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Any good suggestions of raider or slaver names I could use for my WIP FoE AU? It takes place 20 years after the original Fallout Equestria storyline. 

Blood Chain
The Sleeper

Shit Kicker
Rusty Razors
Twin Turbo
Bustin Heads
Motor Head
Bullet Tooth Pony
Mud Skipper
Dust Devil
“The Jackal”
Freak Shit
GG Stallion
Mega Death
Spine Mangler
Cupcake McSweetie (biggest meanest ugliest motherfucker you’ve ever seen in your life)

The trick is, you make it unreasonably aggressive, or name it after a punk/metal band or a movie character, or whatever.

Dr Mutilate

Don't listen to the previous suggestions. Ponies don't become slavers and raiders only because they really like this lifestyle, and parents don't usually name their children after horrible things. Well, there might be some who think that brutal name wil make their child a strong fighter or something, but using completely random pony names would better show that conditions of the Wasteland are to blame for such cruelty.

I would say that the above names are better as nicknames. For example, Sparkly - The Bone Saw.

Comment posted by Robipony deleted March 14th

Dingbat the Grim (a would be notorious killer who's just really bad at murdering).

Consider regional powers, gangs, cultures, etc., and the influences those would have on names, rather than just generic raider-y names. Being born to a gang full of bandits/thieves/vigilantes doesn’t mean you have to wear a bloody flag on your hip, but a particular leader might be influential enough to warrant someone being named in honor of them.

In other words, you don’t need wrestler/porn star nicknames.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted March 14th






maybe they do like orks and name themselves once they've found their niche in their rickety fuck heap osmosis. Like Bertha Filly Fondler or Eye hole Diddling Mcgee.

“Erm ackshyually, nobody would name their kid shithead mcskullfucker 🤓☝️” Maybe they’re just nicknames, dummy. Maybe they were born into the raider culture. Either way, OP didn’t ask for regular pony names, OP asked for “raider names.”

Group Contributor

I generally see two ways of naming raiders.

One is naming them something appropriately violent, nasty, etc (or at least suggestive of it). Maybe it's their original name (whether MLP has nominative determinism or whether pony naming is more prescient is a popular debate). Maybe it's a nickname they chose later. Maybe it's a nickname other raiders assigned to them. Whatever the reason, it can be very evocative. If you come across some vicious-looking pony named "Sickle" or something, you've got a pretty good idea that they're trouble.

The other is... just give them a regular pony name. The dissonance between a flowery, cutesy name and depraved, violent acts can be pretty effective. It can also lean into the theme of the Wasteland corrupting ponies; it kinda leans into the idea that these could have been regular, friendly ponies, but were instead ruined by the harshness of the Wasteland and their experiences there. Seeing someone getting viciously mauled to death by some bright pink pony named "Strawberry Shake" or the like may be troubling in all sorts of new ways.

That’s fair, I also think the idea of “strawberry shake” as a murderous psychopath is really funny. What about a character who was born into a raider gang and named like “killface murderhead” but he’s just a regular dude who left that life behind?




Thank you for the suggestions, if you have more, pls tell me.

For another context: I created my raider ocs in a game called Ashes Town (I called it AT), and it's right before I read the Fallout Equestria wiki, and currently and slowly, reading the original Fallout Equestria story. Here's some of their names, and a bit of backstory, just in case if I need to change their lore a bit: 

Main lore of this au: Most of the raiders changed their names to ravengers, though some are still called raiders. I might have to mention raider just in case to avoid confusion. 

Lock-Jaw - Unicorn stallion, is infamous for his crimes in New Centerlot, in which according to police, he was arrested due to drugs and and and *innaporate adult word* 50 mares. He was then put in Arbu prison, where he eventually got out due to a prison riot. He was 25 when getting his cutie mark, in this case getting in a knife fight, resulting in him getting a dagger cutie mark. His violence is unknown, though it's theorized that he was in a violent gang that sits far away from the NCR, which explains his horrifying nature (in other words, any creature can't reason with him at all, he just likes to cause chaos). 
Behind the scene: 
Lock Jaw is inspired by one of those killers that you seen in comics, or film, such as the Joker (kinda) 
Should the backstory still be extended to explain more? 

