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YOOO BUT THIS INACTIVITY THOUGH!! Title says it all, who of the 2 would emerge victorious in a war with each other?

Bendy #2 · Feb 21st, 2015 · · 1 ·

Depends on what type of ponies from fan fiction. If they are overpowered fan made version, then yes the ponies would win. Otherwise humans would win.

However, even if the ponies are overpowered, if a lot of ponies joined humanity side, then the humans would win. Overpowered ponies not wanting to be nasty to underpowered humans, perhaps they have human fetish or something and that's why they fight for humans. XD


It also depends on what type of humans. Would the ponies be facing humans from our world? Or humans from Warhammer, Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect or something else?


Impossible to say. The question is too vague, there are too many unknown factors, no defined victory conditions, etc.

4101807 Anyone that believes that ponies that have the mentality of six year olds can defeat the terrible nightmare that is humanity needs to have their heads check.

Same with those people that say Magic beats everything... It doesn't

TCB fanfiction doesn't count cus its full of shit!

4101807 ponies would win wile humans have technologies ponies have magic that makes the combat advantage even. It then comes down to how well the 2 sides can work within there own ranks. And let's face facts humans are just as likely to shoot our own allies on the battle field as the enemy. We are too suspices of each other and individual nations would act against the common interest of the world as a whole for there own gain. Human would not start actually working together till about half the world's armies have been crushed, but by that point it's to late, cause face it the whole movie trope of humans bouncing back from near defeat is bull. History shows that to be false.

The ponies on the other hand have a culture built on unity and trust and act for there benefit of whole not the individual. Plus they have magic, weather control troops that that brake mock 10 with out machines and the average pony can cave a man's head in with a single buck. That's not counting the increased strength earth ponies have.

Basically it's like this magic and tech balance each other out both races are equally intelligent (and if any one says human are more mature look at YouTube for five minutes of random popular and then try and say that) but humans are physically inferior as well lack the racial unity that the ponies have.

Finale verdict. Ponies win

I would say humans, we would get our asses kicked, bad, but I think we would finally decide that a couple of Tsars' would help... then the ponies get their shit f**ked up, like, equestria would disapear, in seconds, before they knew what hit them. also mustard gas isn't nice....

Ponies know very well how to protect their own, but humans practically have wars for sport, I think we would handle ourselves quite well, given we aren't to prideful and underestimate the ponies, I would like to avoid a confrontation with Cerberus....

I also think allot of humans would like to protect the ponies, their society is golden, and it would be awesome to live there, and humans defend what they like. so....

Verdidct: Humans, unless some humans saw something they liked in pony society, then it would probably be in favor of ponies.
(also, Cerberus, Tirek, Discord, Alicorns, Dragons. vs. Tsars, AC130s, Lasers... yes lasers, & angry humankind)
but I think just a few creatures would also dislike their world getting burnt.
Final Verdict: Discord

Edit: or fluttershy, if she learned how to weaponize adorableness, we'd be in deep trouble

I'm going to assume that this is the canon ponies against modern humans.

The issue with your statement here is that you assume every pony to be a veritable Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash. That is clear bullshit. Twilight and Rainbow are specifically pointed out to be unique, while your average pony can barely levitate anything more than a boulder or fly faster than a World War One era fighter, never mind modern fighters (also note the fact that Rainbow Dash barely broke the sound barrier, and therefore can only go slightly faster than mach one, while we can go around mach twenty). Based on the canon of the show, Pony magic wouldn't do jack shit against technology. Nothing is more united or dangerous than mankind when we have a common enemy. Take the Second World War. Russia and Western Allies hated each other, and yet worked together to stomp the shit out of Germany, because it was in everyone's best interest. Also, Germany stomped the shit out of everyone for years, and mankind bounced back, making your "historical" claims invalid. Claiming that we cannot work in unity is just insulting. In war, Mankind has had tens of thousands of years of continuous experience multiplied upon every ten years. The ponies haven't had a conflict in millennia.

And I haven't even come to nuclear weapons.

In short, everything that you have said is bullshit made to pander specifically to your own idea of "pony superiority" which ignores the show's canon ( and also ignores the fact that we invented the bastards, and that they are a figment of human imagination). You are a misanthrope.

Your horrendous and nonsensical arguments have the same quality as your spelling and grammar. :ajbemused:

4102843 no assume those ponies at above average but are close to what a guard/ trained solders would be and the fact I seen a regular real life pony brake a man's jaw.


no assume those ponies at above average but are close to what a guard/ trained solders would be

That doesn't make them super ponies. Military training augments nothing. We've seen from the show that the Royal Guard are fucking pathetic, and aren't much better than civilians anyways. Good at looking like statues, not much else.

