School for New Writers 5,019 members · 9,700 stories
Comments ( 24 )
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xDan #1 · Mar 7th, 2013 · · 3 ·

Here is where the professors post about themselves and why they should (or perhaps shouldn't) be your choice as a reviewer.

Professors that have been introduced:
Dan, the King of Zing (original professor, admin as of March 7 2013)
BeauZoe (original professor)
Mr. Ignorable (original professor)
TheBandBrony a huge queer (original professor)
Goldy the faggot (original professor)
XiF the faggot (original professor)
Jewbacca (original professor)
Goldenwing42 (recruit date: Jul 27)
CometTail (recruit date: I don't know (´・ω・`))
bookplayer (recruit date: September 18 2013)
PiquoPie (recruit date: January 23 2014)

As for my introduction... My name is Dan. I am a French-speaking US citizen who needs to be less lazy and also needs to learn more English. Also, I am bad at writing.

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone. I'm a BeauZoe in case you couldn't tell.

I've currently got to much time on my hands and have taken to editing for other author's here on Fimfiction, through The Proofreader Group. If you want to know more about that then visit my userpage for more information on what I do there, credential's, etc.

I have a problem finishing any stories I write. However, this is just pushing me to learn more about the craft. Now, armed with the knowledge I gained, I've become an Admin here at the School, hoping to spread my insights to those who need it. I try never to rant, and each of my lectures should also include techniques used to self-diagnose and treat your stories.

I think that's everything... :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:... have a good day/night my friends! :pinkiehappy:

Hello! I'm the anti-christ!

Biblical disasters aside, I am one of the worst people you will ever meet. Sure I'm a good review, and I tend to nit-pick on the base story aspects to help or hurt the author (it depends what mood I'm in).

As opposed to my friends here, I neither have the drive nor capacity to write the kind of shit that passes for featured these days. Don't get me wrong, if I want to, I could easily write something that could blow your mind out of your stomach, I just don't really want to.

Whining aside, if you're serious about your story, and have an iron stomach for criticism, then hit me up.

~Peace, asshats.

Group Contributor

Hi there, I'm Mr. Ignorable a huge queer. I aspire to write professionally, enjoy helping people, and listen to/compose old person music in my spare time. I think it's fantastic to see new authors taking the initiative to learn more about the great big field of literature, and will do what I can to help them in their endeavors.

Goldy #5 · Mar 7th, 2013 · · 1 ·

Hi there, I'm LeB&Bro-knee xD GoldyFag. I like to make people learn in the harshest way possible, so I might yell at you if you fucking suck at writing. I rarely ever read or write and play vidja or play on some instrument in my spare time.

Also, I hate you all. :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

XiF #6 · Mar 7th, 2013 · · 3 ·


766149 *gasp* How did you know my secret?!

Group Contributor
Bandy #8 · Mar 8th, 2013 · · 1 ·

767432 I know because...

Duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuh

I'm a huge queer too.

Let's go be queers together.

Comment posted by xDan deleted Mar 19th, 2013

TehAlphaGamer (will probably not be introduced like ever)

I never saw that there was a new Meet the Professors page. :raritydespair:

Anyways, let's get this over with.

My name is TehAlphaGamer! I've been on staff since early summer. My specialty in writing is with crossovers.

Kind of like Beau, I have an issue with never finishing the stories I start. You can check my blog posts and also see that there's a reason why I don't usually update chapters also explained in two of my blog posts. I'll willingly edit stories if they ask, but, like I said, my schedule is slightly hindered.

While I'm not a bad guy, I'm still very critical over errors in a story. Spelling errors and grammatical infractions are some of my largest pet peeves. You may see me deliver a short comment or review on a bad story, and go and see if the author really has the drive to write and write decently. I also tend to be a bit snide, so if you get a snooty comment from me; I apologize in advance.

Also, learning from experience, unless it's accurate and makes enough sense, I discourage you from doing a large amount of war fiction. Using such conflicts as I had back when I first started would have a sour result.

Either way, I'll be happy to work with you if you require my assistance!

Comment posted by SirFrancisBacon deleted Jul 27th, 2013
Comment posted by EnderPon deleted Sep 13th, 2013
Group Admin

Oh, oh hai! Look at me!

I'm Goldenwing42, though I prefer Goldenwing, through I prefer Golden.

Unlike these other lazy people, I actually keep my story up to date. I only have one, and I make sure to write 5000 words a week, every week. It's gonna be a doozy!

I like to think of myself as a skilled crafter of OCs. They're all I write, and I'm always pleased to see another author take a shot at an all-OC cast! If you need help with making a good character, or OCs in general, feel free to hit me up. As for reviews, I will not hold back, and will pick apart your story with sadistic ferocity.

I play guitar, piano, and harmonica, and laptop. And PS3.

Hello! Or Hi!

I'm CometTail. AKA real name Hannah. Obviously by my name I'm a girl. Don't get any thoughts....

I love writing surprisingly more than I like reading. Weird thing is that like some people here, I also have trouble finishing what I start. I'm not grammar nazi; nor am I good at helping your Oc's. When I try to help I like to help people make good Oc's and HIE stories. Or try not to make a Mary Sue. XD

I'm good at character development and pacing. My genres are Dark, adventure, tragedy, Human, and sad.

