Fallout Equestria 5,401 members · 2,623 stories
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Group Admin

Damn first now that I sees that we don´t have a thread to presentations, but fear no more there is one now... at least.

So let me begin since I am making it. Hey I am Doomande, one of the three Admins dictators alicon princesses Overstallions that rules in this group. I have been into Fo:E since before I made this user, and it was the original that opened my eyes for fanfiction.

I have been a pre-reader/editor/helper on a dozen or so stories, and have my own little story that I don´t think are going to be anything at all. I am also one of the admins in the Fo:E Roleplay group in here, and was once upon a time a admin in the other Fo:E group, the related one, so I have or have had a finger in most things Fo:E here on Fimfiction.

Group Admin

So... it's an introduction thread?

I'll throw my hat into the ring. I'm Cascadejackal, your benevolent Overstallion and Doomande's assistant. I love FoE, in all its forms, and I'm always around to bounce ideas off of, or if anyone needs a helping hoof/hand/claw/appendage.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

It is a introduction thread now :derpytongue2:

749511 so wait. what exactly do we do here? do me present books that were starting or ideas for books?

Group Admin

Nope, we say a little bit about ourselves to all of those that want to be a tad social and know the other members of the group better

Hello I am Desrium. I used to be a metal man but I have since become a pony to better fit in. Like many others, Fallout Equestria spurred me into writing stories, and after writing one FoE (technically three short stories combined into one) and one original story, I have taken to reading the works of others. Some good stuff to be found on this site.

Well, this sounds fun :3 I'm Click Clack, and I'm a huge FO:E fan. I've been working on my own fic, wild Wasteland, for a couple of months with my small army of editors and prereaders. Hopefully one day I'll control a worldwide utopia and you will all bow to me, but until then, I wanna put all my efforts into writing. :pinkiecrazy:

Hi guys and gals, I'm CamoBadger.

I've been reading FoE stories for just under a year now, and am currently writing All That Remains. Not much else to say here.

749557 oh sweet umm...... what should I say? 0.o

I am Sparticas! wait wrong show...
I'm Luckybreak, budding artist and writer. got into writing as a troll bet with my GF and been hacking out words since. big fan of FoE and love a ton of side fics.
I've wrote a few stories, most well known being Silver Skies, my own FoE fic.
good to meet yas!:moustache:


Nice to meet you, I'm Noak. :3

I'm Port Raptor. But most people call me raptor. I got into Fallout:Equestria because i absolutely loved fallout 3. After reading it, i was sad that it was over, then I found the side stories. After starting to read a couple I decided I wanted to do my own. That got put off for a year due to life, the fic reading group i'm in, and me just playing other games (bioshock, sonic adventure 2,etc.) Now I just started writing and I'm hoping i'm not too bad of a writer. Hopefully people enjoy it and i don't hurt the image of the main fix. I also like making new friends. Anyways that's all about me. Have a cookie. *gives reader cookie.*

I'm bajibaji, I don't do much here, but that's normal for this group I guess. Fallout Equestria is the second fan fiction I've ever read, The first was some gore fic with Trixie, Twilight, PinkiePie and a few other ponies I can't remember (I read that before even watching the show so that made little sense to me) though, it was Fallout Equestria that inspired me to write and read fan fiction of all kinds. So I guess I have even more to thank Kkat for.

I plan on writing a story in her universe sometime in the near future but, I'm kind of turned off by the vast majority of side stories there already are. So I guess it'll take me time to make my idea pop and stand out from the rest. That being said, there already are a ton of good stories to come out from other authors. One in particular I adore is a story called Wild Wasteland by ClickClackTheBrony. It is unique piece of work compared to a lot of other Fallout Equestria stories and I intend on reading it all the way through (Yeah I haven't even finished the Fallout Equestria yet :S)

I'm also part of another group for pre-readers, editors and proof reading so I'm down to do pre-reading and editorial work for anyone at their request, though I won't do any clop or human in Equetria stories.

Well, that's enough about me. It's good to finally see this group blossoming! I really appreciate Doomande on doing his/her best to re-vitalize this group. +100 respect for you!

Group Admin

I am a he... Or was so last time I checked. But thank you, and if you think that there is life now, then wait to when we reach 300 members and I can show some of the things that have been planned and worked on behind all of yours backs:pinkiehappy:

Heyooo! Msv here! :pinkiehappy:

I'm the Detective. I pretend to solve crimes and doesn't afraid of anything.


cole phelps is that you?

753339 detective help! someone stole my sweet roll!
sorry, couldnt resist :rainbowlaugh:

Howdy I'm SlowbroNE.

I was introduced to Fo:E late in 2012 by a table top game based on the Fo:E universe. Prior to that I had no interest in Fallout 3 or reading fan-fiction never mind writing it. As I became engrossed in both stories I began to develop a side story in my head. I began writing it and thanks to my team of editors and artists I released Xenophobia in late February. It is an ambitious project for us and I hope some of you get a chance to check it out.

Thanks and nice to meet you all.

Group Admin


Both of you,welcome to the group.:twilightsmile:
Make yourselves known, place nice and most of all: Enjoy yourselves.