I seen a regular real life pony brake a man's jaw.

Yes. And the pony was probably shot afterwards. Never mind the fact that ponies have to come to close range to buck us, while we can kill them while they are still dozens of kilometers away.


Close combat is worth jack shit these days. Guns would tear through ponies like butter. Machine guns would suppress earth ponies, if they so much as lift their head from cover, they are dead. Even if the ponies remain behind cover, humans infantry with assault rifles would close in and kill them. Hell, the humans could just moter them out it. Or drop bombs on them by plane or use artillery.

Maybe even chemical weapons or nukes if they are agner enough.

A hidden sniper could catch an unicorn off guard and blow his brains out.

A tank would demolish ponies, don't think even a unicorn with a shield spell could withstand an anti armor shell. AA guns would easily deal with pegasi.

4102860 and magic shield can't stop bulits? Only need one in every 300 to cast it. Plus you forget Alicorns are God like in power and discord is on the ponies side he can snap his fingers and the guns turn in to water pistols. Or worse if he actually got mad.

4102877 all that assumes humans would stop killing each other first. And let's face it that wouldn't happen till it's to late.


If ponies were to win. What would you have the ponies do to humanity? All of humanity, even its non combatants and the weak.

Also the more violent the ponies are too us the more likely we would unite under one banner.

4102894 Again, I refer you to the Second World War, First World War, and every other war in history. Mankind is the most united against a common threat. I can assure you, misanthrope, that mankind would unite at the first sign of hostility from any non-human threat.

And a magic shield can stop fucking thousand ton bombs when the strongest one can't even stop goddamn biologicals (see Changeling Invasion)?

Plus you forget Alicorns are God like in power and discord is on the ponies side he can snap his fingers and the guns turn in to water pistols.

The fallback argument for every bullshit pro-pony argument ever in existence. You're assuming that the Alicorns and Discord are gods. Let's see what they've done.
Celestia: Got captured. Delegated. Got shit stomped by Chrysalis (how the fuck does that work if she's a god?). And before you say that Chrysalis is also god like, I would point you towards the fact that she got defeated by thing that gives her power (love), that she's literally one of the most retarded villains in the history of everything, and that she never does anything herself.
Luna: Threw tantrum. After she returns, like sister, never does jackshit about anything. Gets captured, delegates.
Discord: Never does much more than turning rain clouds to chocolate milk (is a prankster, has never done anything even nearing full malignancy, completely immature). You're also assuming that he has limitless power. He gets beaten by happiness, for God's sake! As for the whole "turns guns into water pistols argument", you're assuming he can do that to roughly a billion weapons. Logic: do you know the bloody definition of the term?

Never mind the fact that none have the mentality or capability to kill.

Also: Nukes, FOAB.

As a digression, I would like to thank you for the entertainment that I'm receiving reading your "well thought out" responses.

4102909 that's the thing win the won the would help rebuild our world around harmony and friendship. Most defeated nations would probably see improved economics and health care as well as a end to food shortages.

I see. You're also a TCB fan. That means that you will flat-out reject everything I say anyways. I'm also going to assume that you're an angsty teenager who thinks that mankind is inferior in everything, and yet thinks that he's inherently better than anyone else because he's "enlightened".

4102917 mentality to kill Is why our world has not had one year of peace in all of our recorded history. We kill each other for no reason.


mentality to kill Is why our world has not had one year of peace in all of our recorded history. We kill each other for no reason.

And that's why we'd win a war with ponies, misanthrope. We know how to fight wars. They don't know jack shit on the subject. You've broken your own argument.

4102975 no that's why we would lose. The ponies super weapon would neutralize all negative energies it in counters the amount of negativity a person has the more effect it will have most humanity would probably be turned to stone or worse by the Rainbow power or element's of harmony.

Uh-huh. Another classic assumption by all pro-pony arguments. You think that the Elements would work on a species of seven billion when the show only shows them being used against individuals. Hear that? Individuals. Until the show demonstrates that the Elements can be used on an interplanetary scale, I will reject this argument straight out. Also, if you kill any one of the Element bearers, the whole thing fails. They would have to stand in front of an entire army, and spend a full minute charging up the elements. During that whole time, we could drop JDAMs on them.


Personally, I think humans would win, but it would be close, very close. And if Discord decides to get involved, then we definitely lose.

I think the Pegasi would be a very huge problem to deal with. They can create storms (which means that our air power is grounded), they can create lightning, while treating a lighting strike as mere annoyance. And they are strong as well. If you can push in a nail like a thumbtack without the use of any tools, I think strength is far from a problem.

Oh, and they have veritable gods on their side.

