Fallout Equestria 5,401 members · 2,623 stories
Comments ( 627 )
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So this is the Introduction trade °_°
Perfect !

So, hi, I'm Krashface , and I'm an Italian guy that just love fallout and MLP.

I've find FoE just for case, and I've just find it a very well done AU.
I principally draw stuff about the FoE universe , but I'm planning to write a side-story .

I'm not a great speaker, so... goodbye !


Hi, and welcome to the group.

Hi I'm the wastelander. I'm relatively new to fallout:equestria and I'm glad I found it. I've always been a fan of apocalyptic stories And of the fallout games. after reading the story fallout: equestria I'm now hooked! Glad to be here.

4459251 Welcome to the group, wastelander. We are just a bunch of crazy ponies who argue about silly things and general fun stuff. I look forward to seeing you on the forums.

Greetings new to this group. Noticed my story was placed in this group. Strange I wasen't asked but very cool. and thanks? Heh hope you all had fun watching E3


Welcome to the group. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to me or the other admins.


Of course thank you for the welcome. Kind of takeing a break on my story today to watch E3 its a bit of a bore right now sadly eh....But if i need anything i will ask.

Greetings! It's a pleasure to meet the members of this group, and I definitely hope that in time I will be able to become part of the active writers' and readers core of this group, if at all possible.

Myself, I've been introduced to the MLP:FiM by a friend (although I never intractable to the idea of watching a cartoon series - I've grown up watching "goofy" classics like (in order of childhood preference :scootangel: ) Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers, Tale Spin, Duck Tales and probably others that I can't readily remember, not to mention Disney classics and some more obscure titles) around the end of S1 and have soon become active on certain play-by-post RP forums. I've always taken the delight in writing a forum RP post the way I would write an actual literary work (within limitations of an RP, of course). I must admit that while I've made some beautiful friendships with people who shared this interested in length and quality of the posts, I have probably disgruntled quite a few others who were looking for the posts where language would be just a medium to get from one part of the RP scene to the other.

Eventually, I've gravitated towards writing privately in Skype with those that shared my delight in a well-written scene, moving from roleplaying per se to the turn-based writing that was driven by the joy of creating quality prose at least as much as by the progression of the story. Most of this writing, unfortunate as it is, still stays an assortment of scenes, both keystone and slice-of-life, rather than a coherent piece of fiction that either me or my co-writers would be able to publish on FimFiction. This is, I believe, due to the nature of such turn-based writing, that is still based upon the improvised literary interaction with the other writer, rather than a literary piece tailored for an outside reader's enjoyment.

Outside of that, several personal factors have contributed to postponement of my desire to drive myself to complete any works of my own that would require a FimFiction account to publish them, but those are probably of no great interest to anyone who does not know me personally yet, so I shall omit those. It saddens me somewhat that I have not been able to participate in the most expansive phase of the FimFiction and Fo:E community growth, but I fully hope I won't find it deserted now that I feel myself ready to try joining them. Last but definitely not least, I am absolutely sure that I will find outstanding individuals to interact with here on FimFiction and within this group of Fo:E enthusiasts.

Thank you!


Welcome to the group! I am Interloper, one of the group's admins. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.


Thank you for the welcome! I'll be sure to contact you whenever I might have questions.

4488822 Egads! Somepony who writes giant text walls just like me! We are going to be friends, you and I! The roleplay side of things is definitely a ton of fun, I personally came from those as well. The desire to bridge the gap from RP to writing can be a tricky one, but if you can keep motivated, you can come up with some great stuff. Anyway-- Welcome to the forum! I'm not an admin, just friendly. I look forward to seeing you write some awesome stuff.


We are going to be friends, you and I!

What can be best to hear as a response to the introduction post! :pinkiehappy:

The roleplay side of things is definitely a ton of fun, I personally came from those as well. The desire to bridge the gap from RP to writing can be a tricky one, but if you can keep motivated, you can come up with some great stuff.

True, and true, and true again. I am already feeling how much motivation to write on my own differs from the motivation to write interactively with someone. A whole different skill, I would say - even RP consisted of 400-600 word count posts :twilightsheepish:

I look forward to seeing you write some awesome stuff.

