of a large spider.

Personality and Traits: Is driven by the need to conquer but is rarely direct about it, uses expendable pawns or her adversaries to achieve her aims.

How they feel about more powerful entities: To be manipulated or allied with to suit her needs, unless they are enemies in which case uses surprise or manipulation to best them.

Goal: to Conquer Equestria and the surrounding countries and kill Gorrog.

How they feel about protagonist: views him as a dangerous up jumped pawn, who usurped her rightful place.

Strengths: is adept at telekinesis and is a fairly decent fighter, very manipulative and cunning.

Weaknesses: lacks the same brute force as protagonist and views her soldiers as expendable pawns, lacks ability to open any new Hell Gates, and is thus limited to only one source of reinforcements.

Location: Hell and Equestria

1032553 Aside from the excessive use of characters, I'm not sure I see anything funnny about that. :trixieshiftright:

Name: Arthuria

age: 150 (ageless due to exposure of extra-dimensional energies)

species: human

appearance: Caucasian female with shoulder length blond hair. She wears a suit of steel gray armor with swirling streaks of dark grey (think Joan of ark wearing Damascus steel armor... and blond) and carries a longsword of the same metal with a shield bearing a raven crest.

Personality and traits: Arthuria has a very strong sense of right and wrong, and is unable not only to sit still while there is what she perceives as injustice, but is literally unable to comprehend not stopping it. She has no problems putting herself in harms way to protect those she deems to be good people.

How they feel about more powerful entities: If she thinks that they are doing good, then she has no problem helping, or even following them. But if they are doing 'evil' then she does whatever it takes to bring them down.

Goal: to save the ponies from Celestia

How they feel about the protagonist: She admires the protagonists willingness to fight for what they believe in, and believes they have been tricked into helping the 'bad guys' by Celestia

Strengths: is an exceptional tactician, as well as fighter, and not only inspires but converts soldiers to her side through her inspiring presence and honest caring personality.

Weaknesses: Arthuria, while a battlefield prodigy, has no head for the more political side of things and often misses many social ques that could have helped her avoid disaster. She also has a tendency to hold to her beliefs so strongly that it is almost impossible to change her mind, meaning that if she's tricked into the wrong side of a situation, she will blindly continue on until some sense can be literally beaten into her.

The main antagonist of my story. I tried not to make him overpowered but he had to have some danger for him to be considered a true villain. Considering he has to take on near the entire cast of good ponies, he has to be powered enough to do so, but I wrote it as he gained power from over time. Either way, here is his statistics.

Name: Tyranny, The Spirit of Order

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Spirit. Concept: The spirit who embodies absolute control and dominance.

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown.

Appearance (Physical Only): Has taken the form of a tall, dark Earth Pony. Dark velvet coat, and lighter purple mane with a gold streak through it. Wears a gold chest plate with an amethyst gemstone set in its center, as well as gold bracers. Has a crown of golden interwoven snakes and wields a gold scepter of a manticore's face with a large amethyst gemstone set in it's mouth. Height in between Luna and Celestia.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Cold, dark, calculating, manipulating, charismatic, rarely, if ever, loses control of his emotions.

Goal or Directive: Bring about order to Equestria, through domination.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Indifferent, seen as mere obstacles to his plans. Has a special hatred to the royal sisters.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: In his eyes, there are none above him.

Strengths Over Protagonist: He is not hindered by concepts of morality. The world is a world of black and white, no shades of gray.

Weaknesses: Chaos, defiance, illogic actions.

Thoughts, comments, concerns, criticisms welcome.

2531827 Hmm... I made that comment a long time ago, so I dun remember so well what made me laugh. Judging from my reply I suppose it was the use of "The Taint", which is slang for the area between a male's scrotum and his anus.

2674366 Hah... that'd be a pretty bad villain.

So, Imma make a Murdah Mistareh (Murder Mystery) story. With dead ponies. Oh noooooooooes.

Name: I, uh, haven't got one yet. :applejackunsure:

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Not sure yet.

Age/Date of Creation: About 28 (If he were a human) (Which he's not) (I think) (Maybe)

Appearance (Physical Only): Based on the Origami Killer from Heavy Rain (In terms of appearance) so Light Gray mane, pale yellow coat, and wears a beige trench coat.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Acts like a legitimate detective, calm and collected. Also kind of rough.

Goal or Directive: Vengeance. He only kills certain ponies because they have done some form of damage to his family.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Uses the protagonist like a puppet to take the fall for about half of his crimes.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Acts like a legit detective, so... Respecting?

