Sad 2,625 members · 4,383 stories
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Group Admin

The main page of the group has a bunch of posts of authors sharing their works - so let's move it to the message board where it's more visible.

There's a lot of great authors on this site, and a tragically large number of them are unnoticed. So, promote your [Sad] fictions here! Give a bit of description and perhaps explain a bit as to what makes your fiction great. :raritywink:

Group Admin

She Flutters No More
This fiction is about how the kindest pony in Equestria and the element of kindness, Fluttershy, passes away from a heart attack due to grief from the death of her beloved pet Angel. Now the mane 5 must learn to cope with their loss as Twilight learns a lesson that goes well beyond the magic of friendship.
Authors Note
I find don't want to brag or anything but I find my fiction to be memorable and tragically sad:fluttercry: because death is one of the most powerful burdens and losses you can carry and the fact that sad or even life-scarring stories tend to be remembered more often.
Ok that's all!:twilightsmile:


How Cruel Is The Golden Rule?
This story is about Carrot Top, or Golden Harvest. She is struggling from depression and hasn't spoken to her friends about it. The only one who she really trusts is Cheerilee, since she's the one who stopped her from killing herself. Golden's at the end of her rope and soon everything in her world will both crumble and re-build itself.
I wrote this as my first serious fic, so it may still be a little choppy. I'm working on a re-buffed version of it.


Well there's one that just got passed moderation early this afternoon titled When the Final Bird Sings. Here's the description for it: As he lies on his death bed, Hanson Parry idly waits for his own time. At the request of his young granddaughter, Hanson Parry recounts the story of the five best friends he has ever had and about the love of his life.
It's pretty sad from what the comments have told me and from the things my friends have said about it.

There's also this of mine titled Fluttershy - A Pony's Tale. Here's the description for it: One cold night, an aging college professor discovers a truly great treasure; a little pony. As the years pass, the two grow older and their love and bond deepens. One day however, the old professor doesn't come home. And faithfully for everyday, for all the years, until the very end, Fluttershy loyally waits for him to return. Even though he never will.
I actually cried while writing the ending to it so it's definitely pretty sad to me.

Here is mine Revenge. The description is: As a teenager, he was an average brony, until he was teleported to the show that he loved. Sadly, it wasn't. Once he returned, he vowed to train himself to become stronger and deadlier, for when he returned to the hell he escaped from, he will seek revenge on those who ruined his life.

What makes it sad is possibly the ending of the story.

A place to talk about sad fics? I'm in!

Upon Wings of Sacrifice

Summery: How far would you go for love? Would you travel across the world? Face peril whatever the danger? Even sacrifice your own being? Rainbow Dash will have to answer these questions as she tries to find a forbidden mirror to bring back the one she both loved and lost. But at what price will it be?

It starts of sad right at the end of the first chapter and some of my readers say it's sadder then My Little Dashie which I kind of find funny.

Mine is Dear Twilight. It is about Spike leaving Ponyville but before he leaves, he writes one last letter to Twilight. It's short and simple. It doesn't even have a thousand words in it.

I recently finished One By One, a story about how as time goes on, Applejack finds life harder and harder to live as loved ones perish one by one. It's about 11.5 thousand words, and is by far my longest piece. I'd appreciate any interest you all have!
-Hodd :rainbowkiss:

Just finished one story called The Eclipse. And I'm still working on another called A True "Rarity". Be great if someone could see and review them.

I just finished revising and adding a new chapter to my story called 'Finding Harmony'. Its an emotional story about Fluttershy finding a human child and trying to find a way to send her home with the help of the other ponies. She grows to really care for the little girl but knows what the right thing to do is- if only they could find a way to send her home.
Crappy description, but I'm told its sad and sweet. Please take a look if you can :)

Here's me (trying to) shamelessly explain my own story...

My story titled "Pained Existence" is a rather short story which tells the tale of a bedridden unicorn by the name of Breezy who recounts all of the misery he had to endure to get to his point in life.