Thank you for the kind words!

Hello I'm Megaskullmon.

I grew up on G1 G2 as well avoid g3 as much as I could. So basically i got introduced to my little pony the old series when it aired on Disney. They showed all the episodes of my little pony and friends and my little pony tales. But they had other channels My little pony to I got a big introduction to it on ABC what got me interested was this song.

So yeah thanks to that song being on before an episode I got interested. Then Disney started showing it so here i am now. Thanks to the proclaimers

Probably should have done this when I actually joined the group. Anyway, name's Ponymeat, just as surprised as many of you might have been when you discovered a little girl cartoon had such a following and was more than simply decent. Got a story in the works so keep an eye out for Fallout Equestria: What Happens Now?

That's the name, but you probably already guessed that.

Hello, all!
I'm currently working on a Fallout: Equestria sidestory of my own. I love Kkat's and Somber's stories so much that I had to make my own!

Minor note. I could really use some help with critisisms. I'm getting a bunch of dislikes but no one's saying why they don't like it.


Welcome! Be sure to take a look at the rules before you start posting in the forums, if you haven't already.

Minor note. I could really use some help with critisisms. I'm getting a bunch of dislikes but no one's saying why they don't like it.

I took a quick look at your story, and it started off with a cliche (once upon a time), the formatting is intimidating (it's not double-spaced), and your cover art looks ... well, unprofessional, to say the least. The third observation I brought forward might be what's killing you, since the writing is several leagues better than the average Fo:E fic (which is pretty fucking low.) With that said, there isn't really anything inherently wrong with the writing, itself, but there are grammatical inconsistencies that I did notice.

Back to your cover art: people tend to not like dark colored, edgy looking OC's, and your character seems to fit that description (no offense, but that's just my first impression.)

And looking at your description:

Angel is plagued by nightmares of abominations from the war that she must prevent from returning to Equestria.

People can perceive (at least I have some inclination to believe) that she'll end up becoming a Chosen One type character that has to prevent the world from ending. People tend to not like those characters, especially if they aren't handled prudently (like not making them overpowered Mary Sue/Stu's). But my first impression while reading your description was: "I bet she'll end up smiting some Lovecraftian Dark God and saving Equestria."

I suggest you read this writing guide. You'll find that first impressions really matter, especially in your case, where you noticed that people are downvoting your story without telling you why. But then again, most people don't tell you why, anyways, so there's that to consider.

I personally can't take a look at your story, but you might learn a thing or two from that guide, improve, and quite possibly look for other people to help you in the groups we've listed here..

4551748 Um, thanks? Haha, I'm not sure if I should be flattered about your comment on my writing skill or not. It's like offering a hand to help someone up and then pulling them over the other way.
how do you mean double-spaced? As in the space between every time i hit enter/return? Because to my knolwedge, double-spaced means extra space between each line and I don't think there's a feature in here that allows me to do that.
Also, could you explain what you mean by the "once upon a time" opening? I've read through the rules and tips. None of it really helped me or showed me anything I don't already know.


I make it a point to be indifferent and unflattering when discussing serious topics, like writing. Like I said, there isn't really anything wrong with your writing. I am not confident to consider myself qualified to be an editor, (I'm more of a pre-reader/idea developer, who is good at using rhetoric and composition and such) but the grammar wasn't atrocious (meaning I personally didn't see anything wrong when I skimmed over your story).

And when I said double-spaced, I really meant E-Book format.

Every paragraph up to this point in my response has been formatted in that fashion. I've hit the enter button twice for every paragraph thus far. But you'd really want to hit the enter button twice to separate paragraphs, not sentences.

Oh well ... you changed your intro, it seems.

Well you see, in Fallout: Equestria, most stories tend to parody MLP Season 1's premier, by starting off with "Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria ..." and completely shattering that dreamy Equestrian fantasy by jumping right into grim dark intro. Project Horizons did that, I believe. I can't be sure of the intentions of other writers, but when I wrote my own intro, I parodied that cliche by beginning on a whimsical, magical tone, before shoving the reader into my grim dark setting.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria ...

... all was lost.

