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This is where we can post our ideas about any type of horror-styled monster, beast, etc.


Here's mine!

Name: Shred Serpent
Type: Serpent
Description: A Shred Serpent is a snake-like abomination with four, small, pure black slits for eyes. It has an original horizontal mouth, but if it desires, it will open up it's vertical mouth with the sound of a fleshy zipper, revealing talon-like fangs and teeth. It's throat is only two feet across, but the first three feet of it's esophagus is lined with serrated teeth that resembles a Great White's. Even worse, the serrated teeth spin rapidly while forcing food down it's gullet. It has a literal spike of a tongue, and it can launch outwards, impale it's prey, and drag it into it's mouth, where it chomps down a few times before swallowing it, letting it's throat-teeth finish the job.
It's scale coloration varies between age, gender, and habitat. The older the Serpent, the darker the colors. Some of the oldest have been known to be so dark that it makes a moonless night in the deepest reaches of the Everfree Forest seem like a clear midday. The males tend to have a lighter hue of color when compared to the females. The habitat plays the biggest role when it comes to the scale coloration. A forest habitat will grow to contain Shred Serpents with a dark green top fading to a sickly yellow underbelly. Likewise, a rocky habitat will grow to contain Shred Serpents with a more natural grayish-brown coloration.
The females have been known to grow up to 75+ feet in length, 20~ feet in width, and 15~ feet in height. The males are slight smaller, with a length of 50-60 feet, width of 10-15, and height of 12-15. The largest male and female Shred Serpent have been rumored to be upwards of 100-200 feet in length, 35 feet in width, and a staggering 25-35 feet in height.

abomination is a harsh word, dontcha think. I prefer abnormal creature in our society

I drew this really creepy creature a few years back ( lost the picture) but it had a humanoid facial structure , rotting with one eye dangling loose, a serpents scaly body, human hand for the six feet... And I can't remember more about the picture. Other then the half eaten human skull under on of the first set of feet.

Heh, well, since we're doing this:

Charnel Carnifex:
Type: Construct
Challenge Rating (I'm kidding)
Description: Creatures made by weavers of the flesh (necromancers, grafters, wendigos or just crazy wizards/sorcerers) to collect and bring bodies to them. Their only purpose in life is to fetch flesh, but the weird part is that they're entirely made of bone, specifically the bones of their victims. They start out as three skeletons of any appropriate type, collecting themselves in a shambling horror held together only by a sustained magic from the Aether, and with only enough autonomy to have self preservation instincts. On orders from its master (whom it follows around like a puppy until told to act) it will seek out something of its size or only a small amount larger, and proceed to spin the various fractured bones or loose ribs like a blender, slicing and hacking at its target in a uniform fashion until it dies. From there, it rips the bones out of its victim (usually one by one unless it's a very large carnifex) and incorporates them into itself, providing a reliable replacement for any bones utterly destroyed by the speed and power at which they spin against each other, and adding to the mass of the creature itself. Using the body of bones that it has, the creature then brings the mutilated body (whatever it can pick up with the spiky form that it has) and brings the victim back to its master so that it can do as it pleases. They don't sleep, eat, or drink water, and can exist in any environment that won't destroy bone (intense flame obviously would ruin them, or being submerged long enough in an acid solution can ruin the calcium that provides its rigidity). Being that they're creatures of magic, they're very difficult to safely destroy without dispelling the actual piece of sorcery that created them, but can otherwise be laid into by several bludgeoning weapons until they're a nearly harmless pile of bone dust (they can still suffocate you, though, and aren't above floating around as a living cloud of toxic flying bonemeal and splinters).