Slicer - Pegasi mare, WIP 

Red Claw - Griffin (He/Him), 

Blaze - stallion earth pony, Leader of a small raider group sent to spy on victims. He got his cutie mark by using a torch, or any fire based weapons to be used on his enemies, which explains why he sometimes uses a torch as a weapon. 
Behind the scene: 
Backstory may be worked on 

Red Horn - Unicorn stallion, more of a second of command to Blaze. Redhorn grew up with a crime family of slavers, and in companionship with the raiders. Since he’s originally a slaver, his cutie mark is a wip, and usually in combat he uses guns as his main weapons. After getting his cutie mark, he is known to immediate his enemies with his eerie calming voice, which is disturbing since he is either sane or about to snap quickly such as Lockjaw. 
Behind the scene: 
Lets just say he's a bit of a pervert 
Should the backstory need to be extended a bit? 

Bone Head - stallion earth pony, his horrifying personality is similar to Lock Jaw’s but something a bit different. Bone Head likes to wear bone armor, thinking that it's best to resist bullets (Even though he gets a bit wounded in battle). He earned his skull cutie mark by managing to use the skeleton from a dead pony. 
Behind the scene: 
Backstory may need to be worked on..

Swap Part - Pegasi mare, and usually called a step sister to Bone-Head due to both ponies collecting similar things. But, except bones, she collects parts of ponies or other creatures and puts it on herself as a creepy looking armor. She got her cutie mark when she's originally a nurse that went insane (I may need to change that). As for her enemies, there is a chance to avoid her, and that is to give up one of their parts to her. If they don't, Swappart will be taking that certain part by force. 
Behind the scene: 
She's inspired by that one creepy pasta of Pinkie Pie wearing her friend’s skins. 
does the backstory may need to be changed or extended?

Tornado - stallion Pegasi, is one of the many pegasi raiders that have been spotted ever since the Old Enclave was disbanded a long time ago. He has an interesting family tree, since he's a descendant of slaves that were trapped in raider camps. Tornado was born and raised as a violet stallion, and was sadly turned since he was a colt from the wasteland horrors. He got both his name (Tornado), and cutie mark on the same day, he was 20. He got it after going as fast as possible and managed to create a tornado and took down multiple ghouls. 
Behind the scene: 
A bit of a pervert 
Backstory may be extended a bit, though it kinda explains how he turned evil. Any suggestions of extending it?

Shred Hoof - WIP, armored stallion earth pony 

Grimlock - Mare earth pony, and one of the almost sane ponies in raider camp. She doesn't do some of the most morbid things like her members, she is usually seen just killing or torturing her victims. Grimlock also gets the look from her raider members, mostly stallions, at least there's a few that do respect her privacy (Ronlick). One time she even got pranked by Swap-part when her cutie mark was painted over by green paint, which matched her coat.  Her cutie mark? Spiked armored hooves due to being the strength of the group. She was also revealed to be a slave one time before joining the raiders, showing that she was manipulated by many other ponies and creatures. 
Behind the scenes: 
Does her backstory still be a bit extended? 

Ronlick - Stallion earth pony, is sadly a pony that has been used by many, and he should have noticed it sooner. He was known as just a weapon carrier, and used as a spy to spy on unsuspecting victims. Some of the raiders thought he was a bit weak, until Ronlick casually used his mutation power, from the taint, to destroy some rubbles in the way. The unique part of his mutation is that he grew a bit bigger, and a bit faster as well, and has a good sense of smell. Right before joining the raiders, he was known to be an orphan, raised by a totally different type of species in the wasteland, hellhounds (Kinda like Tarzan). Later on in his raider life he began to go “wait a minute, some of those ponies will never change..”, and soon quickly left before anypony or creature will notice. 
Behind the scenes: 
He was originally supposed to have ADHD or Autism, though I scrap it for the better to avoid controversies. 
He usually hangs out with Grimlock, since she's one of the ponies that usually don’t bully him too much. 
Does the backstory need to be extended more or slightly changed? 

Wing Crasher - Stallion pegasi, and used to be in a raider camp until he escapes. His past is a bit unknown, though it's kinda hinted that he was raised in a slave camp. His cutie mark is a x-way picture of a wing, broken in half. In this case, he got it after being forced to break a mare’s wings apart. Though, some suspect that he somehow left the two other ponies that were with the mare, a father and a son, to escape, indicating that Wing Crasher still has some good left in him. The reason why he was changed to be good (and try not to spoil too much), is that after hanging out with some random ponies of the wasteland, and helping out a colt to escape a cave, he finally good for once. 
behind the scenes:
Does the backstory need to be changed a bit or extended?

Thank you for reading ^^


He was originally supposed to have ADHD or Autism, though I scrap it for the better to avoid controversies.

