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I would like to know the gender-bent names of male characters.

Shining Armor: Gleaming Shield

Discord: Eris

Flash Sentry: Flare Warden

For some examples

Sombra: Umbra

Caramel: Toffee
Big Mac: Macareina or Red Gala
Soarin: Glidin

None of these are mine, just ones I have seen around the site.

There's no designated gender-bent name for any character. There are ones that are relatively commonly used, but they aren't required. Go with whatever you feel is right; including just not changing their name, because you're dealing with fictional naming conventions anyway.

[rant]The commonly used ones aren't even that good; "Dusk Shine" is cheesy, the "Berry" in "Bubble Berry" doesn't relate to who the character is, "Butterscotch" is similarly trying too hard to mimic the cadence of the canon name at the expense of the meaning of the words used, and "Artemis" is the Greek goddess of the Moon and so implies literally the opposite of what it intends to. They aren't all they're cracked up to be; feel free to make your own.[/rant]

You have a point, but I have to say that a.) Artemis is commonly used as a male name these days. Times, they change. And b.) good fucking luck finding any names associated with the moon that are masculine.

I don't have an issue with Artemis being a used as a male name, but when you're changing "Luna" with the explicit intent of making it masculine, it's a confusing choice.
I also forgot to point out that it's not a pony-style name, which makes it stick out like a sore hoof anyway; if you're looking through human naming lists for your pony, you're doing it wrong.

Tsukuyomi is a good choice if you're going the Japanese route.

Yeah, that's why I distinctively searched a list of moon goddesses and moon gods and settled for Máni, the Norse God of the Moon.
What I find really weird is how people didn't do the obvious thing with Celestia and turn it masculine. Celestin is a male name. Why did nobody go with that?

Cause the actual mane of the sun, that we established in the middle ages, methinks that is, is Sol. Solaris just sounds fancier. And who doesn't wanna be fancier?

Divorced from your train of thought, the gender bent name of my already gender bent character- Heartbreak- name is Heartache.

Not saying they're the best vers., but the most commonly used names for the M6 are (mostly due to the first few R63 fics)
Twi -> Dusk Shine
Rare -> Elusive
Pink -> Bubble Berry
AJ (literally nothing changes, except maybe the nickname "Jack" being more common)
Flutts -> Butterscotch
RD -> Rainbow Blitz.

No guys i mean Male charaters turned female.

Most of them seem to have been covered (and of course, as stated, if you disagree/don't like one you don't have to use it).

I don't think established fanon names exist for some of the colts like Pipsqueak, Rumble or Featherweight. I do see in one Deviantart group them listed as "Little Pip", "Tumble", and "Featherbrain". Also Thunderlane is listed as "Lightning Row".

I don't think these are established fanon though, at least not as far as I can tell. So if you plan on doing a fic it shouldn't feel awkward to pick something different (should never feel awkward but some folks do get intense about established fanon -shrug-).

Personally I would pick "Lil' Pip" (basically the same I just think it's cuter that way), "Flash", "Flyweight", and "Lightningstrip" (I acknowledge the potential for joke here). I do have my reasons but I don't wanna ramble lol.

Selene is the goddess of the moon and artemis is the goddess of the hunt, know im late but makes no sense for the name ngl

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