But in your case, if I remember it correctly, you seemed to start off with "Once upon a time etc..." in earnest, with no real purpose but to start off your story, which is cliched. Why is it cliched? Because every children's picture book starts off with those words.

'Once upon a time', 'In a galaxy far, far away', 'it was a dark and stormy night', 'it was a bright and sunny day', are all cliched openers for stories, since they've been used countless times for time immemorial. Unless that's really the route you want to go, to write it for the sake of being cliched, go ahead. But I suggest you add a spin on that cliche, because, if you read all the tips in that guide, you'd know that first impressions really matter.

When I saw that cliched opening, my immediate thought was, "Oh. This again." That's not what you want people to think.

And your description, your OC's name and appearance, and your cover art pretty much had me thinking that again. I don't mean to offend, but those are just my first impressions, and given the fact that your story isn't written atrociously, I'd likely give it a chance before judging it further. But like I stressed heavily, in that guide, first impressions are what make or break your story, especially in the professionally-published world, where your publications either sell, or they don't.

Concerning your description, I said in the guide to focus on what made your story unique. You didn't seem to do much of that.

Also, if you still don't know what the E-Book format is, just look at this entire post. I've hit the enter button twice to separate each paragraph with one line.

Hello, I am Gamer_KM I am working on a Fallout Equestia PnP campain as well as a side story.

4592840 Welcome to the group! We have lots of people who run campaigns and write side stories, so you should fit right in.

Hello, My name is Dream_Whisper or Mr. Dream or just Dream; how ever you like to call me! :pinkiesmile:
I was a huge fallout fan before i became a brony; then i stumble upon many fan works for a while back which lead to to reading my favorite fan-fiction ever known as Fallout Equestria written by Kkat himself or herself... (???)
This is my first time ever in this Fanfiction website and to this group, so expect me to be all Stable pony material as i join the Wasteland :derpyderp1:
Currently, planning out my own FoE Story, with a new cast of characters and new place and story line, but at the same time looking to meet everyone, fellow readers and survivors (and also in a great while a editor for my story)
I know that i am partially advertisement my fan-fiction plans, but i felt like i need some help, plus some question about more of the Fallout & MLP Crossover Universe to make my story possible and also cannon as well. (Praise the Kkat)
If you want to know more about my Story, please comment about it in my profile; but if you want to know me , i will consider you as a raider trying to deceive me i will consider as a new ally (fellow dweller) in the wasteland!

Hello i am Ice_Charmer i have just started to write.

Hi there everyone, name's Kestrel. I read Fallout: Equestria a little bit earlier this summer and pretty much absolutely fell in love with it. One of the best fanfictions I've read to date. I write, and might someday attempt my own FOE side story, but for now, I'll just watch.

So, who can suggest a good side story for me to read and get involved with the community on?

Professor Plum
Group Admin

There's a few mega-popular side stories that might be up your alley. Depends on what you're into.

The most popular of all is, of course, the infamous Project Horizons. If I'm not mistaken, it's twice as long as the original with a huge, almost cult-like following. It's also got an awful lot of people who really dislike the story, for a wide variety of reasons that I shan't bother to get into here. The marmite of this little subfandom.

Murky Number 7 is another. Still on going, but in its final chapters, it follows the actions of a pegasus born into slavery and his story after being transferred to Fillydelphia. Fair warning, it does get pretty damn depressing/oppressive in places, but that's kinda to be expected when the main character hasn't lived a single day in their life without a slaver watching over them. I actually quite enjoy this one.

Heroes takes place outside of Equestria in the New Vegas-esque city of Dise, starring Silver Storm (a former guardpony turned merc) and a few others as they try to survive, and get revenge for Silver's brother. I'm not sure if it's true of the entire story, but a significant part of it takes place after the events of FO:E vanilla, but before the epilogue. Lots of parallels with the New Vegas game. Pretty decent.

Pink Eyes is a very widely liked story, about a young filly who went to sleep before the bombs fell, and wakes up in a world she doesn't recognise. But, being so young, this is just another adventure for her, and she immediately sets out to find her mum. Lots of cutesy stuff, very much less grimdark than 99% of stories out there, but I personally was immensely let down by the ending. So much so, that I'd struggle to recommend it, really.