Your characters can be whatever you want them to be, as long as it fits them. Writing a character as having any particular condition/disability/etc just for the sake of having it in your story, however, is a mistake. Writing a compelling character who happens to have that same condition is fine. Don’t make that the character’s defining trait, and don’t reduce it to a plot device.

More pertinently, it’s fine to have backstory in your story, but the backstory needs to be sprinkled throughout the actual story in bite-sized chunks, not all at once, and never when it would interrupt something more important. Ergo, it’s fine for something to come up in natural conversation, but never explain where that one random piece of armor or club or gun or what-have-you in your character’s arsenal came from in the middle of a fight when nobody should be talking. No monologuing. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

In other words, >=90% of your characters’ backstories should never make it into the final cut. It can be present, influencing things behind the scenes, but the reader doesn’t need to know all of it.

Who the hell would even be able to diagnose something like ASD in a post apocalyptic setting anyway? If OP wants to write a character as autistic/ADHD that’s fine and all, but it’s pretty unlikely they’d even know what that is, much less call themselves that.

That’s ancillary, but a fair point.

It depends on how you portray the world: Is your post-apocalypse like Mad Max or Bethesda’s Fallout, where civilization has devolved into tribal squabbles over resources and hasn’t rebuilt anything, or is it more like the NCR of Fallout 2 and New Vegas, where they have steady population growth, developing industries, and production of commodity goods?

In my fic, I went with a number of nations having formed shortly after the end of the war, in areas less affected by the megaspells, which have been growing since then. In Bellenast and the territory under its rule (south of Equestria), there are hospitals, universities, and research centers devoted to various fields. They wouldn’t have the same vast well of data on neurological conditions as we have today, simply because they don’t have the same global resources as we enjoy, but they certainly would have data.

That makes sense, but I figure even in that society, having access to those resources would be a mark of immense privilege and wealth.

Group Contributor

Oh, I absolutely love that idea! There's so much potential there :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by KBSTLKR deleted March 15th

As I stepped into the inn, I saw groups of ponies packed around tables and into booths, some leaning in as they told each other jokes, tales, local rumors. The mouth watering aroma of the food on the patron’s plates hung in the air. My mind lingered on the thought of freshly cooked bloatsprite sliders and the wasteland staple, ‘Carrot & Coyote Stew.’ My stomach pleaded with me to get something to eat. I hadn’t eaten all day, but it felt like weeks after today’s ordeal. I trotted on over to the bar. The bartender was idly scrubbing a glass with a bar rag as he listened intently to a story one of his customers, a big scar faced earth pony in ramshackle metal barding haphazardly welded together, was telling.

“So a week later, the mare’s buck-friend finds out about the whole ‘affair.’ He finds out my name, tracks me down, scopes the place out right?” The gruff voiced stallion said. The bartender gave a polite nod. I pulled up a seat within earshot, curious where his story was going.

“Waits ‘til I step out to take a shit. Kicks in the door of the outhouse. Pulls out this giant pistol, and he points it right in my face. So there I am, shitting into a hole in the ground, this hand cannon that looks like it’d punch a hole in my head the size of a grapefruit pressed right up against my snout, right?” The battle scarred earth pony continued.

“Good thing you were already using the outhouse.” The bartended snorted

“So what’d you do then?” I pressed. The grizzled earth pony gave a crooked yellow grin, more than one of his teeth missing.

“I thought you’d never ask. So this guy’s got me. I’m staring down the barrel of a gun, and I have to pretend I’m not shitting bricks. I give him the meanest glare I can muster, and the only thing I can think to say is: ‘do you mind?’ And he gets this terrified look in his eye, lowers the weapon, and says to me ‘S-sorry to bother you sir!’ And he runs like hell!” He finished, smacking his hoof on the countertop for emphasis with a loud THUD, sending tremors across the length of the bar. The bartender smiled and shook his head.

“That’s really some shit. One of these days, someone made of more stubborn stuff than you is gonna come knocking, and you won’t be able to bluff your way out of it.” Said the bartender.

“Nah, I’m just too damn good. Get me another round, will ya?” The gruff earth pony requested, a self satisfied grin on his face. I decided it would be an appropriate time to order some food and booze. As I attempted to flag the bartender down, an orange pony, a local by the looks of it, trotted along past me.

“Axehead Murderface! Good to see you! How’s the wife?” He asked as he passed by. I quietly snorted. Seemed like an appropriate name for the tough looking Earth Pony, if a little on the nose.

“Evenin’ to you too, Pumpkin Patch. The wife’s good. You having the usual?” Replied the good natured bartender, causing me to do a double take.

