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I remember this story from years ago. The premise, when you look past the metaphors that represent different aspects of it, is that it takes place after the first Equestria Girls movie and Sunset Shimmer, as the title says, had suicidal depression.

I thought it was called something like My Friend Misery, but google searches didn't turn anything up. In the story, there's an OC who becomes Sunsets "friend". She was supposed to represent the depression and all the things it does to you or, in this case, Sunset. When it would talk about thoughts of suicide, it never said suicide, but it would say that this friend would ask Sunset to leave town with her. It also mentioned that this friend would "comfort" Sunset by telling her that she's worthless or that no one cares about her (You know how true this is if you have depression).

At one point in the story, it also mentions this friend used to be friends with Fluttershy but they aren't really seen together anymore. As the story goes on and the others start to support Sunset more, she starts seeing this friend less and less until it's only on rare occasions that she sees them.

I only just joined this group so I could hopefully find the story, so if this is like a famous one or something and it's mentioned a lot, I apologize. Please let me know if you have any leads on it.

7936607 This picture probably doesn't ring a bell, does it?

It's from a story about Sunset Shimmer falling in dark times. A person gets close to her and treats her like shit.

Unfortunately, no. It never has any violence. It's just about the different aspects of that level of depression and representing them in, what I consider to be, very creative and accurate ways.

Have you tried any of the Sunset Shimmer groups?
Maybe some kind of mental health or depression related group might be helpful too.
Please let us know what you find!

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