Strengths Over Protagonist: Pretty dang smart. Also, able to cover his tracks almost perfectly

Weaknesses: A bit cocky with his crimes, leaving a calling card when he kills his victims.

That seems about it. Any questions? :yay:

I'll try this out, I'll use my story I'm working on at the moment.
Name: The Pony of Shadows (original, I know).
Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): A Pony, but a god at the same time.
Age/Date of Creation: The beginning :pinkiegasp:
Appearance (Physical Only): He is a white coated pony wearing a tux and a top hat. His cutie mark is a scythe with blood on it. His teeth are abnormally large. His eyes are entirely black, save for a small red dot in the center which is his pupil.
Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists):he is the mlp equivalent of Satan
Goal or Directive: to destroy Eclipsis Solaris (the protagonist of my story), because there is a prophecy, saying Eclipse will destroy the darkness, (the antagonists main power source)
How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): pure hatred. If hatred was fire, he could fuel hell until the end of all time :pinkiecrazy:
Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: : Lord Darkflare... don't ask.
Strengths Over Protagonist: He is a god. The protagonist is a pony. I rest my case.
Weaknesses:.... Too spoilery to include here :derpytongue2:

Ooh, what's this? Looks like fun >:D

Name: Havoc

Species: Dragon

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown...only she seems like a very old dragon, despite her young appearance.

Appearance: Havoc is small in size for her species, about a head taller than most teenage dragons. She has midnight purple scales, white spikes (going from her head to the tip of her tail), medium sized wings, and ice blue eyes.

Personality and Traits: Havoc is a very, very persuasive dragon, who has a reputation for proposing enticing deals with mortals…which they later come to regret. She has an irresistible charm and a sense of fun, but she can become very angry, very quickly. Those who wrong Havoc don't usually live to make it up to her.

Goal or Directive: Havoc's goal isn't something ambitious or over-the-top. It is simply to collect as many souls as she can. Souls are pure energy and power, and with enough of them, she could do nearly anything.

How They Feel About the Protagonist: She thinks all mortals are idiotic, docile sheep for her to heard and slaughter.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: Havoc has a deep respect for those superior to herself.

Strengths Over Protagonist: She is much more powerful than the protagonist, and even more so with the power the souls give her. She could shatter a pony's skeleton with a snap of her claws if she so desired. Her armor of scales also gives her incredible defense.

Weaknesses: Havoc has limited vision and hearing, and there are weak spots in her scales on the back of her neck, underneath her right wing, and right below her chest. If she is stabbed or shot in any of these weak spots, it will severely damage or kill her. Her impaired hearing and sight make it relatively easy to sneak up on her from behind.

Here one I have had for while.

Name: Redsting Blacklist (often called The Spirit of Corruption)

Species: Giant Centipede

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown...... Stated many times that he been around since Creation of the Universe itself. However it unknown whether he is tell the truth or not. For all intended purposes he is immortal.

Appearance (Physical Only): Half his body is Red, the other half is Black.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Manipulative, Psychotic, and has a serious God Complex.

Goal or Directive: To Corrupt all belief systems. And to be Worshiped as a God.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Nothing, as long as they don't get in his way. If they do get in his way than they will have one hell of fight on their hand. The is the guy who train both Blood Diamond, and Princess Luna, in sword combat.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: There is not to many that are more powerful than him. But he will respect those ones. unless they get his way.

Strengths Over Protagonist: His (literal) String of Corruption, can turn the best of friends into enemies, and spread hatred like a wildfire.

Weaknesses: He has only one, his massive pride. He will often underestimate the heroes, and will he let his guard down when he think is winning. However he cannot be killed, only seal away, to return another day.

Name: De Magia

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Book/Shadow

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown

Appearance (Physical Only): As a Magic Spell Book

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists): Very Manipulative

Goal or Directive: To win a ancient long feud

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only): Sees her power, and knows she can be useful

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities: He treats them with respect as to not get in his way.

Strengths Over Protagonist: Messes with her mind, changes what she knows.

Weaknesses: He has no real powers of his own.

No one knows where he came from, but he was locked away until Twilight learned about him. Now he chose her as his pet to win a ancient feud.

Would this be a good example?

Name: Jolly Rodger

Species(doesn't matter if it's artificial)/Outline of concept(If a conceptual antagonist): Unicorn(formally), Skeleton
(now). First pirate in Equestrian history.