Creature: Somnivore
Type: Psychic predator
The Somnivore is a psychic entity that feeds on happy, joyous dreams by intervening with its own horrific presence. It appears as a giant worm with a large ape-like torso and eight grasping, three-taloned limbs attached along its dark, scaled length. It is always at least double the size of whatever form the pony dreaming the host dream is taking. The scales of the creature seem to ooze darkness and reflect light, and most ponies see reflections of themselves or those they love contorted in agony in the glossy scales, adding to the disturbing nature of its appearance.
Its trifurcated mouth is lined with needle-like teeth, meant for holding more than mastication. Its three tongues are barbed and shoot out to torment victims in their psychic hunting grounds. Its six eyes are centered around each wedge of the three-part jaw, and each one is a different color that, most disturbingly, match with the colors of the Elements of Harmony.
No connection has been confirmed as of yet, but there is a tentative theory that they may be the psychic remnants of Nightmare Moon, cut loose by the Elements to fend on their own. The consistency of their appearance has led to a suggestion that they may all be one being, but eyewitnesses have more recently come forward with reports of variations on the creatures' appearances.

Creature: Crying Dragon
Type: Dragon
The Crying Dragon, or Weeper, is something of a dark secret of the Dragon Empire. It is definitely draconic in shape, though most of them sport extended necks, strangely glowing spines or other bizarre mutations that are unique to each Weeper. The only consistent mutation amongst the creatures is the lack of eyes.
Instead of the more usual ocular equipment, each Weeper oozes a substance from their empty sockets that is horrific to look upon, but even worse to come into contact with. The substance is a powerful hallucinogenic, and the blind dragons seem to feed on the hallucinated horrors in some manner that at the moment eludes study. Unfortunately, this is usually fatal for their victims, who often expire from cardiac arrest.
Physiologically, the Weepers resemble heavily mutated dragons, though they often show so many physical mutations that it can be frequently difficult to tell. Glowing spines and extra limbs add to their freakish look, and many of them seem to even have additional glands and strange protuberances that serve no apparent purpose. Their internal structures include flame glands, much like a regular dragon, but they appear to have none of the usual digestive structures common to their closest relatives, in addition to the aforementioned strange, unknown glands and other structures.
Psychologically, Weepers are mostly non-communicative. They do not speak, but they seem to have some form of psychic communication. They often seem to radiate sadness and rage, to those that have survived their encounters, and it suggests that they may understand their ostracized position. If so, they have universally lashed out against any attempts at peaceful contact, and are amongst some of the more dangerous encounters in the nesting areas of Dragons.

I guess I'll post something from an unpublished work in progress... :unsuresweetie:

...heh, I started writing it up here, but it became a ridiculously long in-universe abomination unto itself, so I stuck it in a blog post: May I Introduce Mr. Eldritch Abomination, and His Friends.

:rainbowderp: Feedback appreciated. :rainbowwild:

Here's mine.
Name: Nardiku
Description: Nardikus are a pure black, with a large tail on their back. Their spine is visible from outside their body, and it curves in to a spine at the end of it's tail. It's eyes are a pure white, and they have teeth in canine style, going to as long as 5.5 inches. It's tongue is long and sharp, like a flexible knife. Infants are about two feet long and one high, and they can grow as large as bears or Manticores in their adult years.
Nardikus make their habitat high in the mountains, inside of caves. Sometimes these caves are carved using their extremely corrosive poison.The floors of these caves are covered blood and bone marrow, and the sides are decorated with skeletons of their kill, usually suspended by their spines that drop from the tail when they are molting.
Nardikus kill their prey by stabbing them through their heat cavity or skull with their tail spike. They then proceed to strip the skin and flesh from the bones, then sucks the soup of the skin and flesh and eats it. It then brings the skeleton in to it's lair, where it sucks the marrow from the bones and suspends the kill on the wall.

So yeah, Nardiku.

Why didnt anyone make this thread sooner? Such creatures are an integral part of the dark genre when it comes to horror. I think all of mine generally come form one of my other stories but they've worked their way into my MLP writings recently now too. I uh... Sort of had Rainbow Dash get a little torn up by this one in one of my stories recently...

