Twishy 1,126 members · 504 stories
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Group Admin

Alright all of you fellow TwiShy shippers out there! By now, you all know who I am, so I'll skip the introduction. I'm going to make this simple as apple pie.

Contest deadline: September 4th, 2013 @ 11:59PM PST (2:59AM Sept. 5th EST)
Prompts (pick one [or both if you're courageous.]): "A Sweet Surprise" and/or "Reeling From a Loss"
--Must be >1000 words
--Must primarily focus on TwiShy (obviously)
--Must relate to the prompt(s) you chose
--No mature fics (No clop/gore)
Judges (decided):
Prize: A FillyShy or FillyTwi plushie of your choice. (Yes. We do have a prize this time around. So get writing!) This is the FillyShy plushie: FillyShy

Alright, so there's the specifics of the contest. Feel free to ask me, Timae and/or Laars if you have any questions.

Oh, and by the way, I'm entering this one. >:3 Don't you DARE let me be the only one writing.

<3 DarqFox

I'm not sure if I can compete with you on this one, but I might give it a shot. But I do have a question:

How would one submit their story? Post it on FiMFiction and link it somewhere? :rainbowderp:

Group Admin

Attention to all y'all thinking of entering in on this one. Just to give you an idea of what the prize would look like to the lucky bugger who wins it, take a gander:

You will have your choice of either a Filly Twilight Sparkle plushy or a Filly Fluttershy Plushy as your prize should you win. The price of the plushy and shipping will be handled by the judges (me) and sent to an address that you specify.

If you're interested in seeing who we'd commission these from, check out their DeviantArt page here.

Get crackin' :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

1458607 This should have been clarified, my mistake.


Once your fic is completed and uploaded to FimFic, please link your fic here on this forum in bold red letters so we don't have to go digging for all of the entries. Thanks for the question!

if only i cold write. :facehoof:
I hawe a story but can't seem to but it down on paper. :fluttercry:
Good luck all who is participating. :yay:

Group Admin

You post it on FimFiction and add it to the group. If you dunno how to do that, then just send a link in a PM to Timae and/or Laars and they'll come read it and judge it as part of the contest. Just be sure to mention in the description that it's part of this group's contest! :twilightsmile:

<3 DarqFox

Timae's way works too.

Group Admin

1458607 1458635

Also, you never know. Darqy could slip this time, and besides, this should be a fun experience for everyone. I encourage you both to try your hand at it. The more TwiShy, the merrier. Also, the more TwiShy, the better chance we have at de-throning TwiDash :raritywink:

Can it involve a love triangle if it ends with Fluttershy and Twilight together?

Group Admin


But of course. Generally speaking, as long as it includes Twilight and Fluttershy together at some point in the story you're gold.

True. I'll try my best, then. :twilightsmile:

You will be sending the prize to any part of the world? :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

1458959 Generally speaking, yes. We'll do our best to make sure that the prize is sent to the winner at a specified address in any part of the world.

1459045 Excellent, it is hard for me to find these plushies, I hope to win if I decide to enter! :twilightsmile:

Must have fillyshy!! :flutterrage:
Wait, DarqFox is competing?

Group Admin

1459192 Enter! Give the butt a run for his money! DON'T LET HIM WALK AWAY WITH FILLYSHY WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!

1459316 HE WONT HAVE MY PRECIOUS!! :flutterrage:
...ahem, excuse me don't know what came over me:twilightblush:. Could you elaborate on the "Reeling from a Loss" prompt?
If one makes a move that she thinks is rejected, but later, after much personal turmoil, realizes it is returned, would that count?
Sorry to waste your time with these questions:fluttershysad:

Group Admin

Reeling From A Loss: It could be any tragic loss. Someone close could die, something destroys her home, or some other massive tragedy happens where the damage is impossible to repair. Your idea, while it does make sense that it would go there, is not exactly what the prompt is saying. It's saying 'someone lost something dear to them.'

Hope that helped.

<3 DarqFox

Comment posted by Lily Gingertail deleted Aug 8th, 2013

i will try my hand at it. :twilightblush:
It is hard to find plusihe in europe.
May not win but i will try my best :ajsmug:

1461182 Thank you, sir:twilightsmile: I wasn't entirely sure on the prompts.

1458672 I'll take any Mane Six pairing over TwiDash or FlutterDash :pinkiesick:

Of course, it's not the pairings themselves, it's how prominent they are. Neither is impossible, and Rainbow's not necessarily undesirable, but line her up next to the rest of the Mane Six and why would she be the first choice for either of them?

TwiShy I love. RariTwi and TwiJack I like. TwinkiePie, AppleShy, RariShy, and PinkieDash I can see. RariJack, RariDash, RariPie, PinkieShy, and ApplePie I can't. AppleDash, not unlikely, but I don't see it it like others do

Maaaaan, I'd love that Filly Twilight plushie, but as much fun as I have imagining these two together, I have no original ideas and very little writing talent.

Group Admin


I'd say (as one of the judges) that you can take the prompts in any way as long as the reader can tell which prompt you used. "Reeling from a loss" can mean anything. It could mean (as Darq pointed out) that they lost someone. It could also mean any other kind of loss, from something as cutesy and fluffy as losing their favourite blanket from when they were little to losing some kind of competition to losing out on an opportunity. It's really up to you and I hope to see these prompts used/taken in a variety of ways for this contest.

