Short Stories 550 members · 5,100 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Feo Takahari
Group Admin

I'll be leaving this group next Sunday. If anyone wants to take over so the group doesn't die, now's the time to respond here or PM me.

I ask that anyone who runs the group after me maintains the 2,500-word limit set up by Donaldtrumpcard. Anything else is free to change.

4657947 But you're so good and gracious with it.

How come your quitting?

Feo Takahari
Group Admin

4658770 I feel like the tedium of running this group is one of the factors that discourages me from logging onto Fimfiction, and the less pony fic I read, the less pony fic I write. I think leaving the group will help me have more fun on Fimfiction and write more stuff.

4659121 I hope you do find a replacement. It's going to take a big pony to match your horseshoes, though.

Super Trampoline
Group Admin

4657947 what's in the job description?

Feo Takahari
Group Admin

4659965 Put and keep stuff in its proper places. A lot of folks add stories that are way too long for the group, or put them in the wrong place. It doesn't take that long to move or remove each one, but you have to keep on top of it regularly, or it builds up a huge backlog (like right now, actually.) You could also search for new stories that are worth adding to the group, although I recommend sticking to stories you've read and liked rather than just adding everything. (There's a lot of total garbage under 2,500 words in the "Random Comedy" genre.) And if you're feeling ambitious, you could rewrite the rules and/or try to change the way the group is organized to make it more intuitive. (I recomend against allowing stories in more than one genre folder. It's a very bad sign when an author of a story under 2,500 words can't figure out which of five genres their story fits best.)

Ultimately, the basic tasks aren't that time-intensive. It's as much work as you want it to be. I just have a bad habit of overcomplicating things.

Super Trampoline
Group Admin

4660495 I can't volunteer to fill the role exclusively, but I would be honored to hell fill your shoes as part of a team.

Feo Takahari
Group Admin

4660856 Fair enough. Feel free to contact anyone else you think would be good for the role.

Could hav swarn any short story ould be up to 5K o fit the definion of short story

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