Twilight Sparkle 4,773 members · 12,378 stories
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Its because she voices her and is probably very alike

The sad thing is how absolutely not like Twilight she is.

hehe, the adorkabetes

They are very much not alike. Unfortunately for Ms. Strong.

She has unapproved opinions about Israel-Palestine.

Should she be like Twilight? If so, why shouldn't she be like the other characters she voiced/played.

Unfortunately for Ms. Strong.

I would say "fortunately."


More to do with the getting a child killed and scamming her fans to do it through "alternative medicine" which is exactly opposite of Twilight and let's not forget the scam of NFTs she tried to sell people, supporting art theft.

Sorry but people who oppose science, try to scam their fans and stealing from artists are not even close to Twilight, she's closer to Flim and Flam.

What she said about the Isreal-palastine stuff I couldnt tell you as I block anything related to that but she hasn't been like Twilight for years before Isreal palatine was in the public eye.

But sure just ignore all that because "hey she voices a character I like! She must be a good person and doesn't have a long list of terrible things she's done!"

Tara Strong has never been like Twilight and people need to stop pretending she because she says so.

She's voice a zillion characters over the years, but off the cuff Twilight's a better role model in general than, say, Harley Quinn or Raven. Batgirl's a good second.

The takeaway here, really, is that Tara could use some better role models herself.

Please tell me, who are you to determine which models another person should follow? Tara Strong is an adult, conscious woman who chooses for herself what to do, say, and how to behave. In addition, I think it's stupid to choose a fictional character as a role model, because the conditions of character development often do not coincide with reality.

My conclusion is that the culture of cancellation and condemnation promoted by the Twitter audience is a weed that needs to be uprooted and burned to the ground. And also, my conclusion is that a lot of things in life should be treated more simply, and then life around you will also become easier.

she needs to write a letter to Princess Celestia!


Darn, I was hoping Tara's more like Harley Quinn :trollestia:

Here's Twilight with Barbra Gordon otherwise known as Batgirl, who is also voiced by Tara Strong.

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