Age/Date of creation: born on the same year that Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon, was fifty years old
when Celestia imprisoned him inside his own flag. So at this moment in time, He is 1050 years old.

Appearance(physical only): When he was an unicorn, an olive coat with a white mane. Wore a blue guard's uniform
with an equally blue Captain's hat. Teal eyes. When he is a skeleton, Wears a tattered brown jacket with moss and barnacles
sticking the jacket to his rib cage. a black captain's hat covers his now seaweed like mane(literally). Has flintlock pistols on his
sides and a cutlass known as "Torn". only has one eye(his left) which is red the other being an empty socket. Has the ability
to control water, often using it to create tendrils to attack and defend. also uses it to turn into water when ever he wills it.

Personality and Traits(For physical antagonists): Jolly is the very first pirate in Equestrian history and has created very
trick in the book of plundering. was once addicted to murder as it became his vice but now after so long, now wants to rip
everything that Celestia holds dear(revenge is best served cold after all). Honor bound to The Pirates Code, a code that he
invented. Has a very short temper, often taking it out on his crew of undead pirates while also being very intelligent, being
able to read people like books and using that to his advantage.

Goal/Directive: Before Celestia imprisoned him in his own flag, Jolly was once part of the Royal Guard during a period
of time when the tides rose to a very high altitude, mountain tops becoming Islands and housing the cities there. This was
when Nightmare Moon was banished, a time that he and every pirate calls "The Age of Gold". He had a daughter who was
terminally ill, when the princess reluctantly and regrettably denied his pleas for help, he became desperate and sacked a
merchant ship, finding it to his liking. Before he could use the gold he stole in secret, his daughter died, causing him to go
mad and continue to steal from more and more ships to try and move on, blaming Celestia for all of it. When he tried to
find a powerful artifact called "The Trident", to become powerful enough to kill Celestia, she used the elements of harmony
to trap him in his own flag before he could get it. Now he wants The Age of Gold to return as he did by using The Trident to
kill Princess luna, giving him the power to control the moon and therefore, the tides.

How they feel about the Protagonist(physical only): Respects The Mane Six and the crew of Pirates that are trying to
stop him, but feels as though the Pirates are confused. He thinks that since they have not experienced The Age of Gold like
he has, they want to keep the world like it is even though it could be much better from his view. He generally thinks of them
as worthy foes to his plan.

Response to more powerful/Authoritarian Entities: If the entity is on his side, he is more then happy to have them on
the team, though would study them for a weakness just in case they turned on him. If he is against him, he will be glad to
fight what he thinks would be a challenge.

Strengths Over Protagonist: Is immortal (he is a skeleton) so he could just wait until they die of old age. Uses water
based magic, think about it, a pirate that can control water. He could jump into the sea and transform into a Godzilla sized
Kraken made of water(once he has The Trident that is). Has an undead crew of ghostly Pirates at his command.

Weaknesses: Will ALWAYS accept a dual known as "The Captain's Dance", a dual between two Captains. Is over-
confident in his skill (even though he is a master swordsman). Has a bad temper and can be angered easily.

I hope this is good example, hopefully you can give me constructive criticism about this character.
Have a good one.

I don't want to do this, but thanks for creating this. Not many people would probably think of antagonists to put as a thread :twilightsmile:

Name: Odium
(Meaning: General or widespread hatred or disgust directed toward someone as a result of their actions; Comes from the Latin word with the same name.)

Species (Doesn't matter if it's inanimate)/Outline of Concept (If a conceptual antagonist): Anthropomorphic, mythological grey wolf;

One of the goals for Odium is making a character that the fans and critics want to see get redeemed. Another goal is to make him a consequence of the Mane Six's own reckless and/or immoral actions in the past that the fans and critics have hated throughout the series. This was used to show one of the fanfiction's main themes that action have consequences and that consequences are everything.

He was also used as a reflection and contrast to one of the series' main themes besides friendship: Forgiveness.

Age/Date of Creation: Unknown (possibly 20's)

Was born between Nightmare Moon's banishment and the Mane Six's births.

Appearance (Physical Only):
Odium is an slim, anthropomorphic, bipedal, grey wolf with a white underside and dark-gray tips on both his ears and long, spiky tail. He also has spiky hair on both the top and sides of his head and turquoise eyes with black, vertical slit pupils and white highlights, as well as pink skin on the inside of his ears. He has a medium-sized snout and black nose, as well as white, sharp, canine teeth and claws. He's also taller than the Mane Six, but shorter than Discord.

