TwiLuna 3,809 members · 884 stories
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Welcome, welcome! Please, do take a seat. I am Habanc, your new host for this rerun through the carousel. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Also, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Enjoy your ride!


The Second TwiLuna Contest

The aim of this contest is to promote the writing of the night and its twilight, of the warm clouds of dusk and slow glow of the stars. The pairing of Twilight and Luna is non-debatable, and their romance should be displayed within your story, however subtle or heavy-handed you see fit.

The prompt is "After 'I Love You'".

This means that you explore what happens after those three little words are said. It could be directly after, in a fit of passion and joy and warmth and care, or it can take place years down the line as they deal with the menialities or rekindle the candle into a roaring bonfire.

Any type of genre or tone is fine, as long as their romance isn't shirked or omitted. Mature fiction is allowed. Gore, however, is not.

Submissions should be anywhere from one thousand to fifteen thousand words. A recommendation would be to aim from three thousand to seven thousand words, but this is up to you and the story you wish to tell. Submissions are due June 15th. Also, submissions cannot be previous works, or works in progress that were started before the contest's creation date. They are to be posted on Fimfiction, linked to a comment on this page, and also linked in a message to me. I'll then relay them to the judges.

This contest's judges will be Macho Madness, PocoRitardo, and presentperfect.

Points will be scored for originality and believability, with a smatter for flair.

Best of luck, all of you!

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


let's get this shit done m8

Group Contributor

3252832 send me a pm like i said, nub.

3252842 you better submit something, or else.

Group Contributor

I'm in for a penny and a pound.

I have no idea what I'll write, but sure, I'll go for this.

3252813 I would be willing to judge as well

Group Contributor


Alright, just send me a PM

What's the deadline on this?

3253259 Thank you. I'm an idiot, I re-read this three times looking for that and I missed it

If you need an extra judge, I should be perfectly available after June 6.

3252813 ...I think I can do this one too. :trixieshiftright:
Dear Lord I hope I'm not digging my own grave here

3252813 Ah what the hay, I'll jump into the fray. :rainbowdetermined2:

Hopefully I can finish my entry in time :fluttercry:


Two questions:

What is the rule on entering the same story into two different competitions? I haven't started writing a story for another competition yet, and I think my idea easily fits the prompts for both contests. I this is against the rules for either contest, then I'll simply pick one, or the other.

Does the main conflict have to be focused on their relationship?

Group Contributor


For the first one, I don't have a problem as long as you're not trying to wedge two ships into one story. I mean, this is a shipping group contest, and having Twilight break away from Luna for Celestia or something like that wouldn't fly too well.

However, for the second one, not necessarily. I mean, the prompt implies some level of romance, but as long as you fulfill its requirements I don't see why you have to. Discord could interrupt them shortly after their admissions to eachother, or Luna could be struggling with adapting to politics and requires Twilight's help, as long as it links back upon and discusses the prompt. I believe I require that their romance isn't left out or diminished into the background, but it doesn't have to be the core of it.

3252813 What the hay, I'll have a crack at this too. :rainbowdetermined2:



The story that I have in mind focuses on Twilight and Luna, and they're both an established couple. What I can't promise, is that the story will involve conventional long-term relationship problems as part of the conflict.

They're both stuck playing the part of VIII characters, and only one of the two remembers who they are. I could probably tie this in with some relationship issue they had prior to their little adventure, but I'll probably write their relationship as being fine, and simply focus on 'snap out of it Luna and lets get the hay out of this game!'

3252813 *pokes* You can do humanized, right?

Group Contributor


Yeah, of course!


Well, it's up to you then. If you want to try, go for it, but it may not pass if it doesn't meet requirements.

Can anyone enter?


Procrastination skills, Engage!


Group Contributor

This contest's judges will be Macho Madness, PocoRitardo, and presentperfect.

Thank you to everyone who applied!