The reason why humanity would win is because humans are willing to go much further than ponies in order to eliminate a threat. And I do not mean nukes. I am talking about sacrifices. I think humanity in general is willing to sacrifice far more in order to achieve a win. That is, assuming that it's the fight for our very existence. Then again, there is no telling if ponies won't go equally far in order to ensure survival.


Oh, and they have veritable gods on their side.

Why does everyone think of them as gods? They delegate everything to others. If they were gods, they wouldn't need the element bearers or anything else. They would be able to resolve everything simply by looking at them.

But seriously.

Discord turns all the human soldiers into hamsters.

The end.


Because the Mane 6 can solve problems in a more peaceful manner.
Celestia's answer to a major threat would simply result in her using the sun to scorch us from the existence.

Celestia is like a sword, the Mane 6 is like a scalpel.


Discord turns all the human soldiers into hamsters.

He affects a small country, not an entire planet. Why does everyone assume that Discord is almighty and can somehow target billions of people, because all of his chaos is demonstrably localized.

4102991 and your one of those people that see humans as the apex of evolution just cause we can wipe our selves out in under a hour at any moment.


the sun to scorch us from the existence

And risk the lives of her ponies? You're also assuming that Celestia can control our sun.

Oh, and they have veritable gods on their side.

The writers disagree on the God part. Plus they're very prone to failure, not godlike at all.

Then again, there is no telling if ponies won't go equally far in order to ensure survival.

They won't. Humans attack the problem when they're threatened (through any means), ponies panic.

Precisely, if Discord gets involved, it doesn't matter what we do. And, considering that in case of a war Fluttershy would be in danger, Discord will DEFINITELY get involved.

Uh-huh. And we exist. The ponies you argue for, they don't. That renders every single one of your arguments invalid.

Also, I'm not an evolutionist. I'm a Christian creationist (although this seems to belie the "blasphemy" I used earlier in the argument. I meant it literally, therefore making it not blasphemy, so don't try to pull that card), and I believe that we were created superior.

4103003 controls Sun and moon, can alter reality. He'll that right there gives them win they don't have to fight just stop the day and night from changing.


Discord turns all the human soldiers into hamsters.

Oh FFS, Discord is prone to failure and can be defeated by a sniper. He'd be our biggest threat, but we have surprise on our side.

Ever used a magnifying glass? You don't need to burn the entire world, just focus the light and take out a single continent. Furthermore, considering that Humans tend to react aggressively to danger, we would be invading Equestria, that means they have the home field advantage. Ponies would not invade our world.

Yes, and then they blast the problem out of existence.
And what makes you think humans won't panic?


controls Sun and moon, can alter reality.

But isn't omniscient and probably can't stop high explosives from blowing his limbs off. We would mark him out as a threat the moment he demonstrated his capabilities. Then we would eliminate him before he could react.


Ever used a magnifying glass? You don't need to burn the entire world, just focus the light and take out a single continent. Furthermore, considering that Humans tend to react aggressively to danger, we would be invading Equestria, that means they have the home field advantage. Ponies would not invade our world.

If we invaded them, and they burned a whole continent, wouldn't they still be wiping themselves out?


Considering what Discord can do (and what he is) I highly doubt that a flying bit of lead will pose a threat.
Unless he is allergic to lead.


Then Luna can simply invade your dreams and turn everyone into a drooling, whimpering mess.

We are the apex of evolution. You don't need to be Karl Marx to know that we have gone from primitive hunter gathered to immense civilizations in feats that defy nature.

Plus, your spelling indicates that you aren't very coherent and probably younger than 13.

Do you know anything about politics? Humans will not attack Equestria if you are going by the whole "Ponies are too peaceful argument" because we have nothing to gain. Anti war movements have gone through the roof.

4103027 oh that explains it your brain washed by the biggest cult in history that has killed more innocent lives then Nazis did.

Fine, focus the beam and take out one army.

No. All she has to do is enter the mind of a psychopath, and it completely fucks her up. And she probably still can't do that shit on a planetary scale.

4103040 Oh, like she'll invade everyone's dreams at once. I've had worse nightmares than whatever she could pull off. Luna has no concept of sheer horror we fear.

4103045 Uh-huh. And how do you know that the ponies would even be willing to do that? They run away from rabbits for fuck's sake.

He can't do anything once the bullet destroys his mind. It will be game over.

Alternatively, just have Twilight tweak those Parasprites into eating matter again and just dump them on Earth in the middle of a forest or some other remote location. Fast forward a week or so, and everything we have will be eaten.


Still not clear. Are they going to go all Borg on us and force us to become ponies.

If that be the case, then the ponies are evil.

4103042 no I just can't spell I'm in my late twenties

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