His clothing consists of a dark-brown, long-sleeved, vigilante jacket with a dark-gray, golden-buckled strap, and a dark-blue, white and black arrow cross symbol on each side and elbow. He also wears light-brown shorts held by a dark-gray, golden-buckled belt and has a turquoise feather on the front of each pant-leg. He also has a dark-blue stripe around the bottom end of his jacket, sleeves, and pant-legs. He also wears no socks or shoes.

He also carries a long, light-brown, magic-proof, wooden staff with three small, bent branches on the top end and white bandages wrapped around the middle of it, on his back.

Personality and Traits (For Physical Antagonists):
Unlike other villains in the series, who's goal are motivated by power, control, revenge, amusement, etc., Odium is driven by justice and a strict moral compass against the Mane Six for their previous misdeeds on others throughout the series. He personally thinks that he's the only one who can put them in their place and is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure they get the consequences they deserved.

However, he wasn't always this way. Originally, Odium was just a very young, well-educated, honorable and curious, yet very introverted and naive at times child.

Overtime, though, due to his family's flawed, yet morally understandable moral code and the fact of being born in a place full of injustice and hardship, Odium grew very hateful and bitter of injustice of any kind as well as towards those who violate said moral code, whether hero, villain, or otherwise.

Odium has become so single-minded, narrow, and limited in his own moral compass and view of justice and consequentialism to the point of being downright obsessive, arrogant, judgemental, and self-righteous at times. He is so determined and devoted to his own moral philosophy and wants others to follow it that he may even use aggression towards those who violate it.

He's also very educated, observant, intellectual, and perceptive. He somehow learned about the Mane Six, Starlight, and Discord's misdeeds, strengths, weaknesses, and pet peeves throughout the series and knows a lot about philosophy.

Despite his educated and single-mindedness, he can be very indecisive in if placed in a situation where his code doesn't apply. He can also be very gullible, curious and naive at times, as shown when he listened to the mysterious seer that tricked him into going after the Mane Six and the others before her death out of old age, which greatly traumatized him before he found out that he was tricked.

Despite his arrogant and self-righteous attitude, he can be very prudent and knows not to take too much undue risk on others out of pragmatism. He also doesn't want to hurt or kill anyone or anything that he's not going after as he thinks that that's going too far and that it would trigger his target's pet peeve(s). This is evident when he refused to hurt Spike or Twilight's books when they were in the way and either waited until they were out of the way or decided to go around them.

In spite of Odium's flaws, He does have his good qualities as well. He does genuinely care about and is compassionate towards those who are either close to him or aren't his target's. He's also capable of self-reflection and a lot of remorse for his own injustices and actions deep down, especially when realizing them. He can also be very self-conscious about his actions and doesn't like excuses from either himself or others for said actions. Despite his hatred towards his targets' for their injustices, he's willing to be more careful and considerate when it comes to the things that they personally care about and hold value to. He can also be very merciful towards others, including his target(s), when they show absolute fear or flinch in front of him. Despite his arrogance, he can be very selfless, honest, helpful and willing to put himself in danger and sacrifice himself, even postponing his journey for the sake of helping others in spite of his single-mindedness.

His main motivation for his actions is because he wants to make life better for others and doesn't like to see them suffer or let others who've caused their suffering get away with it. However, due to his single-minded, self-righteous, arrogant, and distrustful flaws towards his target(s), as well as his usual gullibility and naivete, he can sometimes forget his own injustices and, when he realizes them, becomes so distraught and full of self-loathing that he feels like he's unworthy of forgiveness from those he's hurt and must either work hard to truly earn it or be punished for his horrible actions.

After learning about how flawed and wrong his moral absolutism is, as well as the fact that he's been tricked, Odium slowly starts to have a moral dilemma and begins to personally doubt and question his moral views and his actions towards the Mane Six and others who he thought have violated his own code.

Unfortunately, after realizing that they were going to use the reform spell on him, his trust issues towards them began to take over and cause him to have a panic attack since he thinks that they're going to do something else horrible to him, like break him mentally, if he does something else they don't like. This causes him to relapse and try to kill them in a fit of pure rage and hatred, though he still keeps his pragmatism and honorable traits in tact.

Luckily, after realizing how far he's fallen, how monstrous he's been acting, and how he's ironically broke his moral code by trying to attack the Mane Six and others when their actions and intentions weren't nearly as bad as he thought, he tearfully hates himself for his actions and decides to be sent to Tartarus of his own volition as a self-imposed penance for said actions.

