The Writers' Group 9,330 members · 56,816 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, so here is the long awaited rules update thread! Yay!

It’s actually so long awaited that Flint Sparks did a version of it quite a while back, though I’ve totally rewritten it since there. You might notice old rules that aren’t still in there, or aren’t as prominent. This mostly means that we kinda figured they were covered by the other rules. We don’t explicitly have a no bloggy posts rule any more, but it’s kinda covered by rules 0 - 3, depending on the post.

And just ‘cause we don’t say not to post about Cosmic Afro not being the best admin ever…

The Writer’s Group Rules:

0) Don’t forget your common sense!
There are a lot of things that should be common sense. You might actually catch most of them yourself if you take a moment to review everything you wrote and think about it before posting, but not everypony really thinks about it before clicking that post button.

So, what is common sense? For starters don’t pick fights and attack other members, don’t post links to possible scams or spam the group, don’t post a bunch of annoying, off-topic stuff, and certainly don’t join in when everypony else starts breaking the rules... There are plenty of other things, but those are a couple that come to mind.

This may seem straightforward, but remember; this is our number one enforced rule!

1) We don’t like spam.
This could be considered part of rule 0, but really, most of ‘em could be if you think about it. A lot of rules are common sense.

Keep in mind that spam doesn’t just include advertisements, too.

There’s posting a bunch of stuff over and over, posting nothing but reaction images, doing long off-topic conversations in existing threads, adding new 'me too!" type posts in long dead threads. Even posts that really belong more in your blog then on TWG could be considered spam.

So let’s just avoid posting spam, okay?

2) Keep on topic for the group!
Going right along with that last bit, let’s keep our posts on topic. This group is about writing, reading, and ponies, so that’s really what you should be posting about.

This tends to be kinda the default place for talking on the site, so we'll let you talk about the site itself a bit, too, but it shouldn't really overwhelm everything else.

You can also post games, but label them [Game], and let's try not to have more than a couple going at once.

Also, there's the official free chat thread, where anything is fair game!

Don't forget the group IRC Channel, either, and the group Discord server.

3) Don’t self promote.
This isn't a place for promoting yourself or your stories, so don't post self-promotion here. There are groups for that.
This doesn't mean you can't post anything about your stories, but it should be relevant to the discussion. Even if you are trying to be subtle, if we think it's a promotion, you may be asked to remove it.

If there’s a thread going on about stories involving cuddly bat pony hugs, and you wrote one, you’re probably okay mentioning your story, though.

4) No spoilers!
Maybe you like spoilers. You just found out that Fluttershy has butter, and you want to share it with everyone!

Well, you know, not everyone wants to find out ahead of time. Sometimes people like to have surprises in the episodes. So, if the episode is less than a week old, here's what you should do:

First, no spoilers in the thread title. You can't escape 'em if they are right there staring at you!

Second, put spoiler tags around 'em, so they aren't in plain sight. Anything in the first dozen lines of the first post shows up in the feed, where anybody browsing by will see it.

And if it's within a week after a new episode, post in the official thread, rather than making a bunch of new ones.

Remember, we might delete threads with spoilers out in the open!

5) Don’t ask people to do your work for you.
This group isn't for advertising services or asking for them, so please don't post asking for an editor or prereader or such here. If you can see someone needs help, you can offer, but that should be a side thing, not the whole point of the thread.

If you are having trouble writing something, you can post a thread asking how to deal with your issue in general, but what we're really looking for here is for the thread to benefit everyone, not just you.

So a thread about how to write characters in character would be fine, where "Everybody says I'm writing Apple Jack wrong! Help me pleez!" wouldn't. It's at our discretion to say which is which, though.

6) Don’t break site rules.
This is kinda common sense, but I thought I'd mention a few that might trip you up.

First, you can't post links to mature stories in groups that aren't NSFW, like this one, though you can talk about them, and link to your story list. You can't post NSFW pictures at all.

Posting full episodes or movies isn't allowed either. I know you might want to post a youtube video of the current episode in the episode thread, and we’d love to too! But it’s against site rules, and the site admins enforce this.

Oh, and you can't sign posts with more than just a name. And it should be your name, too, or at least what you want to be called on fimfiction.

Examples of things not to post:
Has X been done before? Is X a good idea? - These threads happen all too often. The answers are “Yes, it’s been done before.” and “It depends on how it’s written.”. Don’t post more of these. You can post about it in this thread.