Name: Soulflayer
Type: ...abomination?
Description (): Denizens of the Void that exists between all worlds, the soulflayers are opertunistic scavengers by nature. Generally seeking out the insane, lost, or dying they typcially stalk after larger predators, allowing the bigger beast to hunt down prey, at which point they will then bolt in in packs numbering anywhere from three to twenty and steal the target away from their unknowing guide. While most Abyssal predators seek souls as nutrition, the soulflayer is fed by the actual living flesh of its prey, stripping it away and often allowing the soul to escape unharmed. As it reaches the later stages of its development, a mature soulflayer my choose not to devour the flesh of its victims, but instead wear it like a suit, effectively becoming whatever it took the skin from (though it still retains its ordinary intelligence and knowledge, or lack there of, of the creature it imitates).
Physically, the soulflayer most closely resembles a giant insect. Its soft, vulnerable body is encased in a strong, metallic carapace, similar in appearence to that of a scorpion or lobster. Its four legs are a distinctly rodent-like, with long, sharp claws designed for making precision cuts in the target's body. Their face, similar in many ways to that of a rat, is usually covered with a dome-shaped piece of shell, giving the creature a bullet-like appearence when its entire shell is intact. At the opposite end of its body are the creature's most noteable feature: a collection of long, thin tails, each able to move and function independent of the others. A typical soulflayer might have anywhere from three to ten of these tendril-like appendages, all of them swarming over each other and slithering about behind the beast like a knot of ill-tempered snakes. Each tail can extend up to five times the creature's body length, and each one is tipped with a razor sharp curved blade made of the same metallic material as its shell. They use these miniature flensing knives to slice away at their prey while the tendril-like tails keep the victim wrapped and pinned.
Disturbingly, these creatures have shown great aptitude for seeking out rifts in the Void which lead into living planes of existance. They are generally the first creatures to escape into the world when one of its inhabitants opens a pathway into the Void itself, and are typically regarded as the first major warning sign that there is a breach in the fabric of time and space. Often times, when a soulflayer pack appears in an unsuspecting world, it is only a matter of time before something bigger finds the rift that these little abominations used.

Hark, fair people of the world, for I bring to you the news of a creature most dark.

If you ever find yourself afoul of it, there is no hope of escape, for reality has no hold upon it. No distance can you run, no height can you ascend to where it won't find you. No place can you hide where it won't be there waiting.

There is no spell nor incantation to hold back its approach, for it is not a creature of magic at all. It is simply something Else.

Ahh, you may say, I will simply do battle with it! It appears weak and fleshy. A fool, I name you, for if reality has no hold upon it, then there is no end to the weapons it can turn upon you, pulled from nowhere itself. And if that were not the case, what hope would one really have, against a creature that needs no nose to breathe, no mouth to eat? Can one break the bones or cut the flesh of a creature that stretch to any shape, or can be any size?

Your only chance is to pacify the creature. It craves some bizarre acceptance, and demands you play its twisted games, and take part in its bizarre rites. Do it, knowing that part of your life will forevermore be filled with such things. For if you do not, its madness is the price of your rejection.

Oh, and she's pink and adorable too. :pinkiesmile:


The pink abomination from the deep pits of HELL!:pinkiecrazy:

While this isn't exactly an original idea of mine, I've written a crossover involving The First and Foremost, a creature from the Oz books, and sort of developed his vague powers into something resembling Descartes's Demon.

(He's the one with the head of a bear)

Being a powerful spirit and the leader of the Phanfasms, I gave him the ability to control a being's perception--Sight, sound, smell, even touch and taste. Which basically means he controls their entire view of the world. He can create pain and pleasure, and you'd never even know it was an illusion.

Unfortunately, he has a twisted sadistic streak, so the illusions he often implants are...well, like nightmares that can hurt you.

The Phanfasms, being Erbs, are so powerful that they cannot be tempted with material wealth. They were coaxed into invading the city of Oz only because it meant they could make others miserable.