It's a bit of a sub-par story in my own opinion, but I only feel the want to show it here due to it being decent.

Ladies and gentlecolts, I would like to promote my story

The Life I Lead

Moonbeam, a pegasus with a troubled past and an old friend of Rarity, appears out of the blue at Carousel Boutique as a last ditch effort to avoid falling deeper into the black pit of depression and misfortune. Rarity takes him in, introducing him to the Mane Six in an effort to get him out of his shell and make some friends. While her intentions are good, Rarity's actions may prove to be just the opposite of what she expects.

Sad, Slice of Life, Shipping (in later chapters)

Under the quiet of night, there's nowhere for Luna to hide from the things which haunt her.

My motivation when writing this was to take an idea that's already been done to death, and do it better. Must've done a decent job because this was my first story to get on EqD. :yay: Subtlety was what I aimed for and it paid off.

Greetings ponies,

Submitted for your consideration: Excerpts from a Filthy Diary

I've been getting a little sick of seeing the stereotype that rich ponies are inherently stuck-up, selfish, undeserving and generally perfectly acceptable to despise. In the spirit of promoting love and tolerance (even between the financial classes), I wanted to explore the characters of Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara in a light most ponies wouldn't normally see. The story ended up being pretty sad, but hopefully ending on a bittersweet note.

This is a story which expands a bit more on the history of Ponyville and some of its citizens-- and I tried to make it canon compliant. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

My first hand at writing FiM fanfics is in the Bittersweet section. It is called The Challenges of Love--Part One: Rarity's Tale. My imagination has now been so sparked to life that I have been juggling several stories at once. It got so bad that I put most of them on hiatus and went back to concentrating on this one. An old iteration of it has actually seen publication on Equestria Daily, back when they weren't as picky, but I am no longer happy with it. It is now through its second major revision. I actually started the concept of this story way back during the early days of Season One, so some story points may seem outdated. I was inspired by the episode Winter Wrap Up, and with me being a Rarity fan, I imagined Rarity as being a "winter gal". At first the goal was only to write a holiday story. But then as my imagination grew and the ideas of in what direction I wanted to take The Challenges of Love series took shape, I started evolving the concept of each individual part and started spinning darker and darker ideas. Now I'm wondering if I should move it from Bittersweet to Heartbreaking. LOL. Anyway, I would love the feedback. I think this will probably be the most developed and deepest part of my series. I'd have to see where the other stories go.

Hello, my fellow sadfic enthusiasts,

I would like to promote my short sadfic, The Last Crusade. The story follows the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they each cope with the strange (and unfortunate) situation that Apple Bloom finds herself in. I guess in the way I wrote the story, it's best if I don't give away too much here, but if you've ever read "Final Dream of a Filly", it's a similar theme, and you'll likely enjoy this fic. :scootangel:

Here's my FiM Fiction synopsis of The Last Crusade:

Apple Bloom is tired of being on her own. With time stopping for nopony and a great, bright beacon calling to her, the little earth pony makes one of the hardest decisions of her life, and embarks on one last crusade with her friends.

However, one friend is not so quick to accept the truth. Can a certain little white filly learn to cope with the thing she fears most - saying goodbye?

I hope you guys like it, and I always love to get feedback from the readers!

Dragon Heart
Synopsis: Spike has some trouble dealing with love, and love lost. Inspired by When You Fall by theworstwriter.

We'll Fly Together
Synopsis: Rainbow Dash remembers her reason to smile. The poem is the centerpoint. Everything else is crap.

Gloomy Sunday
Everyone has different ways of coping when someone close to them disappears

Based entirely on the infamous Billie Holiday version of what was described as the 'Hungarian suicide song' called 'Gloomy Sunday', which can be found here. Although I did randomly add an alternate ending to it after I finished it, which was not part of the song.

If you want to have a gander at the story & song, I would probably advise reading the story first, as otherwise you'll have an idea of what's coming and it might spoil it.

Also, quick question in case anyone does read it: if I were to put it in one of the folders for this group, which should I put it in?