My story needs an editor! - It probably does! This isn’t the place to post asking for one, though.

The government’s going to ban fanfiction in the Free Trade and Dolphin-Clubbing Agreement! - The latest rumors about politics aren’t really something you should be posting here anyways, and a lot of times they aren’t that accurate. Please don’t post them.

ImportantBronyYouveNeverHeardOf has thumb cancer, and needs your help! - You know, we feel sad when things like this happen, but it’s hard to tell if it’s actually true, and even if it is, this isn’t really the place for it.

Why does my story have so many downvotes? - This usually is actually a call for more upvotes on a story and a promotion, disguised as a question, and generally the author ignores the answers. We're on to you!

In fact, I'd really like to discourage threads about the voting system and downvotes in general. There have been a lot of threads about voting, and the same things always get said. We already really know all the opinions on voting, and so do the site staff, I think.

Sometimes there might be times when there's a good exception to the rule, like maybe promoting a contest that's of interest to everyone.

If you have a thread you want to post that’s borderline, ask an admin if it’s okay, and mention in the thread that you got permission and from whom. They might even have ideas on how to make your thread idea fall into the rules or make it a better thread!

Also, if you spot a thread that has gotten out of control, feel free to pm an admin about it. Just make sure that admin has been on sometime recently, and keep in mind that we might not have the same ideas about what out of control is.

--Sweetie Belle
The old rules are here.


I'm so glad for rule number 2, it tends to happen a lot.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

It's mostly based on rule two from the original rules, which was "Don't post threads unrelated to writing or ponies", but this way, it's not just focused on threads. We were stepping in when things got majorly off-topic before, but it's easier if we can just point straight to this rule now.

You'll notice it originally said "writing and ponies" and the new rule says "writing, reading, and ponies", too! I kinda wanted to make it explicit that this group is for readers as well as writers...

--Sweetie Belle

5348783 Okay. Understood.

Group Admin

5348757 Now for that inevitable awkward moment where I quote the old rules...

A shot for every time I get it wrong?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I certainly expect I'll do the same thing. There are enough changes this time around that we'll have to reference it a good amount, though at least rule zero remains mostly the same.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

5349612 I've never quoted rule zero. It's that kind of rule where if something is really so wrong that I'd want to use it, it's so wrong I'd want to address that wrongness directly.

Odd, because I believe I had quoted every other rule from the old set.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I do invoke rule zero, but I am usually saying specifically why I'm invoking it, too. Usually "you two need to stop fighting and pulling each other's mane", or something like that.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

5349649 Yeah, I'd just stick to calling them out on the mane-pulling thing. Maybe that's just me though.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

When I lock something, I generally tend to say "I'm locking this thread based on Rule 0" or something like that, after doing the lecture, 'cause I like to make sure everypony knows which rule I'm going by. Everypony approaches things a little differently, though.

--Sweetie Belle

But he WAS the best admin ever.

Also, did you guys know that you revised the rules on my birthday? What the crap, ya'lls creepy.


Maybe you like spoilers. You just found out that Fluttershy has butter, and you want to share it with everyone!


SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Really? Happy Birthday!

I really really didn't realise that. Total coincidence!

Just an example! I don't know if she has butter. Does she have a fridge to keep it in?

You can kinda tell that I wrote this after having to deal with spoilers of the episode "Flutter Brutter" for like a year before it aired...

--Sweetie Belle

The Writer's Group Rules!

That's a pretty bold statement! :trollestia:

Group Admin

Given a particular comment from a recently locked thread, I figured that it might be prudent to bump our rules thread and give specific attention to a section some people may have missed:

Also, if you spot a thread that has gotten out of control, feel free to pm an admin about it. Just make sure that admin has been on sometime recently, and keep in mind that we might not have the same ideas about what out of control is.

Unless it's something that actually breaks site rules instead of just group rules, this does not mean to report a thread to the site staff, this means to PM a group admin.

TWG group admins are easily identified from the staff list in the group's description or from the crown icons next to certain usernames listed near the top of the group's "Members" tab.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Do you think I should revise the description to say "group admin" instead of just admin, to be clearer? I didn't really think anypony would think they should be pestering the site admins if our rules weren't being followed.

In fact, maybe I should specify that most of them only apply to this group, too, not others...

--Sweetie Belle


First, you can't post links to mature stories in groups that aren't NSFW, like this one, though you can talk about them, and link to your story list.

What if said story is Mature, but still SFW?