There are a metric buttload of other, less popular stories, but some of the ones I hear a lot of chatter about include Sisters, Treasure Hunting, and Anywhere but Here.

Hope this helps.


Alrighty... So which one would you personally suggest?

Professor Plum
Group Admin

Of those? MN7 and Anywhere but Here are the two I enjoyed the most, but I have no idea what you like in a story, so cant really give you a recommendation for that.


I'll probably get around to reading them all eventually. I just have problems getting things started :twilightsheepish: I read Fallout: Equestria in about a week or so, so I'm not too worried about getting things done.


Fallout Equestia PnP campain

Nice! Which ruleset, though? There seem to be a few floating about.


Although it seems that no one admits to meeting KKat in person, I believe it's established that she is female.


Ice_Charmer i have just started to write

Don't worry, it happened to all of use at one time or the other :twilightsheepish:


I read Fallout: Equestria in about a week or so, so I'm not too worried about getting things done.

Another thing you could do is to look at the pages of the people who frequent the forums and read their writing (some of them are already quite far into their stories, some are just starting). This way you get some live interaction with the authors and may even become an important part of their creative process if you strike a common chord, anywhere from providing support through friendly comments and being part of active readership to becoming a dedicated editor/pre-reader etc.

Using The Fallout PnP ver 2.0 System

Hello all! I'ma tad bit new, but i've done my research (read it) on Fallout: Equestria. So you can be expecting a story or two from me.


Gotta love the attitude!! Looking forward to that story or two, and welcome to the group :twilightsmile:


I see! Welcome to the group :raritystarry:

Hello. I'm Almanac. Been here a while but only recently released my own FoE fic (the start of it anyway, from foreword, intro, chapter one and chapter two, chapter three is in the works) so I figured I'd introduce myself here. Erm...hi? I hope to meet some nice people, and hopefully entice some into being readers of my book. ^-^


Welcome to the group. I am Interloper, one of this group's many admins.

If you have any questions about the group or anything Fo:E related, please feel free to ask me.

Good luck with your story.

Oh yeah... I was supposed to do this...

Welp... I'm Ebony, resident Sabaton fanatic, Fallout freak second only to Kkat, avid shoe wearer, and in real life am a room full of squirrels at typewriters. I've known of FE (I hate saying foe for obvious reasons) but have hesitated reading for various neural synapses and because I did not want my rad soaked temple of awesome sullied by multi hued horse peoples. And writing... well, because I suck. But now, Behold! I have dragged myself from bog of shit to the lofty Donald Trump sky box of mediocre and have added my paltry ruminations to this group


Now how'd you know my dear old mums reaction when I was born?

hi guys i'm the one guy on the left, and i guess i would be in the engineering department!:twilightsheepish:

Hello, I'm GaleWind.
I've been on this site for a few years and have read lots of great stories.
I read FOE and while i didn't know much about Fallout, i was amaze at how it was done.
It's nice to meet you all.

Welcome one and all! I am Incendiary Lemons! I am a hobbyist writer, college student, part-time worker, nerd, and vaguely (American) football-shaped, flammable fruit. I have two FoE fic ideas bouncing around in my noggin at the moment, and I undoubtably will come up with more. Coming up with stories is easy, writing them is another beast altogether.

I will probably be asking what you guys think of various ideas that I have, to get different takes on them, and who knows, I might stealuse your ideas!

That's about it, but remember, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Use me to burn the SOB's house down.

Engineers are always welcome.

And nice to meet you as well.

We have a lack of both incendiaries and literal lemons, so hopefully you can remedy that. Welcome to the Fallout: Equestria group, you flaming fruit.

I joined this group about two weeks ago, and it just dawned on me that I should probably introduce myself.

I am DwarvishPony (though there are some who call me... Tim), and I'm still fairly new to FimFiction (and MLP fanfiction in general).

I discovered Fallout: Equestria through a Fallout Tumblr page, and after a while, nagging curiosity got the better of me. That was my first exposure to the world of pastel ponies.

