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the title says it all. one of mine: also an epic fail:
you had one job...that's su-47 berkut idiot

Sorry, can't hear you at Mach 3. :rainbowwild:

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am at 80,000 feet and climbing."

Countermeasures for missiles? Outrun them.

Awesome plane is awesome.

2124530 they're making the second version the sr-72 estimated to go 2x as fast as it's ancestor...hypersonic...


I'm still holding out for starships, though.


The Spitfire: that is an amazing fighter.... Just had too small of a gas tank

P-51 Mustang: because AMERICA

Mi-24 Hind: the only thing more Russian than that old chopper is the AK47

Good old fashioned Russian Engineering:facehoof:

2124501 The B2. What a weird plane that is :rainbowwild:

Battleships remain my favorite fighting machines, though.

HMS Dreadnought

and Bismarck


well the plane i'd fly would either be a supermarine spitfire MK.II, Eurofighter Typhoon or the F-35 B II lightning....now for helicopters id either go for a UH-60 Black Hawk a AH-64 Apache or The Merlin HC3.....how do i now all of that

the Supermarine Spitfire. it's a exceptional fighter, pretty much won the Battle of Britain with the hawker hurricane (another great fighter), and it looks so good.

So. good.

SR-71 Black bird is best plane!

2124501 Don't mean to be that guy but...

2125312 fitting profile pic...

A-10 Thunderbolt II aka: the Warthog. Nothing says "fuck you" quite like 16,000 pounds of ordinance and 30mm depleted uranium.

Favorite chopper? Airwolf.

Heh heh. But really, it's the AH-64 Apache.

Mine a Japanese Zero,T-90 tank,and Apache AC

>People metioning A-10
>Not superior CAS aircraft

>Hind firing 80mm rockets from a 57mm rocket pod
>Hind in Afghanistan with chaingun and not GSH-30-2
>Hind with no ATGM's attached going into combat

9 Rota had the superior Hind scene.


Was the only one I knew of

2127857 i love both but...
a-10: suck my

2127461 hey solo-wing, how ya doin?

Hey buddy, you still alive?

it appears that I need enlightenment, along with several others. In what way is the Su-25 a better CAS aircraft than the A-10?
the guns crapper, and has less ammunition
it has the same amount of weapon hardpoints.
it has a lower maximum payload weight.
barring all of that it has a worse operational history.
if you're saying that you think the Su-25 is cooler or has more personality I could get behind that, but if you are saying it's superior...
Then I need some enlightening.

"You think you can stop bloodshed by shedding more blood? Flying with all those ideas swarming around in your head is gonna get you killed."

2128350 uhh...(i havn't played the games in a long time cause my ps2 broke) 15 years ago there was a war...?

Ace Combat Zero

2128451 yeah i know, that was unsung war but in zero you fight the belkans. right?

Right. Have you joined the AC group yet?


>Worse gun
The GSH-30-2 has been shown to have similar terminal ballistics, while not requiring as much space or nearly as much ammunition to feed it. Unless you need a ludicrous fire rate (Which you don't with a decent targetter, you don't fucking need.)
>Same hardpoints, less weight
That's also because Vympel weigh less than Mavericks. And are superior ATGM.
>Worse operational history
[citation needed], it performed amazingly when Russia actually faced a conventional foe, like in the Second Chechen War. It just had a terrible rap in Afghanistan, since it was designed to knock out armored vehicles, not dudes in caves.

Combine roughly the same combat statistics with a better top speed, a better cruising speed, a better operational range, better ECM, and better armaments and you have a superior plane.

This is a favorite plane thread, not better; anyone can have their own reasons for having a favorite plane, right down to the look of it.

You are more than welcome.

ehhh... I suppose that I understand what you are saying. do I agree? hell no, but I understand.

anyways, this is all irrelevant elephant, because we all know that the best CAS aircraft is the hawker typhoon

oh man, that train's going to have a bad day.

2124501 Favorite plane: SU-47 Berkut

Favorite tank/self propelled aritillery: howitzer

Favorite ship: Scinfaxi-class submarine

((I don't care if the Scinfaxi doesn't exist))

Favorite Plane: The "Butcher Bird": Focke-Wulf 190

Favorite Tank: M-24 Chaffee

or Panzer II Ausf L "Luchs"

So cute! :rainbowkiss:

Favorite Warship: Ohio-Class Submarine (SSGN configuration)

154 Tomahawks Missiles from out of nowhere, baby! :rainbowwild:

As for other:

I cant decide between the BAC Canberra T.Mk 1 or the McDonnell Douglas/British Aerospace Harrier GR.Mk 5 II. Seriously, have you seen hiw much shit they can put on that thing? It's absolutely mind blowing.

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