Group Admin

No, I'm afraid you can't link directly to any M-rated story unless you're in a group marked as (nsfw). It's towards the Mature rating itself that the rule applies.

Comment posted by Rose the Changeling deleted Aug 25th, 2016


The government’s going to ban fanfiction in the Free Trade and Dolphin-Clubbing Agreement!

Okay I really need to know where the dolphins go clubbing. Is there a dress code? is it orca-friendly? :yay:

Uh what's this site opinion on [Story Idea Up For Grabs?]

Story ideas are a dime a dozen, and even if you try to phrase it like you're doing someone a favor by donating the idea, most everyone will decode the real message as "I want to read this story, but I'm too lazy (or busy or insecure about my abilities) to write it myself, so someone please do it for me!" As such it falls under Rule 5.

You can get away with posting a story idea in The Very Official, Very Unique, And Very Only Thread That Allows "Has X been done before?", but don't put too much hope in anyone responding there.

Group Admin

5681137 Chances are if I find a thread like that I'll lock it for asking people to use the idea in a story, as a lot of them do (rule 5), but on rare occasion if it looks like a discussion might arise I'll ignore it and see what happens. I'd much rather people just tried discussing the idea itself, though, instead of just presenting it as something to use. That's on the whole much easier to work with, and better for the forum as a whole.

If you just want to throw an idea out here, groups like the Idea Exchange (at least, I think that's what it's called) are likely far better suited to the task.

Group Admin

5717099 It would depend what the thread is actually about. A thread about ships, for example, is not unheard of in this group, even if it would also be at home in the shipping group.

If it's just promoting the creation of a new group, that would be promotion. If it's a message directly intended for the members of a group that is not TWG, I'd have to wonder why it wouldn't just be posted there instead.

Could you elaborate on what, exactly, you want to post?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Pretty much what 5717115 said.

Also, if you are intending a promotion, while this wouldn't be the group for it, I'd go to the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau to promote it, and if it's less than a week old, the New Groups group.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem. As we said, promotions don't happen here, but the two groups I posted are a good start.

I also think you might be able to promote over at the Equestrian Writers Guild, but when I went back to look at it, it seems to be the the Insane Writers Guild now, so I don't know if anything changed there. I've joined there before, but it kinda overwhelms my group feed, and I need to be able to look at all the new threads in the groups I'm admin in easily, so I didn't stay...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin


I also think you might be able to promote over at the Equestrian Writers Guild, but when I went back to look at it, it seems to be the the Insane Writers Guild now, so I don't know if anything changed there.

Only the name changed, promotions are still perfectly allowed there. :pinkiesmile:

Although it really can overwhelm your Groups Dashboard and Feed at times, because a bunch of other types of posts are also allowed...

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

And I just realized I said Insane Writers Guild when I meant Insane Creators Guild. I think the 'Insane' part was the important part, tho'.

--Sweetie Belle

5348757 So I am trying to start a writing contest. Would it be okay for me to post the contest rules or a link to the contest rules here in the group forum?

5348757 Would asking someone to be a co author with you count as asking for an editor? I know the two are different, but it's hard to explain... I simply want someone to work with on a fic, I miss writing with others from my DnD days...

Oh! And sorry if this was asked before, I just didn't see it. And I didn't want to break group rules, the people here are awesome.

Group Admin

5903484 Asking for co-author definitely falls under #5, which relates to getting other users to do work for you. This includes editing, co-authoring, pre-reading, regular reading (although that tends to just come under self-promotion), spitballing ideas over PM, commissioning art, and various other tasks.


Is one allowed to open up paid story commissions in this group or do I have to find another group for that

Group Admin

6181192 If you want to start a thread asking people to request commissions from you, that would come under self promotion, as in you would be advertising yourself as a commission writer, if that's what you're asking.

There are probably groups better suited to dealing with commissions, both providing and asking for them, than TWG.

Is it okay if I write a thread annoucing free request slots? I don't really know where to put it... maybe it would be better at the shameless promotional group?

Group Admin

6223235 Probably something better suited to SSPB, yeah. Also probably some of the writing commissioning groups and stuff as well, maybe, depending on how they operate individually. I'd also likely have no problem with you posting once in the free-for-all thread we have here, too, so long as it wasn't spammy or anything.

ok, I'll post it on the free for all thread and I'll look around the SSPB. Thanks for the help :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

6223280 No problemo. Good luck.

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