After reading Fo:E, things kinda went like this:

"Well that was surprisingly good for something that used My Little Pony for inspiration. I feel like I'm missing a lot of references though... I suppose I could watch the pilot and see how that is."

(after the first half of the pilot)

"Well that wasn't horrible. I should finish the other half. I hate cliffhangers."

(finishes part 2)

"I guess I could watch another episode and see what shenanigans these characters get up to."

(One season 1 marathon later)

"Well... shit. I'm kind of addicted. I wonder if I have any Fixer in my closet?" :pinkiecrazy:


That is exactly how I got into MLP too. Minus the Tumblr part. A friend showed me the story.

Anyways, welcome to the group. I'm Interloper, one of the group admins. If you have any questions about the group or general Fo:E stuff/writing, feel free to ask me.

I don't think my comment will even show up on here considering its going to be the last comment made! Haha! :rainbowlaugh: Anyway, hello everybody here! I'm PrinceUniversa and I'm one of those rare I think, bronies that just likes almost anything without putting up a single complaint! No seriously, I will absolutely love everything if done right. If not, I just leave it be, no negative comments, just leave simple as that! :pinkiehappy: Maybe a dislike depending, but who needs a dislike anyway!? :scootangel:


Plot twist:

Your comment showed up, and I already like you based on what you posted.

4763478 Why thank you kind sir! I tend to get a bit overwordy at time like what I'm doing now. Aw man I'm getting wordy again! Aw nuts there I go being wordy again, gack! Could someone slap me before I get more wordy!?

Heavy: Yes! Slaps me on the face very hard

Clutching my face Ow... Thanks Heavy.

Heavy: You need to see doc now! Grabs my leg then drags me on the floor

But I don't want to see the crazy doctor! Struggles to get out of his grip

So I guess I should probably introduce myself as it has been... sheesh. A year since I joined X_X

Hello there, my name is Recapped (yes I noticed the irony... after making the account) and I am a narrative enthusiast whether it be in books, video games, or collaborative storytelling as found in tabletop RPGs. I first joined about a year ago when I begin planning out my own Fallout Equestria Fic for National November Writing Month. And I actually got through the 50,000 words (still not sure how I did that). Now I am prepping to do it again and continue my story (I wrote a little since then but it has mostly been revisions and planning out the plot). I just recently began posting it on here as knowing that others could actually be reading my story (and therefore waiting for an update) would give me some motivation to keep up with it better.

Beyond that, got into the show the early Summer before this past one and I have been watching basically everything that comes out ever since (along with scouring the internet for every amazing composition I can find by Brony artists because there are just so many amazing ones. Yes, I am a music enthusiast).

Beyond that, I am terrible at introductions and am unsure as to what I should say so... yeah. That's me. (waves hello)

Howdy there everybrony

Pleasure to met yah

Hi every one :pinkiehappy: I'm Mr.b or crescent moon.
I am new to the sight but I'm familiar with the sight.
I have made stories in the past but been too shy to post it. It doesn't help that i am dyslexic and my personal editor wants to kill me for not being shy any more. (only a little though):fluttershysad: I am glad to meet all of you and look forward to fun conversations and debates. :twilightsheepish:

Hello everypony!:derpytongue2: my name is flamestreak or flame3
I've been a brony since 2011 and have just 2 years ago got into the fandom engagingly and although I'm not a avid fan of fan-fiction but I absolute Adore Fallout Equestria, I haven't read it all yet ( I'm at chapter 20 as of now) but its still a fantastic story from what I've read so far. I have never made a fic before but I'm interested in writing one about Foe, If I do I really want it to get as popular as some of the other side-stories such as project-horizons and pink eyes. (I haven't read any of them yet but will in the future) I know that is wishful thinking but you know what they say about wishing upon a star. If I can get help or advice about writing a fan-fic that would be greatly appreciated. Well that's it for now see ya'll later.:pinkiehappy:


Well, if you're a fan of Fallout: Equestria, you chose a good group for it. Welcome! :twilightsmile:

If you have questions, there's plenty of peoples who will be willing to help. And I'm always willing to help new writers (Of course, I'm one too so I don't know if I'll be anywhere near as big a help as some of the people on the site with more experience.).

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