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I'm not trying to be political here, but there are claims that Rainbow Dash represents the LGBTQ community over in Russia. I tend to find this hard to believe seeing that there aren't many hints that prove this. Just because she happens to have a tail and mane that looks a rainbow doesn't make here that way either. More importantly, I hardly anyone saying this about the G3 version, which is where we got the name for the first time. Then again, maybe she just likes holding the pride flag because she just likes anything with rainbows.

Nah, she just likes Rainbow related color cause it looks 90% Cooler

Not to get political here, but this…is a price to pay for letting the LGBT community use the rainbow as a symbol. They selfishly used a creation of God to represent themselves, and now a country is taking issue with Rainbow Dash having a mane, tail, and cutie mark in rainbow-colored patterns.

My head canon is that she's lesbian, but she never outright does anything LGBTQ. The reasoning for Russia banning her?

Her goddamn hair.

Given that Russia is one of the most homophobic countries in the world, I don't think what that country thinks about a cartoon horse is something to really be concerned about...though if oppressed LGBTQ+ people in Russia see her as some kind of role model, than it would be best to keep letting them do that.

I have no idea, but it would be pretty funny if that was the case. :rainbowlaugh: Especially since most of the fanbase considers her LGBTQIA+ anyway :raritywink: What is the harm in some people seeing her as a mascot in the LGBTQIA+ community? :rainbowkiss:

As a Christian, isn't everything a creation of God? In that case, would it be selfish for us to take literally anything to be a symbol for our community? I've heard the same argument from my grandparents and it does not hold much water. It does not matter if it was the rainbow or any other symbol. No matter what we choose to identify with, people will call us selfish and begin to hate on it simply because LGBTQIA+ people use that symbol.


They selfishly used a creation of God to represent themselves

Well, Spyder27 makes the point from the Christian POV. If one doesn't believe in God in the first place, of course, then that particular argument is irrelevant in any case. :rainbowwild:

7913988 If anypony is a representation of the LGBTQ community, it's either Scootaloo's Aunts (Holiday and Lofty) or Lyra and Bon Bon.

If you had any clue as to what the LGBTQIA+ community has stolen over the years, what they’ve claimed for themselves, and all they’ve twisted, you likely wouldn’t be seeing them as the victims of the situation.

That’s pretty much a big reason for why I never cared about those characters to begin with. Along with how overrated and annoying they were.

I do have a pretty good idea. I am a part of the community after all. Using language such as "twisted", "stolen" and "claimed" shows what kind of views you have on LGBTQIA+ people. I would try to defend and prove why my community is not evil, but I feel as though you wouldn't listen. There are bad apples to every group, but letting it paint your perception of the people in the group is not productive. Trust me when I say the Christian people have done far worse things to others to spread the religion. I say this AS a Christian. It's also bold of you to claim that we clearly don't know the facts like you do and then you offer no actual explanation. You just make a claim with no evidence. I have at least backed up my statements with other ideas from the religion that keeps stating that the rainbow is a creation of God.


Trust me when I say the Christian people have done far worse things to others to spread the religion.

All I can say in response is this:

Anyone who claims to be a Christian, yet commits treacherous things like oppression and murder or approves of certain sins, isn’t a Christian at all. The Bible makes it clear that the world is full of false prophets, and people need to keep a wary eye out for them.

Other than that, what’s the point in trying to prove a claim if it’ll just be debunked anyway? And what needs to be proven in the first place?

These sort of debates are ones people can never come to an agreement over, no matter what.

I fully agree with the sentiment of not being a Christian if you do horrible things to spread said religion. I have said that all my life.

If someone is wary to make a claim in the first place because it will get debunked, then maybe that speaks to the claim itself. If my claim is going to be debunked no matter what, I would take that as a sign that maybe I need to reevaluate my claim. The only reason people can't come to an agreement on debates like these is because each side won't let go and listen to the other for a moment. I will admit that people tend to not listen to each other when it comes to things like this.

In all honesty, I couldn't care less if Rainbow Dash was made to represent the LGBTQ community. I do happen to be a big supporter of their rights especially when same sex marriage was approved in the state I live in as well as the rest of the country after a US Supreme Court ruling. Let's not forget that her name isn't because of her sexuality, but more because of the fact that she has a rainbow tail and mane. What gets me is that nobody thought her G3 version was of that sexuality, which where we first got this name. The main reason I made this thread was after reading an article on LGBTQ Nation about Russian streaming services considering this adult content just because of this even though the show itself hardly gives such content, plus it's known that Vladimir Putin has a history of being homophobic. Nonetheless, even if Rainbow Dash really is a lesbian, it's mainly because Hasbro is trying to keep with present-day societies such as them, plus I'm sure many of the other ponies in the show probably represent something as well.

I have my head canon, not because of her mane and tail, but instead because of her personality.

If you read my fanfic, My Little Visitors, there was a girl who came by Megan with the Mane 6 and believed that Rainbow Dash represented the LGBTQ community just because of her appearance.

Maybe Rainbow is really a bisexual, because she seems to like Soarin' and even gave birth to a colt known as Tempest Bolt, who is shown standing next to Luster Dawn and wants Megan and her family to pet her next after they are done with Evening Twinkle, who is Twilight's daughter.

According to Lauren Faust, she doesn't.

That may not have been the case when she introduced her, but this pony became the very symbol despite that.

She is quite popular in the air force though.

I think I've found the page. Apparently, the reason why she isn't stated as a lesbian (possibly straight or bi, I don't know) is because the rainbow hair and the fact she's a tomboy would make it stereotypical.


It was mostly bronies that placed her into that category, though being a tomboy doesn't make them a lesbian per se.

It looks like one of those who does support LGBTQ rights in Russia did hold a sign with Rainbow Dash on it.

I feel like that is a fanmade picture.
I also feel like Tempest Bolt and Twinkle are fan made, as well.

Megan's family, who are shown to right of her, are also OCs as well.

Putin really does hate Rainbow Dash so much that he called for a raid on a MLP Convention in Russia.


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