Ponies of War 1,400 members · 934 stories
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I didn't say that humans are completely helpless in an "no supplies" scenario. I merely think that ponies would fare better.

When did they come out on top and why? How did this come up?

I wonder how excited you would be when you have to eat a fully sapient being, who is on the same intellectual level as you are. Honestly, I highly doubt I could do that.

If your arguments involve redundantly contrived stuff, then we should be allowed to do that kind of stuff too.


Honestly, I highly doubt I could do that.

It certainly isn't intelligent anymore. It also isn't the same species. Your weakness is your problem. I wouldn't be excited to do it, but I certainly wouldn't be suffering any moral quandaries. After all, I'm not eating a human being. Besides, you can use random shit in your arguments. So can I.

Yet they always come out on top.

Through the power of random deus ex machinas that are absolute bullshit. Also note that the enemies they fight are so fucking retarded we could probably exterminate all of them if we wanted to (overnight). They will never come up on top of mankind, for reasons we've already been over.


Yes, that's why I listed examples of why we would fare better.

Yet they always come out on top.

Yes, it truly is amazing that an organism with magical capabilities to alter their environment with few real natural predators were successful in surviving in such a forgiving environment.

Also, there's 1000 years of history we do not know of in the show along with the times of their origins where they could have had their asses kicked seven ways to Sunday. Thus, the statement isn't particularly valid.


Every threat they have been faced with, has been neutralized.

What do you mean they're not intelligent? They speak, create, write, build and so on. I think they are intelligent.


Every threat they have been faced with, has been neutralized.

And those threats were retarded. The ponies still panicked, and "won" with the power of random deus ex machina bullshit. Seriously, they think the Everfree is an eldritch abomination, and it's completely normal to us.

What do you mean they're not intelligent? They speak, create, write, build and so on. I think they are intelligent.

It isn't thinking when it's dead.


Every threat they have been faced with, has been neutralized.

Humans have neutralized their problems too. Unlike ponies, we evolve to progress, wherein Equestria just vanishes their problem and remains stagnant out of some irrational fear of change.

Anyway, before I leave this back and forth. I would merely like to repeat my initial post.
In a humans vs ponies war, I believe that humanity would win. The only difference I seem to have from anyone else is that it would not be a curb-stomp battle and would be much messier and closer than people like.

Last time I checked, we have plenty of problems.

Problems that are being solved. Makes no sense to complain about them.


Every threat they have been faced with, has been neutralized.

They banished the three worst ones and then let them come back and wreck their shit again... just saying.

What do you mean they're not intelligent? They speak, create, write, build and so on. I think they are intelligent.

He is speaking of a hypothetical situation where a pony is dead and he would eat it.

All intelligence for an individual is lost when one is dead.

4103040 No, I'm gonna have to step in here. If Luna entered the mind of a soldier with PTSD, she would probably lose it for some time. Maybe not go insane or anything because she was banished to the moon and was isolated from more than a thousand years. Think of that, the cold, dark, silent, lonliness of space for over a thousand years. I'll admit, that takes some mental strength.
4103049 But I am still on your guy's side.

This thread's so gonna get deleted so I'm gonna tell you all that this was hands down the most epic arguments I had ever seen on the internet. I read every single line of text. Sorry for not participating fully.

A. Are the ponies truly capable of war (No the Alicorns/Discord are not the almighty gods that can destroy an army of over 1 billion people)

B. The Human race, with all the technological advances we have today, would wipe out most of Equestria should we attack without warning. If Equestria was prepared with an army of their own, the results would result in slaughter and countless casualties on both sides and would end in Humans occupying a small portion of Equestria.

C. An alternative would be all races in Equestria and beyond, Dragons, Changelings, Gryphons, etc. Would be able to perhaps repel any assault, of course that would depend on how humans would get to Equestria.

All in all I expect this to be a very interesting debate.

*sigh* I see people pulling the Discord card. So I'm guessing his power has rules. And if I saw anything at all during the recent finale, its that his magic is dark magic, by the looks of it. And if love and friendship can purify it, then he merely uses dark magic, as Sombra did. Besides, im guessing rounds that go around 8000 miles per second can hurt.
Fucking hell, are you serious? Humans are the happiest fucking group ever. Its when we fight shit gets real. Take Americans for example. They celebrate their fucking half birthday, thats how greedy they are. But take away their rights, and they fight. Take away their freedom, they slaughter. But give them a legit reason ti fight? Bitch u dead.We may cheat steal, and lie, but we cheat death, steal enemies advantages, and lie about our rights.