Author Interviewer

And now I am actually in the group, yay! :O

3252813 Well, I've had an idea that centers roughly around the theme of the contest, so why the hell not? :ajsmug: I probably won't win, and it's not something serious, but I guess I can always try :twilightsmile:
Let TwiLuna reign on supreme!

whoa wait hold up everyone is submitting their entries and i still have to reach the midpoint of mine

what is this madness

3294181 We have just under a month left, silly :raritywink:

3294221 Pfft, it's May 19th, the deadline is June 15th, y'all got time-- :ajsmug:




I haven't even started. I've got a lot of things going on, my boss has been working me like a dog, I have more than one story tat I'm working on, and wasn't quite sure that I was going to do either contest.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


I've only written 4000 words of mine and I'm not sure if I'm even going to keep them...

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


mai werds suk

moit have to throw them out and start over

srsly why is this so hard :C

3294280 I don't believe that for a second, bro.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Knowing me, they're probably fine but I like to worry and thus I'm tearing my hair out over them. :C

3294299 I'm sure your fic will be more than fabulous in the end. :raritystarry:

Group Contributor

Ah, shit! I totally meant to make it for this one as my great return! >_< Curse you report and exams that I must attend!



Err . . . the words, or the story?

I can't really objectively vouch for the qaulity of my end-product, but I can say that my first drafts are ridiculously awful by comparison. My first drafts would surely make any third-grader cringe.

I'm not one for extensive re-writes, so much as heavy-handed revisions. If I were to throw away my stuff and start over, I would just be stuck in an endless stream of badly-written first drafts.

Pearple Prose
Group Contributor


Yeah true. I might just try and push on to the finish and see about fixing up what feels off.

Group Contributor

According to the stated rules:

The pairing of Twilight and Luna is non-debatable

I have a question. Does Nightmare Moon count as Luna?

Group Contributor


This isn't a moonlight contest, sorry.



Glad to see you sticking to your guns.

My fic idea, however, does happen to have Luna turning into Nightmare Moon temporarily.

A lot of my Twiluna ideas play with this, actually, the possibility that Luna and Nightmare Moon are one and the same, and that there's always the danger of Luna reverting to that part of herself.

My first TwiLuna fic had Luna worrying about that very possibility, with Celestia assuring her that she's just glad to have her sister back, and even if that were to happen she would have Twilight to help her anchor Luna.

My second Twiluna fic, which I haven't decided on whether or not it's going to be a squeal, involves Twilight and Luna being thrust into the roles of videogame characters by Discord. Specifically, Twilight is going to be thrust into the role of Squall Leonart (FFVIIII) Luna is going to forget herself an be thrust into the role of Rinoa (Squall's love interest) and Nightmare Moon is going to be Ultemecia. I'm doing it this way, because some wild game theories have Ultemicia as a time-warped Rinoa turned evil.

It may seem foolhardy to expose my idea, but I care less about winning, than I do about writing a decent story, an testing where the lines are drawn.

Group Contributor


If it's a brief segment, and it isn't NMM stealing Twilight from Luna or something of the sort (y'know, where the TwiLuna romance is the prominent ship), then I wouldn't have a problem with it. However, if it is something like NMM seducing Twilight or whatever, then unfortunately it can't be accepted.



I understand. You really don't want a Moonlight ship over a TwiLuna ship.

My idea features Twilight and Luna as already being a couple. Even when Luna is made to think that she's Rinoa, Rinoa and Squall are already at the point where they're a couple . . . the 'fictional' characters are meant to mirror the 'real' character's relationship.

Nightmare Moon doesn't seduce Twilight. Twilight is already in love with Luna. NMM is presented as something that Twilight has to both fight, and accept. My current plot concept is meant to deal with the question of "what if the worst happens?" It's meant to prove that a relationship between Luna and Twilight can work out, even with the threat of Luna reverting to her evil self.

If you end up finding that this story doesn't fit your terms, by all my means, disqualify it. I'd rather you do that, than violate the contest's rules.

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