Here's my Slice-of-Life turned Sad fic, Finding Your Elements.

Got a new chapter up, and it's a doozy in length. Spam advertising. The Challenges of Love--Part One: Rarity's Tale

I've got Finding Your Elements on my Read Later list.

The Things We Leave Behind

Sometimes, bad things happen to good ponies. A year following a tragic incident, Twilight Sparkle returns to Ponyville to visit what she has been missing - her town, her memories, and most importantly, her friends. But will everything be as she remembers it?

Just a little project I've been working on for the past month that I finally got up on the site.

Hello everypony, i would like to share my fic with you guys.
Here it is:
One Last Day

What would you do if you'd know your friend has only one day left to live and there's nothing you can do to stop it?
What would you tell him, what would you do for him?
That's what's happened to Twilight. Her friend Fluttershy has only one day left to live. Though it is very sad to Twilight, she does her best, to make Fluttershys last day, become her best day.

I would apreciate it very much if somepony would read it! :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Well, I have done a number of sad one-shots, but my favorite of these would be "Stone's Embrace".

This is a story of how Discord feels after he is turned to stone, and how a certian dark-blue princess saves him, only to cry in the dust.

Second favorite of my sad-fics is "One Last Kindess". It was the 3rd one I wrote, and it is about Fluttershy.

She is dying of an unknown and incurable illness, what will the element of kindness do in her last hours of life?

Enjoy the sadness:trollestia:

Well, it isn't finished yet but An Old Timers Tale is quite sad.
It focuses on Applebllom, now 90 years old and returning to Ponyville (the home she hasn't seen in more than 70 years) and reminiscing about her life. From her friendships, relationships, almost wedding and to how she managed to end up on her own at the top of the largest business empire in Equestria. The train ride is important, but I can't explain why here because it would give too much away. Needless to say there is a lot of APplebloom saying "I wish I hadn't doen that" and "I can't believe I was so heartless." SO if anyone likes Applebloom, you might like my story:twilightsmile:

Ah the allowance of self promotion. Let's get started.:pinkiecrazy:

A Heavy Crown
I'll tell you a story. It's a tale about a unicorn with wings. I'll tell you about the Princess that kept her alive, the filly that taught her to care, and the stallion she loved. This is her story... it's my story.

The thing I enjoy about Cadance is that we really know so little about her. She's a blank slate and a great repository for fic ideas. I think a lot of people were shaking their heads with the whole "third alicorn" thing. Me? I saw it as a challenge: make sense of Cadance popping out of nowhere, give her a background, and make her more than just a princess.

The Thunder Twist Chronicle.
It's a story about the son of Rainbow Dash. He tries to get over his mothers death. it starts ten years after the defeat of Chrysalis and her changelings. this story is sad i believe because of the emotion of the main character as he struggles to overcome his pain. it immerses the reader even more so by being written in the first person present tense

If you like sadness, and I am sure you do since you are here in the sad group, you should read "Hush, Now, Quiet Now" - It's a story about Sweetie Belle coping with tragedy. It's in the Heartbreaking folder.

Sequel in the works revolving around how the story's events effect Rainbow Dash.

I try to keep the characters fairly in-character for canon. Hopefully successful. So far, people have liked it. I am now just trying to promote my stories as much as I can. :pinkiecrazy:

Sweet, a place where I can get some feedback. Be warned though, I mostly write sad fics.

Most recent one is She Visits Them Every Year

Summary: Just where are Scootaloo's parents and why doesn't she ever talk about them? Sadly the answer to both questions is because they have passed on. Join Scootaloo as she pays her annual visit to the graves of her two parents...and learn a little something about her and her family in the process.

Memories Long Forgotten

Pinkie Pie has a more difficult past than any of her friends know. What would happen if it caught up with her? what changes would it cause? and would it be a good thing or bad?

Here's the first fan fic I wrote and would love feed back on whether I did a good job or not.

For the most part I'm a tragedy writer and don't think I'll be writing much that strays too far from that.