“Mares, can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.” Mused Pumpkin Patch, sitting down next to me as Shithead McMurderfuck, or whatever his name was, poured a whiskey on the rocks. I stared for a moment. I couldn’t decide if I’d actually heard the orange unicorn say that, or if I’d just experienced a random auditory hallucination.

“So, uh… Mr. Murderface is it?” I asked. The Bartender turned his attention to me, with a slight grin.

“Naw sir, Mr. Murderface is my father. You can just call me Axehead. What can I do ya for?” He replied cheerfully.

“Uh thanks, Axehead. Some hard cider and a hot meal please.” I requested, dropping 15 caps onto the bar.

“Interesting name by the way.” I added. It occurred to me he might take offense to my comment on his name and I didn’t want to find out what a guy named “Axehead Murderface” is capable of. I dropped 5 more caps onto the bar.

“The uh… tip.” I offered cautiously. He chuckled, which seemed like a good sign.

“Yeah, I had what you might call a ‘rough’ ubringing. I put that behind me long ago. Lemme get that hot meal ready for ya.”

[Aftermath of a fight scene where Axehead Murderface’s inn is attacked, maybe it’s some bad dudes from his past, idk]

As the smoke cleared, the scars of battle marred the cozy inn. Bullet holes littered the walls. The shards of shattered glasses and liquor bottles lay scattered across the tables. A sticky mixture of various alcoholic beverages and blood stained the floor. Dead on either side lie across the room, their faces locked in permanent agony. One injured pony crawled across the ground, clutching a chest wound, desperately struggling for breath. Poor bastard. In the middle of the inn, Axehead Murderface stood, one hoof atop the corpse of one of his assailants. Specks of blood dotted his rusty metal armor, jagged spikes jutting out in all directions. He took a deep breath before announcing to nopony in particular:



“Damn Axehead, these guys really brought back the old you.” I remarked. He glanced back at me with a startled look, before clearing his throat.

“Oh hi, you’re still here, I forgot. You heard all that?” He asked awkwardly. I nodded ‘yes,’ and he let out an exasperated sigh.

“Well, that was a bit embarrassing, wasn’t it? I’d better clean all this up. You mind getting me a broom?”

To answer the original question:

Use a "friendly pony name" like Strawberry Milkshake.
But it's not what it seems...

-- Oh, Strawberry Milkshake? What a nice name that pony has!
-- No, not really. That guy is a freak.
-- With a nice name like that? How??
-- That's what he turns his victims into - strawberry milkshakes.
-- . . .
-- He goes to town on them so hard that they become strawberry milkshakes, sometimes red raspberry milkshakes if you get my meaning.
-- (vomits).

You see how that works ?

But having "excessive heavy metal band names" also works. Make it 50/50 and you will have a scene well set.

That’s a good one.

It could also be you see how they act, and the things they do, and find out later their name is something harmless like strawberry milkshake. Like, as a punchline.

I got a guy in my rpg group playing a raider type character. He’s built like a brick wall, and about as dumb as one too. Covered in gnarly scars, patches of fur missing. Wears this awful malicious scowl at all times, and you get this feeling when he looks at you that there’s nothing going behind those eyes except murder. Doesn’t use guns, prefers to get “up close and personal.” And by that, I mean “beat ponies to death with his hooves.” Speaks almost exclusively in grunts, and when he does manage actual words, he’s threatening to commit unspeakable acts. The biggest, meanest, ugliest, most terrifying motherfucker you’ll ever have the misfortune of meeting.

His name is Cupcake.

So it could go:

The raider pony with the ear necklace laughed maniacally from her throne of skulls over her tortured victim. His ribs were spread open, exposing his heart and lungs as he roared in agony.

“aw geez, that’s nasty. What’s her name?”

“Oh, Strawberry Shake? She gets like that, but she’s not so bad really.” Her fellow raider shrugged nonchalantly. I made a mental note to give her a wide berth.

Or, with your idea, it could go:

“I just gotta find a raider named ‘strawberry shake.’ She doesn’t sound too bad.”

“I hear they call her that ‘cause she likes to rip ponies brains out of their heads, grind them up into a goopy sloppy paste, and feed it to their families who then die a slow painful death of prion disease.”

Sweet Root
Spicy Root
Sour Root
Salty Root
(Bitter Root is taken by a guy in New Vegas.)

Nominative Determinism

Well if it’s purely nominative determinism, then the worldbuilding falls apart even more, because the story includes slavers named shit like “cracker” with cutie marks of shackles, whips, and ball and chains.

7947152 Tickle Snuggles would be great

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