Need any help Pm. I will NOT have war stories proofread.

Have a good day. :):yay:

Hi! I’m bookplayer (obviously), an author and blogger around FiMfiction.

I’m not the person to come to for grammar or spelling, and I don’t do descriptive writing or beautiful prose. But I do have an ear for dialogue, a talent for characterization, and I love to learn and talk about theory of writing. I’m also a shipping author, and spend a lot of time thinking about the ins-and-outs of writing romance.

I don’t think there are a lot of rules for writing. There are writers, both here on the site and in the real world, who are talented and successful and write in tons of different ways. But as someone with some successful fics to my name, and an original novel being published, I’m happy to share things that have worked for me, things I’ve noticed working for other people, and concepts that you should at least be aware of and know what they mean so that you can discuss your own writing and the writing of others.

I was invited to be a professor here some time ago; so, I suppose I better get this part over with (about 3 months late).

I'm a huge grammar-nazi NATOstrike, and I hate nothing more than bad grammar and punctuation. Especially improper comma usage and tildes… seriously, tildes. I've seen them in story dialogue so many times and it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

I will rip a story apart for grammar and punctuation, but I'm not so good with the finer points of story telling (unless there's a glaringly obvious problem).

Happy writing! :rainbowkiss:

Piquo Pie
Group Contributor

Good day,

I, Piquo Pie, was recruited by PegasusKlondike after he, or she, found a post I made about the Psychology of Swearing in Writing. I posted it here as a guest speaker and was astounded with the response and support of the community as well as the in depth conversations it generated. I was granted professor status by url=]PegasusKlondike on 1/27 and I plan on releasing weekly content whether crafted by myself or commissioned by me for my writing channel, Literature Pie.

With a unused, but still loved, Bachelors in Psychology I decided to turn my understanding of the human mind toward writing and helping others to write better themselves. My first works were, and in some cases still are, quite terrible thanks to public education combined with Dyslexia and ADHD. But despite my shortcomings it's easy to see a dramatic improvement in the quality of my work, and in the quality of the works I have pre-read for, some of which have tens of thousands of views.

If you have a question, whether you just want some advice or need a recommendation for who to turn to I'm always willing to lend a hand. And if you want to see me in person and have a sit down conversation you can find me at Everfree Northwest as I am the head of the Writing Track there.

Hi there! Scribblestick the Chill and Notoriously Friendly here. How are you? :pinkiehappy:

I'm a journalist living in a part of the United States made famous by a certain Dorothy Gale. I've been in several review groups, including W.R.I.T.E. and Seattle's Angels. Though I've been away for some time dealing with real life, I'm happy to offer my two cents' worth when it comes to writing ponyfics.

If you're looking for advice on a specific story, I'm happy to help. I consider character development/consistency to be one of my strengths, as well as technical aspects of writing (grammar, punctuation, and the like). I also plan to post a few lectures here as well, and gladly invite your feedback, as I'm here to learn as much as teach.

That's it for now. Have fun! :twilightsmile:

Bluegrass Brooke
Group Contributor

Greetings. This is Bluegrass Brooke or Bluegrass if you prefer. As you can imagine, I'm a pegasister, so don't be surprised by my decidedly female opinion on fics. I'm an "old soul", meaning I do tend to view the world with an old fashioned lens and with an old fashioned attitude.

Anywho, I specialize in Slice of Life and Romance. Slice of Life is literally all I write, and I take great pride in the genre and never see it as a side tag. To me, a true Slice of Life story is one of the most challenging and rewarding pieces of literature to write.

My strengths include characterization, character development, romantic build up, and pacing. Though I've had an excellent education, a lot of what I've learned comes through simply writing and learning as I go. As an author, I go a lot more by "feel" than by following a specific formula or method. I'm not the best at grammar, but I can pick up most slip ups before they become major. I don't have trouble finishing my stories, and might be able to hep those who struggle with finishing theirs.

I hope to help all those authors aspiring to write true Slice of Life (ie not just tagged Slice of Life for the heck of it) and Romance fics. I don't write other genres, so I'm afraid I won't be much help in that department. What I do hope to help folks on, is how to write character piece stories as that's my specialty. How do you approach a story from the perspective of the characters? How do you develop a realistic romance? How do I develop the characters in a way that my readers will connect with them? What makes a believable, relatable OC? Those sort of questions and much more I hope to answer with time.

Though I tend to be wordy, I'm not the kind of person to bash stories, OC's, bad grammar, etc. I believe I'm rather easy to get along with, so, as long as you don't curse at me or chew me out, I'll be more than agreeable back. Don't be afraid to PM me with any questions you may have or comment on any of my future lectures. As far as individualized help goes, I'm a touch busy with my own work, but if you PM me, generally I'll do my best to help. I don't mind giving stories a once over as long as they aren't too long.