Why Does Applejack Cry?

Apple Bloom asks an honest question.

okay heres a great idea: ed ed and eddy in equestria

tropico equestria

icarly croossover (i can just see sam beating the fuck outta gilda)

victorious cat+pinkie pie=

A short piece on what might have happened if Twilight made a different choice.
An Eventide Lament

Here it is lads.

Synopsis: It's kinda a self insert, only it really isn't.
Got inspired to write it last Tuesday when melancholy descended upon me during a thread question. I'm steering it towards something similar to Silent Hill. Trying to write an introduction to the story is literally a bitch though. I simply cannot for the life of me describe scenes in detail, or in proper chronological order for that matter.

It was a fluke of luck that I manage to even type that chapter.
If you don't mind, I would an inquiry on where you predict the story might head from here.


"Immortality" is such a vague, misleading term. When the fires of life have all perished, and nothing is left to tie you to this world, even a Goddess can die.

Mild TwiLuna shipping, nothing graphic. I would hope for some help on how to classify this story, as I'm hesitant to put it into a folder without somepony's advice first. I can't decide whether this is Heartbreaking or Light-Sad

Thank you for your time!

I've come to promote... every since fic I've written so far. Four of my five fics on FimFiction are tagged sad, with the fifth being tagged Tragedy.

So... yeah. >>

Mine is Assistant's Final Hours. Look at it in my profile.

291803 I've heard of that! I even read it! It is beautiful!

An excerpt from my story Chasing Dreams.

"A red mare ran into the ICU and Dream Chaser recognized her as his mother. She looked at him in horror as if he was some kind monster but then another emotion swept her face. Was that...relief?
His mother walked up to the nearest nurse and asked with tear filled eyes, "My son, Dream Chaser, where is he?" He was beaten so bad his own mother didn't recognize him.
The nurse pointed to Dream Chaser and his mother just shook her head, not wanting to believe the bruised and bandaged mess before her was actually her son. She walked up to his face and looked into the only eye he was able to open.
A harsh realization came over her and she broke down into a fit of hysterical tears. "My baby! Who did this to my baby?!"
As she sobbed the automatic door to the ICU opened and a gold stallion ran in. It was his father and he too had trouble recognizing his son. "Oh Celestia," he muttered under his breath and embraced his wife. He looked to his son and his lip quivered as he spoke. "You'll get through this! You hear me? Be strong! Your mother and I will be strong for you!"
They were the last words he'd ever hear his father say."

Here's a small piece form the first chapter of my story Sunset of Time

Twilight had landed on a small pile of rubble close to what used to be the door to the entrance hall. She was covered in burn marks and open wounds that bled profusely. Some of them had already scarred over, evidence of her healing magic. Both her wings and two of her legs were bent at disturbing angles, and her mane and tail were a disheveled mess.

Sunset reached her broken form and sobbed, “Twilight! Twilight, please, get up! You have to get up!” She shook the purple alicorn’s body as gently as she could while still trying to invoke a reaction.

Sunset’s ears twitched as an odd whining sound echoed above her head. She looked up just in time to see another figure eject out of the sphere. It was long and slim with large, leathery wings and pointed scales. It spiraled out into the distance, away from the burning city. But even as it shrank smaller and smaller onto the horizon, Sunset could see something was terribly wrong with it.

It was missing a head.

Sunset wailed as the dragon vanished from view. Her whole body trembled at the loss of one of her closest friends. What kind of monster could do that to Spike, could do this to Twilight?

Her cries of agony stirred Twilight from her unconscious state. She opened an eye and asked, “He’s gone, isn’t he?”

Sunset jumped, surprised at her mentor’s sudden consciousness. She looked down at the princess and choked up, her voice failing. Unable to give Twilight an answer, she merely bit her lip and nodded.

Twilight closed her eyes, tears sliding down her grime-covered face, and mourned. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you... couldn’t protect any of you,” she said in a raspy voice.

Alright here we go...