He's also mature enough to know that forgiveness and redemption doesn't come easy, at least for him, and that he needs to either work hard to earn it or be punished for violating it.

Goal or Directive:
His goal in the story is to make the Mane Six, Starlight, and Discord pay for their misdeeds and screw-ups that he saw throughout the series in the name of justice, integrity, and a strong, yet flawed, moral code.

Why is It There/Why is It An Antagonist?:
Many years before the series started, Odium was a young, well-educated, and analytical creature who was born into an honorable family. They taught him that whenever he sees injustice of any kind happening, he should tackle it head on in order to make sure that others don't suffer.

This made sense as he and his family lived in a very disreputable town on the other side of the planet, where injustice and hardships usually happens on a daily basis due to overpopulation, poverty, and competition for years. This made Odium's family, who are one of the only ones trying to do something about it, create and uphold to a moral code against injustice in order to make sure that life becomes better for others, whether inside or outside their damaged society.

Overtime, in Odium's life, he would follow this code for his family and others in order to make life better out of honor and integrity. He's done things like giving an orphan back some bread after it was stolen from him by hooligans before giving them some bread of his own, told off a cruel and abusive family for yelling and kicking out their child, etc. all in the name of honor and integrity. However, this caused him to be so obsessed, single-minded, and blinded by his family's philosophy to the point of downright hatred, confrontation, judgement, self-righteousness and bitterness towards injustice of any kind, as well as towards those who violate said moral code.

After Odium became old enough to survive on his own, he left his disreputable town and waved goodbye to his honorable family before heading through a barren forest that leads outside of the town. Suddenly, he hears a strange sound nearby, as if someone was calling his name. Out of curiosity, he decided to follow the sound until he spots a large, deep cave that housed a mysterious seer named Calypso.

After asking Calypso why she called him over to her, she said that she's been watching him for years and wanted to tell him about the future. She then showed him the Mane Six's future misdeeds and screw-ups throughout the series leading up to the penultimate episode of the series, along with Starlight and Discord's misdeeds as well. She also said that they didn't receive any punishments for their actions and still won't for a long time.

This angered Odium so much that he volunteered to be the one to put them in their place. However, Calypso said that they are too powerful to defeat without some training and a well-thought-out, long-term plan. Odium asked her if she could train and help him as well as show him their strengths, weaknesses, and pet peeves, so that he doesn't set them off during his journey against them. She accepted and they both began training, though what Odium didn't know was that Calypso had other motives besides just helping him.

After years of training, planning, and studying the Mane Six, Starlight, and Discord, Calypso finally said that Odium is ready and gave him one of her ancient weapons before dying of old age and turning to dust. This traumatized Odium greatly before he headed out on his journey against the Mane Six and the others.

During his journey, however, he began to see injustices everywhere he went and decided to stop it with no reward or recognition. Like helping an old lady against a pack of criminals, defeating a giant rock monster for a lost child, etc. Despite his good deeds, however, that still didn't stop his journey to go after the Mane Six, Starlight, and Discord for their misdeeds. In fact, it only strengthened his belief that what he's about to do to them is the right thing to do.

How They Feel About the Protagonist (Physical Only):
Odium harbors deep hatred and resentment to the protagonist(s) for their perceived crimes throughout the series and rarely getting any consequences for them, if at all. Despite this, he can be very merciful towards them when seeing them flinch and cower in fear, at least until his eventual relapse before his realization. He also treats those that they love with consideration so as to not trigger them out of pragmatism and high moral standards.

Response to More Powerful or Authoritarian Entities:
Despite his arrogant attitude at times, he can be very prudent, respectful, and perceptive, especially towards more authoritarian and powerful entities like the two royal sisters, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, etc. The only ones he doesn't show that kind of respect to, unless it's towards the things they love, are Princess Twilight Sparkle and Discord since they're part of his whole targets.

Strengths Over Protagonist:
Unlike other villains in the series, who use either magic or technology to achieve their goal(s), Odium has no special abilities or equipment, except for the anti-magic staff that was given to him by the mysterious seer before she died of old age right in front of him. Instead, he relies on his physical prowess and intellect to help him. Due to his years of training, planning, and studying with the old seer for about as long as the Mane Six's history together, he's able to fight at least on par with them and knows their strengths, weaknesses, and especially pet peeves.