1461938 :pinkiehappy:


I'd agree with you on the FlutterDash thing, but my policy is if it's well written, I'll give it a read. I'll admit I'm a fairly prominent TwiDash shipper, involved with their contests and group affairs quite often. Everyone has different opinions on the various ships, so I'm not gonna walk over here and preach about TwiDash or anything. TwiShy is one of my favourites though, which is why I'm here in the first place :twilightsmile:

Aww...I wanna win a plushie....and perhaps I shall! Count me in

1462535 Hey there! While it's true I'm not a TwiDash fan, it's largely due to frustration, and I AM willing to listen to people's reasons why they think the ship works...I've just never received an actual explanation :twilightsheepish:

Not that I want to cause a debate here :twilightoops: that would take away from the TwiShy :fluttershysad:

Group Admin

1463031 Exactly. Let the TwiShy-goodness continue :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Oh [cabbage]. Nightroad's competing. Just great. Buck me sideways, why doncha?

You do realize I'm going to have to kick your flank now, right? But it's okay. I'll finally be able to have a fun rivalry with one of the most respected names in TwiShy. Woohoo.

It's on. :rainbowdetermined2:

<3 DarqFox

Not giving the newbies a chance a see. :pinkiesad2:
I will try my best to impress the hole twishy community :twilightsmile:
but some how i know i won't win this.
I like the friendly competition of it i hawe to say :ajsmug:

Group Admin

There's a very decent chance I'll screw up a lot with my story and get bucked sideways by someone. However, I do have to give this my one-hundo. I haven't worked this hard to be known for TwiShy to roll over and play dead when the contest rolls around.

<3 DarqFox

I have another question, if you don't mind...

How will the stories be judged? Most interesting? Best writing skills? Most creative use of the prompt? Or best in all considered categories? I want to make sure I know the criteria before I get too far into the contest. :twilightsmile:

And, are there any rules against editors?

Group Admin


Judging will be done individually by the judges, and then the votes shall be cast. I can't speak for Lars, but generally unless it's unreadable, grammar won't be a major category for me. I'll be looking for what has the strongest story and how well developed that story is. Quality of quantity for me. I've seen contests where the shortest entry walked away with first and others where the longest walked away with first, so it all depends for me on the story and how well it's told. If a story stands out because it used the prompt in a creative way, then they may get bonus points all things considered.

Thank you, that helps a lot. I'm not sure if you caught my second question, though. (Apologies for blowing up the thread. :twilightblush:)

Are there any rules against editors?

Group Admin

Editors are allowed for proofreading.

<3 DarqFox

1462535 Well, buck. Now I'm not sure which to use. I'm writing two TwiShy fics at the moment, and each has some type of loss, one's just written specifically for this contest but the other is better.:twilightoops:

Group Admin

1467054 If the other one that you feel has a better story and is better written can be tied into the contest, then by all means tie it into the contest. That's just good luck on your part! :derpytongue2:

1470545 I'll work it out. Eventually. :derpyderp2:
I just have one more question. Then I will leave you nice people alone.
DarqFox said it had to be over 1000 words, but is there a cap? What's the max you guys'll accept?
I don't want to swamp you, but with the way the story is going right now, it's possible.:twilightblush:
No mercy!:twilightangry2:

Group Admin


Write as much as you want for this thing. The only reason we listed the minimum 1,000 words is because that's what FimFic requires before you can actually post a story here. As long as you follow FimFic's rules for posting stories, then generally we're happy.

P.S. Bring it on.

... Okay, I'm done bugging you guys now.:twilightsmile: Got a fic to write:rainbowdetermined2:

I will write for this contest, I may or may not finish the story if everything does not go well on my side...but I will try


Are there any specifics on already in a relation vs. first date? The prompts lean towards the former I think, but just checking.

Also, I might actually be joining in this. It depends a bit on what my mind comes up with this time (those of you who've read any of my stuff know what I'm talking about), so uh, as long as we technically follow the rules, right?

Last one (for now): how are the rules on multiple entries? 1k words isn't that much, so suppose you produce a 'serious' entry, and then at the last minute you come up with something utterly trollish or something. I'm not going to spam dozens of 1.1k thingies or anything like that, but more stories is sorta more chance.

EDIT: Does it actually have to be Romance? Or is Slice-of-Life/friendshipping also good?

:facehoof: A competition with awesome prizes, and here I am, almost entirely incapable of following a prompt. I look at the ones from the rules and what do I come up with? Nada. Well, maybe something Pinkie Pie related for a sweet....surprise...honestly, I did not plan this, but I just got a hilarious idea. This really did just come to me. I may end up entering after all. Doubt I'll be able to do anything worthwhile with this idea, but it should be fun.

Group Admin

So long as Twi and Shy are together at the end, it should be fine. Multiple entries are NOT allowed. If you can fit the two ideas into the same story, that's fine. And yes, it should be romance.

I look forward to your entry, Rin. Let's see what you've got. :3

Sorry for the late reply. I've been busy with family in a place with no internet. Anyways, I look forward to having a little rivalry with somebloody as talented as you. You better bring your A-game. I expect nothing less from you, ya hear?

Group Admin
Group Admin


Here's the basic format, just substitute <name of story> with the name of your story and the url with the url of your story.

[url=urlgoeshere]<name of story>

In other words, click "Add Link", type the name of your story in when prompted, then highlight that part with the title and click colour = red and bold. Hope that made sense.

1500771 Will try when my fic is approved :)

Its a prompt i can work with. Already have a story done for that.
Can we submit two if we can manage it?

Group Admin


You can write as much as you want, but limit it to one entry per contestant. Write two fics if you want, but only submit one for the contest itself to be judged.


Then i`ll submit the one i have. Already got it on site, just not published yet(or copied the real editted version of it on here)
And besides; i write for the fun of it. And to promote Equestria's greatest couple :yay::heart::twilightsmile:

So should i win, i`ll donate the prize. (cause i already have a Shy plushy and she might get jealous :flutterrage:)
We really need a smiling Fluttershy smiley

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