Sad 2,625 members · 4,383 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Sorry. I just wanted to know.

bad posts on internet forums

... Why do you want to know?

What makes you cry?

Just out of curiosity.

Homeless people being mistreated and unloved, Hurting others, Families leaving/dying, etc.

7545469 Dark songs that hit home.

The Drowning Season - Curse


Within temptation - what have you done


Haloween - World of Fantasy


Angtoria - Do You See Me Now


One of the things that makes me sad, angry, depressed, and capable of starring into the black void of the abyss of the cruel and indifferent cosmos is 177013. I would elaborate further, but your mind, soul, and heart are not ready...

Ugh... That... You know I tried to avoid outwrite saying the name of that in order to avoid getting kicked out of here right?

7545554 I don't see it as problematic. It seems like something I would write (if I was actually good at writing). It actually kind of reminds me of my novel where the main character starts with friends and full of potential. But then stuff happens and she loses what she values the most. She drifts apart from her loved ones and ends up alone with a one-way ticket to certain doom. She does things with good intentions but life always finds a way to screw her up. In the end, she finds no other solution than self-sacrifice.

  • Poignant music. Like Disappear by Dream Theater.
  • Seeing children scared.
  • Getting a code fall on an infant.
  • Dramatic moments in some movies.
  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 13