What else? Hmmm. I've had several years worth of animal biology classes in college, and specialize in livestock. That coupled with my extensive experience working with and riding horses, makes me your go to girl for horse biology questions. If you've got questions on anything about horses, anything at all, I should be able to answer them. Ex. Can horses breath through their mouths? (No) What's a realistic leg injury for a horse? Is it fur or coat? (It's coat) Do horses eat X? How far/fast can a horse run? What are the names for the different paces? (Walk, trot, canter, gallop) Do horses have twins? Can horses vomit? (No) What's bloat? Pretty much anything else you can think of to ask about them.

I'm so excited to start teaching here! Thanks for reading about me. Good luck with all your writing endeavors. Look forward to some lectures from me in the future.

Group Admin

Hello, I'm PiercingSight.

I've been a member of the fandom since early summer 2011. I hung out mostly on ponychan for quite some time, composed a few pony related pieces of music, made some pony art, and even assisted in editing a certain tome of lemur words that I eagerly await the continuation of. I was on a mission for my church for two years between April 2012 and earlier this year (2014), and have since returned to the scene to add some of my own pony words to the world.

My strengths are in helping other authors to sharpen and hone their abilities to compose clever and impactful stories, and present them in a pleasingly artistic way. I may not be good at it myself, or have a whole lot of time to dedicate to the art, but I understand the process, understand the habits of good writers, and have seen the growth of many an artist over time. My experience in this realm has helped me to give the same advice to others that I am giving to myself. Therefore, sometimes, when I post a lecture, it will be more for me than for you, but I sincerely hope and pray that it will be of use to you. I'm learning with you guys, and it's great to see so many of you eager to learn and apply the techniques and lessons that are taught here.

As for what I will be posting, it will usually be whatever I feel to be the most important lacking lesson for the group. If you have any suggestions, please let me know in a PM!

That's all the intro for me. I wish you all luck with your work in the future!

Rubber Ducky,

Hello, my name's Isabella, and I'm a 15-year-old girl making her slow, steady way through high school. (Fond memories, right?) While it may be off-putting for some to think a young person like me can be of help, remember English class with all those tedious grammar exercises? The ones that teachers drilled into your head, and you never used again? That's currently my life. Thus, grammar is one of my strong suits, as is characterization, which I believe to be the driving force of 90% of fiction. In the two-and-a-half years I've spent writing fanfiction, I've gained a fair amount of experience in most genres, from tragedy to romance to a sprinkling of comedy. Still, I have loads more to learn about writing, so I consider myself a student just as much as a professor, and I hope to learn by reading the lectures of this group's talented authors.

If you believe you can learn something from me, I have a reasonably flexible schedule, so if you live in America, there is a good chance I can be online at the same time to discuss whatever issues you have with your story. While I limit myself to editing only two or three stories at a time, if you have a general question about writing, feel free to PM me at any time. Actually, feel free to PM me about anything! Ponies, Doctor Who, anime, the weather, your breakfast, the meaning of life, anything at all! I truly enjoy meeting new people, which is why I look forward to meeting you!

Many thanks for reading my intro! Wishing you all a good day filled with joy and creative inspiration!

Hello! I'm WindyTheWarrior, as you can see, and I am basically just a writer... Until today.

I am thirteen years old, and although I am like a toddler in comparison to many users here I think I have at least a strong rudimentary grasp on grammar. I have been writing since the third grade, and I love the idea that a set of scrawled lines that we call letters can make a reader cry, laugh, cheer, or punch a wall - all in less than a minute, if you do it right.

I will say now that I am extremely liberal towards creativity. To me, alicorns are fine, if you can justify it. Immense power... Well, fine, but you still need a balance, friends. In all honesty, I am a poor writer, and I use these things often. Hey, I'm even writing an HiE. However, I can offer you an unaltered perspective.

I try to ignore the politics and enjoy the story, as that is what art is meant to be: an escape from the limits of our lives and a gateway to a world of our own creation. Dear students, that is why I came here: I live a heavily sheltered life, but it gives me time to think. When I think, it can go two ways. Either I submerge my brain in suicidal ideals, or I paint scenes with nonsensical, dramatized, too-perfect characters. Then, because I am not perfect, my characters can't be either, so I bend them far past breaking.

If you want someone else as your reviewer, I will completely understand. But let me just say, my door is always open.

... Yes, I know that was a run-on sentence.

Do any of you know about fire emblem? If so I need help crafting both lore and the story.

Greetings all!

My name is SwordTune, I also go by just Sword. I've been in this group for years but never thought to post my lessons to the forum until recent. For some background, I am the author of short stories like "Spreading Kindness," "Broken," and "Fighting to the Top." I have also completed a novel-length fic that I wish I had written better, called "The Age of Hunting," and am currently writing a short story anthology called "Sunset the Shimmerian."

I was a history minor who took elective classes in English literature. In total, I have over four years of formal college-level education in writing and English literature, while concurrently practising creative writing in my spare time. My favourite personal projects have been in the sci-fi and fantasy genre, and I hope to now share my experiences writing action and planning plots to help aspiring writers who feel stuck in their ways.

As of writing this introduction, I have two lessons available on my blog (and in the group) on how to do iterative ideation in your planning process and how to identify and make use of common themes in popular stories.

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