Group Admin

Welcome, welcome. Don't mind the ghouls. They're nice fellas :ajsmug:

Hello there!

I'm volrathxp, the author of Fallout Equestria: Starlight. Just introducing myself! You can usually find me in the dark corners of #falloutequestria on CanterNet. Stop by and chat sometime!


I am Xjuan. You can normal find me on the FoE channel being set on fire. I primarily just try to make silly cartoons or traumatize my FoE PnP group. If you get a chance; check out group shrug on the FoE Resource forum we are one of the few audio PnP group out there and all are session are posted. I also been trying my hands at writing a fic about events of soldiers during the war. I been a bit lazy but I still working hard to help me get better at my grammar and spelling problems. I salute all pre-readers and editors may Celestia have mercy on your souls and keyboards.

Have a great day.

Hello, I'm deathaanator
About the name, it was made in my childhood and just sorta got stuck in my head.
I also like to play video games. Woohoo!

Hello, I'm Scattershot, the author of Fallout: Equestria: Snowfall. I first picked up Fallout 3 not long after I became a brony nearly two years ago, so of course I read Fallout: Equestria after I beat the game. I wrote the first chapter of Snowfall for my Intro to Creative Writing course at college, and have continued the story here on Fimfiction. If you want to get in touch, feel free to hit me up on Steam or League of Legends, Steam name Scattershot, Summoner name Knurlurzhad.
That about sums that up, have a good one everypony!

Hi there. I'm Nuukor. I originally tried reading Fallout Equestria a while ago, but couldn't get into it. So I stopped. Recently, about two months ago, I gave Fallout 3 another try. I found myself loving the universe and the game. So I went back and gave Fallout Equestria another try.
Needless to say, I loved it (and several side stories!) and am now in the process of brainstorming/conceptualizing my own addition to this awesome universe!

Hey all, I'm Gamma. I've been a long time Fallout fan, but a fan of ponies since only last December. Heard about fallout equestria from EQD shortly after and haven't stopped reading fics since. And like most others on here, I've been working on my own take on the wastelands of Equestria. :pinkiehappy: Nice to meet you everypony!

Howdy everypony~
My name is Lost Art and I am coauthor of the story Fallout Equestia: Treasure Hunting. I've only actually read FoE itself but will be reading more when I have the time. Working on Treasure Hunting keeps my sister and I busy, though she manages to read many other sidefics.
I'm around, I can be found on #falloutequestria and Tumblr, I'm quite often working on the story but I also work on a number of more visual arts.

Hi, I'm Anon3mous1, you probably won't remember me from such PMV's as The Real Story and Last Friday Night even though they have a million views each. You likely also won't know me as the guy who performed At the End of the Trail which is linked in Project Horizons chapter 36, or The Ballad of Hired Gun which tells to story of FoE: Heroes.

No. Most of you probably know me as that slightly crazy guy who decided it was a good idea to write a Human in Fallout Equestria story (I believe I was one of the first). Rules of Engagement. I take a contemporary Marine from Afghanistan to Equestria. If that sounds cool to you, give it a read.

I also do a bunch of Voice actor stuff, and I'm trying to start doing some art.

'ello! My name's Scratchjack, Author of Fallout Equestria: Forsaken Heros, And a upcoming musician and writer. I also do some artwork on the side... ANYWAY, I've been a fan of fanfic's since I first read My little dashie and the original Fallout Equestria. I wrote my first book about 6 years ago, and just now finished it recently. If y'all need help with any ideas on your fic, I'm your pony!:rainbowwild:

Hey, I'm Mad Midnight, purveyor of nonsense and all things ludicrous. I spend most of my time playing video games. Most recently my second playthrough of Fallout 3, because of all the FoE related stuff I've been looking at lately. The fanfiction scene is fairly new to me, but I've always loved writing, and Fallout: Equestria spurred me in this direction. My fic, Glorious Song, is the first thing I've ever committed myself to writing. Since I started on FimFiction, I've gotten so many ideas. So, I think I'll be here for awhile.

Could have sworn I did this already... oh well.

The Man Honey Mead. I write the most awesomest story to ever grace your unworthy slowly gaining in popularity FoE: Rolling Bones. The tale of a pony so amazing that he doesn't even have to shoot his enemys and they die in the most horrific and bloody manners imagineable ponies just trying to survive and get some poontang stay together, because in the Wasteland you need someone watching your back and sucking your keeping you alive.

I guess I'll introduce myself too.

John Colt's a ponification, if you know of what then good for you ^^" I'm writing on FoE: Gaia Prevails. It follows the story of Aideen in the borderland of Equestria and the Zebra Nation. She acquires memories of a stallion working for the group "Gaia Prevails" Meanwhile the Wasteland kinda gets disrupted by the absence of power symbolized by red eye and the Pegasi enclave at civil war.

So uhm... Brony since Nov 2010, Fo3 and Fo:NV bought in steam summer sale 2012, Fo:E read in July 2012

I don't believe I ever actually introduced myself.