Name: Lost Loyalty / Lost Love
Type: Renevant
The origin of a Lost is always a tale of betrayal - either they were betrayed, and have never forgiven, or they betrayed and were never forgiven. Depending on their origin, their body is either held together by their sheer will or by the curse that is their punishment. They always look skeletally thin, their colors faded and most of their fur and mane missing. They do not bleed and any wounds they suffer are healed by transmogrified dust replacing their flesh, a process whichs painfulness they compared to rubbing salt into the wound and then growing nerves through the salt.
Those who were betrayed now either haunt the descendants of their betrayer in order to exterminate the bloodline, sometimes extending it to the entire species, or they wander the world as vigilantes, avenging others that would otherwise share their fate. Some of the saved spirits join them willingly, forming an ever greater retinue of renevants and ghosts. It is possible to hire them, but they fight not for coin but for revenge. Some also stay renevants out of a sense of love or loyalty to the greater community.
Those who betrayed others roam the world of the living because they are denied afterlife. Neither angels nor demons let them into the realms of reward and punishment, instead forcing them to either redeem themselves in the world of the lving or suffer eternally. Some actually try to redeem themselves, and a few stay willingly as undead vigilantes even after that, while others still see no wrong in what they did and lash out at anybody to distract themselves from their own suffering or seek to physically and mentally enslave others to force them into a semblance of love and loyalty to themselves. Sometimes angels and demons employ them as assassins for the sweet promise of death, but they rarely keep it, for in their eyes the betrayers deserve neither love nor loyalty. Either way, it is very dangerous to cross their way, and very easy to gain them as an immortal foe.

Name: Painling
Type: Emotion Feeder and Shapeshifter
The result of Sombra's dark experiments, these modified changelings feed on physical and emotional pain. They, too have sharpeshifting powers, and their bodies have more holes and sharp edges than even a normal changeling's body. The few painlings that were sane enough for questioning, half of which requested their own death in exchange for the information, say that a painling is created by breaking a changeling's spirit, heart and body. They can no longer digest love, instead their entire energy metabolism runs on pain, and pain is all they feel. There are three types of painlings - those who seek revenge on all that do not suffer, those who seek death and thus live from one fight to the next, and those who either made a pact with Sombra or twisted their own perception to enjoy the pain, and even more so dealing it to others, a good share of them starting on the path of sadism by extracting ever more intricate revenge. They all hate Sombra, but curse laid on them prevents them from attacking anyone Sombra, or even his Spirit, deems loyal, prevents them form attacking each other and from killing themselves.

Name: Poisonling
Type: Emotion Feeder and Shapeshifter
Another living weapon engineered by Sombra, this changeling breed feeds on envy and spite, inevitably destroying any community it feeds on in too large numbers, and then moving to the next. They have a mishevious and sadistic nature, the result of twenty generations of selective breeding, and enjoy tormenting a community to the breaking limit, as well as watching the resulting carnage.

Name: Bleeder
Type: Virus
Description: The infected only seek to cover others with the infected's own blood, or force them to ingest it, thus spreading the virus. Most infected consider the most effective way to use a blade to first cut themselves and then stab others. The longer the virus affects the host, the more any trace of self preservation or compassion is drowned in agression, however the infected maintain a ruthless, predatory cunning until the very end. The virus can affect any known species, no known cure exists, and the virus can survive in water and soil for years. Many suspect that it was magically engineered as a terror weapon in the Old Times. The only thing that helps is burning the corpses and anything that may have been covered with their blood, including the survivors. Though, unless it has already entered the bloodstream, a second degree burn suffices to kill the virus.

Name: Wardigo
Type: Emotion Feeder and Elemental Spirit
Description: Where Wendigos feed on cold hate and stagnant agression and bring snowstorms, Wardigos feed on burning hate and open agression and bring unbearable heat. Where the cold makes unforgiving, the heat makes hotheaded. They are in their own way as devastating as the Wendigos, with fire, draught and war in their wake.

Name: Obsidian Guard
Type: Emotion Feeder and Lich
Description: Those most loyal to Sombra were given the gift of immortality - at a steep price. To maintain their undying bodies, they need the emotional energy of souls, otherwise they slowly turn to stone and are subject to even slower painful erosion. Reverting the effect and generally repairing their bodies requires of course even more emotional energy. Any soul that is imprisoned too long despairs and only occasionally released emotional energy in burst of madness, often causing a chain reaction in a greater number of imprisoned souls. As a result, many obsidian guard steal more and more souls, their blades and arrows absorbing the souls of anyone they strike. They can release souls, but this is when they have to pay the price for imprisoning them in the first place, with the price increasing with the time each soul was imprisoned. A few also work as vigilantes and feed on the collective emotional energy of the communities they protect.

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