  • Enhanced Durability: Odium has exceptional durability and resilience. He's able to take a throw to the tree and get back up with very little injuries. He can also survive a hit from a magic beam.
  • Enhanced Staff Proficiency: Due to his years of training from the seer, as well as having the magic-proof staff given to him, Odium is able to wield it with great proficiency and skill for close quarter combat.
  • Heightened Senses: Due to the nature of his family's species, he's able to use his senses, such as his hearing, smell, sight, etc., to track down others and find his way through different areas.
  • Intelligence and Perception: Due to learning a lot about certain subjects like philosophy and learning about the Mane Six's strengths, weaknesses, and pet peeves, Odium is able to anticipate his opponents' moves and how they think in order to defeat them, even though it can sometimes be limited and blocked due to a lack of focus or overthinking.
  • Martial Arts: Due to the amount of training he's received from the seer, Odium has the ability of hand-to-hand combat, allowing him to hold his own in a fight. Though he can be defeated very easily by extremely powerful magic users like Discord.
  • Enhanced Jump: By using his strong legs, Odium is able to jump several meters and distances from the ground. He's even able to launch himself even higher by using the magic-proof staff to catapult himself into the air.
  • Physical Strength: Despite his slim physique and lack of overall raw power, Odium is strong enough to lift things that are several times bigger and/or heavier than him. He can also deal a lot of damages to those caught in his wake.
  • Enhanced Speed: Odium is able to move faster than his average species, especially when he's running on all-fours. Though he's not as fast as Rainbow Dash, even on all-fours.
  • Enhanced Agility: Using his slim body, Odium is able to dodge and avoid most obstacles with ease. He can also do flips, land on top of his staff, and swing from things with very little effort. He can't, however, go through any obstacles that are too slim or too large for him to bypass through.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Odium is able to dodge most oncoming obstacles using his sharp reflexes and perception. He can dodge Rainbow Dash's speed by simply moving out of the way. He can't, however, predict teleportation and can even be caught off-guard by a sudden attack if it's fast enough.
  • Enhanced Stamina: Before his strength, Odium's stamina is the second least efficient, but is still greater than his average species and can be exerted for long periods of time before getting exhausted in the process.


  • Even though he has great durability, he's not invincible and can still be hurt, temporarily knocked out, or even killed with enough force, nor is he immortal and can still die from old age.
  • He can sometimes let his burning hatred and rage for any injustices get in the way of his focus and composure, causing him to act without thinking at times.
  • Even though he can hold his own in a fight, he can be easily trumped by magic users, especially without the magic-proof staff.
  • Despite being intelligent and tactical, he can't anticipate everything and can let his single-mindedness, overthinking, and arrogance cause him to be caught off-guard by a sudden miscalculation.
  • Due to his high sense of pragmatism, honor, and high moral standards, Odium can be very stubborn when it comes to his moral code and unwillingness to hurt or kill others and things who aren't his targets, even when he's in blind hatred and rage. This leaves him vulnerable to their attacks. He also has a strong sense of mercy, even towards said targets.
  • He has a few fears, such as fire, losing a loved one, and being a bad person.
  • Whenever he realizes his own injustices, he goes through a lot of self-loathing and remorse and is willing to be punished in any way by others for said injustices, even becoming in great shock, confusion, and upsets when forgiven. Even if the punishment is either staying in Tartarus for eternity or even death, he'll accept it for his actions.
  • Despite being well-educated, he doesn't know everything.
  • In spite of his many years of training, Odium can still be affected by the Plateau Effect. This can either cause his effectiveness to decrease overtime and/or cause him to reach the peak of his physical limits and never improve beyond that.
  • Despite Odium being able to hold his own in a fight and his usually arrogant yet prudent attitude, he does know when he's outmatched or outnumbered and knows when to retreat in order to fight another day.
  • The staff he wields may be magic-proof, but not fire-proof, at least against normal fires, though.
  • Odium is vulnerable to mind-control and having his mind broken if given enough stress to cause the latter, in spite of his intelligence. Due to watching others have their minds broken or quake in fear at the hooves of the Mane Six, he eventually thinks that they're going to do the same thing to him, causing him to have a panic attack and relapse back into hating and attacking them again.
  • Despite his intelligence, he can be very gullible and naive towards those who need his help, yet distrustful towards those he views as in the wrong.
  • Due to Odium having average strength and lacking in raw power, along with not having any magical or technological abilities, he's able to be taken down very easily by those with more power by comparison.
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