Hiya, m'name's Nightrein. I'm writing FoE: Rise from the Ashes, a story about a pony riddled with amnesia and more than a few bullets. It's only just begun, but I hope I'll be able to pump out more chapters soon. I'm not a great writer, but I hope I'll make a few days for a few people with this story. Feel free to check it out. Nice to meet everyone!

Salutations, I am HarmoniousSoul.

I'm currently working out some plot points in the story I plan to write. The current working title (and possible official title) is FoE: Pilgrimage. When I'm not bashing my head against my desk working on my fanfic, I'm usually reading other fanfics and/or playing video games. It's a pleasure to be here.

I guess it's about time I added my introduction here.

I am TundraStanza.

I'm still an amateur as far as story writing goes. I've got an idea in progress for a potential FoE-based fic, though I know it's going to seem flawed right from the get-go.
"I make mistakes so that you don't have to." :raritywink:

Additionally, I'm a bit of a video game addict and a college student. That means updates to anything I submit to FiMFiction will be slow.

Happy to be here. :pinkiesmile:

Hey guys, my name's Roy. Nice to meet you all!

I've always kind of been into Fallout Equestria, but I've never had the time to sit down and just massively read it in one big binge until now. I've also started to write my own fanfic, Fallout: Equestia / New Bridle. It hasn't gone very far, though, and it isn't as well done as I'd hope, but it's something I guess.

I'm Turtledude, most call me Turtle for short. I'm currently writing A Pony of a Different Color [the FO:E story, not the one by AugieDog] (often abbreviated as APoaDC). Not a very popular story, and it's not written that well, but this isn't about the story. Being a first time writer, I'm quite the noob around here... I major in terrible tenses, bad grammer grammar, wrongful spelling, and other things that would make me a horrible editor (okay, it's not that bad, but I could use some improvement). I'm not afraid to BS my way through a lot of things, often resorting to the 'because reasons' argument. I'm making APoaDC up as I go along, so I'm not sure how it'll turn out. I also do the art for it.

EDIT: Not planning a story out kinda makes it terribad. Currently rewriting.

Group Admin

lol... I never actually introduced myself, did I? :pinkiecrazy:
I'm Nyerguds, a Grammar Nazi who occasionally moonlights as writer. I have an ongoing train wreck called The Daily Unlife, about ghouls, and the girls who love (poking) them. [DISCLAIMER: plurals in the aforementioned description may not be accurate]

Beside that, I occasionally get other (not necessarily Fallout: Equestria related) crazy ideas I can't help but write down and post here on fimfic.

That's about it, I guess. Yay? Yay. :yay:

Suppose I'll say hello, I'm Yoater.

MLP was introduced to me through My Little Dashie during a EVE Online fleet operation in 2011, which can get very boring when you're taking down stations and the reds don't show. :flutterrage: I loved the fallout series since fo2 and when I stumbled across FoE I decided to read it over the summer of last year.

I'm Coalsmane, and I'm kinda' new to this whole fanfic thing. It was a three day reading binge of the original Fallout Equestria that really got me into it, though, and I have to say, there's really no better side-fic group. Having played, though not passed :derpytongue2: all of the games except tactics, I was really able to get into the series. Hopefully, i could get some tips on writing :pinkiecrazy: I could never keep my hands out of projects that I liked.

Group Admin

943813 Welcome to the group.:pinkiehappy:
If you're looking for something small to fill that gap between bigger fics updating, there's a good selection of FoE available here, courtesy of our last writing competition.:twilightsmile:

If writing is more your speed, go right ahead! There's always someone willing to give you feedback and help you improve.:twilightsmile:

Um hi... I'm Midnight Ink. I heard a lot about FO: E and decided to read it. I was hooked from the beginning. So after I finished reading that, I moved on to Project Horizons... And that's going to take me a while to finish reading... Um anyway, brilliant stories like this have got me interested in starting writing. Um... :twilightsheepish: That's all.

Hello all, I'm Tonto The Trotter, Tonto for short ^^.

You might remember me from such places as the Fallout: Equestria wiki where I'm Tonto The Earth Pony and Fallout: Equestria Related Fics, another FOE group on this site. You might also know me from the two threads already about me in this group, My Interview with Doom and the recent post about a new Admin

Anyway I'm happy to be a part of this group, and look forward to helping out where I can or just taking part in the threads.

Hello name is Scooter215 but i prefer Scootarious. I plan on writing a side story pretty soon, it probably will be based in the Crystal kingdom IDK yet though. Oh and yeah ive read at least 6 or 7 of the sidestories and am now waiting for them to update

Hello, I'm Bazaro89, or just Bazaro.
I was forced into reading FoE by a friend, but I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.
I now help said friend (Nightrein) as editor of his book, while coming up with ideas for my own. I was planning on doing something more with the alicorns...
Well, nice to meet you all!

Group Admin

1013417 Nice to meet you and welcome to the group!:pinkiehappy:
Any questions, feel free to ask. Any ideas, feel free to share them!:twilightsmile:

1013417 Forced seems rather harsh... I only chained you to a wall!:pinkiecrazy:

I'm Bluemoon, a 16 year old closet brony from Texas. That is all... For now.

Just passing by, saying hello, noticing i never joined the group, feeling ashamed... but nao is all fixed! yush!

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