"How can they lock us up when they're the monsters?" A quote by Mind Twist as we learn of her parents, her voices, and who she really would be. A prequel to The Mentally Unstable Wing of Ponyville Hospital.

What does it mean to be trapped? For Mind Twist it is coping with voices, anger, lost friends and family, and hope.After a strange incident that kills her parents, filly Mind Twist is trapped inside the Wing, making her the very first patient. With no memory of what happened to her parents, she tries to escape, to teach the others how to survive, and to never get up. Blood, needles, torture, and death....No pony will hear the screams....
NOTE: If you have not already read The Mentally Unstable Wing of Ponyville Hospital (it's in my story section) please do so, it'll make a bit more sense.

I just got a new story approved yesterday, and I'd appreciate it if you guys would come and check it out! The description goes like this...

This Used to Be a Quiet Place

Life as a living legend isn't all it’s cracked up to be. Living in the wake of one isn't any easier. As they finally go their separate ways, Dash and Applejack begin to remember the way life was…and how it's all changed. For the largest legends always cast the longest shadows.

As expected, it's a sad story. Not the super tragic kind of sad--more like bittersweet. So if you'd like to have your heartstrings plucked, then I encourage you guys to come and check it out!

Silver Spoon's father is killed and Diamond goes a little bit...crazy.


To be a Princess

Summary: After a long time, Princess Celestia of Equestria is finally prepared to confess her love to Twilight Sparkle. But, the day she choose to do it, she discovers something unexpected that leave her in pain. How will the Princess of the Sun reacts? What will she do?

Enjoy :twilightsmile:

And I want to ask: what folder is the appropriate for this story? To submit there, of course ^^ I think that is a mix of bittersweet and heartbreaking. 30%-70%, maybe.

Fading Away [Sad][Tragedy]
Everyone • Twilicorn | Spike | Rarity

Several years into the future, Twilight and Spike have gone their separate ways. But now, it is up to the princess to find her former assistant and convey a message that might bring them together again: their mutual friend, Rarity... is dying.

I really like the emotion in the story so far, it really compliments the genre of the story and gives it more substance in my opinion. Also I can't wait for the next chapter to come out! ~TyTyTech

This is absolutely wondrous! I have no complaints about it at all. Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to reading more! ~RoadBurnTheDoctor

Dashaloo Days is the first of a trilogy I wrote for my daughter, and was pleasantly surprised to see others were enjoying it too. It centers around Dash and Scootaloo learning to be 'sisters' after Dash made the promise to take Scoot under her wing. Beyond that the synopsis speaks for itself.

I like to hit hard with my stories and I try to go over the top more often than not. The first episode is meant to be a heart warming short of Dash overcoming her insecurities and fear of commitment to be the best big sister she can be. The second episode is a bit longer and details Dash's inner struggle with accepting exactly who she is, her responsibilities of holding a little filly's heart in her hooves, and I hint at something more sinister on the horizon. Episode three goes into detail about Dash's past, Scootaloo's flight training, and that something sinister hits full force. If you like feelz, swing my way, I have quite a few other stories in the works as well. :pinkiehappy:

Well I do have a new story that I would like to get some opinions on.

Words Unsaid and Hope Undone

Summary: Playwright always enjoy writing since he was a foal and he once had a promising career as a writer. But everything changed when his first work was ruthlessly criticized, shattering Playwright's confidence and leaving him with self doubts of his skills, despite the loving support of his family. But when he moves to Ponyville for a fresh start, he encounters the Mane SIx and in the process, gets another shot to pursue his dream as a writer once again.

Tags: Romance, Sad, and Slice of Life

Still unsure how sad it's gonna be but it will qualify as a sad story.

Ive been writing a story, and It's gotten zero attention, So I might as well share it with you people.

It's entitled A Beautiful Swallow It's a story about a young pony over the course of five years as he slowly develops a love for another. The sad part comes in with the various events that happen to the two, as well as what will likely be the last act. I don't want to say anymore here. Spoilers.

Yeah, I don't got much else to say on that front.

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