4108220 I am American and we don't have half birthdays hell we don't even celebrate birthdays in my family.

That could be you personally, though. I'm not sure that you speak for your entire nation.

4108570 I don't but I never herd of any one having a half birthday and I was born in the USA.

Well, I'm a Canadian, so I wouldn't know much about that.

Group Admin

I leave for two fucking days.
If you guys get uncivil this thread will be locked


In short, everything that you have said is bullshit made to pander specifically to your own idea of "pony superiority" which ignores the show's canon ( and also ignores the fact that we invented the bastards, and that they are a figment of human imagination). You are a misanthrope.

You have a strike for instigating this, and another for the several posts afterwards. These strikes will be removed after 1 month


Out of curiosity, why was Gundamdragon banned and why did I receive no strikes?

4108453 I know my younger cousin always complains about not being able to celebrate his half birthday, while his school does. Cross referencing this with an old chap of mine whose son has a friend whose family celebrates half birthdays. Might have been a bit stereotypical though...

Group Admin

Gun was banned because he got three strikes, but because he received no warning it is only a week long ban.
You did not get in trouble because I did not see you breaking any rules.

4109673 Gee, just saw your profile, Mr. Mod. forget this place, I'm leaving.


For example, a sniper's bullet from a good kilometer out is going to simply be moving way too fast for him to react to.

A missile travelling at about mach 2-3 will be too fast for him to react to as well.

Who says he has to react? He could just decide that anything harmful he doesn't see coming is automatically blocked or turned into hamsters or whatever. Or he could make himself intangible on a constant basis, or go invisible, or both. That's probably what I would do if I was nearly omnipotent and fighting a species who specialize in high-powered ranged weapons.

I dunno, I just think that if sniping him from a distance is all you need to take him out, then Celestia or somepony else would have tried that during his tenure as Supreme Overtroll of Equestria. Ponies are just as smart as humans, after all.


He could just decide that anything harmful he doesn't see coming is automatically blocked or turned into hamsters or whatever.

You're still assuming he's all powerful. The show has demonstrated that he isn't.

then Celestia or somepony else would have tried that during his tenure as Supreme Overtroll of Equestria.

Since when have ponies had sniper rifles or missiles? We're speaking in a whole different league here.


You do know we're talking about the same idiot that failed to predict that he'd be betrayed by single-handedly, the most evil character to ever appear on the show, right?

Seriously, he didn't even think of the possibility of being betrayed and was legitimately surprised when it happened.

Let us also not forgot that he was frozen in stone twice by the same weapon at the same scenario because of how over-confident and arrogant he is.

Traits like that will only spell doom upon a battlefield, and traits like that are what makes things like this happen:

His potential and ability is wasted by his childish and arrogant attitude, thus making him practically void on the battlefield.

I dunno, I just think that if sniping him from a distance is all you need to take him out, then Celestia or somepony else would have tried that during his tenure as Supreme Overtroll of Equestria. Ponies are just as smart as humans, after all.

What weapon in the late medieval-mid renaissance times has the same versatility and killing ability as a modern day sniper rifle? I can literally think of nothing to fit that same niche.

The Winter War was one of the most glorious struggles in history.

4101807 going to have to say humans. I mean, if Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadance teamed up on the humans, then ponies might win, but remember, there are times tech can mean all the difference.

4101807 Humans. We've already broken horses. We know plenty about them. Since ponies are also equine, we know a fair deal about their basic anatomy and weaknesses already. Also, modern humanity is far beyond pony technology as we've seen. Plus, any fan of TTGL will know that the human spirit, when fighting for its right to live freely, or for what it loves, is force so extremely powerful that it transcends reality, and can still push a fight even from beyond the grave.

Parasprites are like the rachni,and the rachni would be with us considering mass effect universe, they dont want to be controlled and if they are our allies then they would prevent the ponies from singing to us the sour note of subjugation

Same goes for the Parasprites

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