Humanized Ponies! 3,473 members · 5,606 stories
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So, what skin color do you guys think the main six, CMC, and Spike have?

Oh, and no bashing any races, if you all see them as white, then that’s fine.

For me, I see them all as white, except for Scootaloo, I always saw her as Hispanic for some reason.


“...Scootaloo, I always saw her as Hispanic for some reason.”

Actuality, “Hispanic” doesn't tell you that much about someone's skin collar. A Hispanic could be as dark skinned as a Zulu, or as light-skinned as a Northern European. To explain why, I'm going to need to explain some history:

“Hispanic” refers to the Hispania/Iberian peninsula, in Europe. In other words: Spain and Portugal. Hispanics are Spaniards and Portuguese. Then Columbus discovered the New World, and Spain and Portugal started colonizing it. Hispanics moved to the New World, taking their culture and language with them.

But these New World Hispanics did not remain of pure Hispanic blood: They imported slaves from Africa, took in a lot of non-Hispanic immigrants, and intermarried with the Indians (the people who were in the New World before the Hispanics). You can imagine, they got quite a verity of skin-colors from all that non-Hispanic blood.

And that's on top of the verity they already had. My understanding is: Even an unmixed Hispanic can be fair skinned, like Northern Europeans. Or light-brown skinned, like Southern Europeans. Or somewhere in-between.

Okay, let me be more specific, I always saw her being from Mexico, and considering I live in Florida, where a lot of Hispanic people live, I do already know that.

I'm starting to feel like I'm picking on you, but Mexicans do have different skin colors. Though I suppose Mexicans (and perhaps Hispanics in general) tend to have light-brown skin, same way Americans tend to have fair skin.

And on that note: I picture the Mane 6 having fair skin. I suppose because Americans tend to have fair skin, and Equestria seems to be the Pony version of America (with the city names and all). But Twilight's an exception: I imagine her being dark-skinned, because of some (Asian) Indian blood. That's because Pony Twilight has dark fur, and in Greek mythology, Unicorns are from India.

Nah, you’re good, but I honestly didn’t know that.

i agree with both of you but i have imgiane that rarity would have a light olive tone or something cause her mom kinda reminds me of a gypsy in some way

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