Fallout Equestria 5,401 members · 2,623 stories
Comments ( 627 )
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Hey everyone, RayCon here.

I write mainly HiE stories (As my stories say.) I was introduced to FoE around 2013 and finished it later that month. I loved it so much that I read it again, then again, then again and began to think, "Hey maybe I can write my own stories!" And so I did. Initially it was the first story to get me an account on Fimfiction mainly because I wanted to up-vote it. Well that's me. I normally always have my fimfiction open so drop me a pm or on my Skype: ithinkitscool (Name should be "The Forgotten One"


Nice to meet you - welcome to the wasteland :scootangel:

5064261 Oh not not this again.

5064292 Introduction to the wasteland and all. Agh halp dying of radiation poisoning over here.


* tosses you a packet of Radaway *

There ya go.

5064641 Ah yes thanks. *Drinks*

'Ello. Faeqte here, been in the fandom for around two or three years now. I would have had an account sooner but outlook is counted as spambots... anyway, I've been writing a couple of foe fics for a while now, on watt pad unfortunately, and yeah. That was my intro.

Hi everyone, my name's Pika53. Nice to meet you all!

I've been on Fimfiction for a while now but haven't really done all that much as of late.

I'm still somewhat of an amateur as far as story writing goes and I've always kind of been into Fallout Equestria, and it's lore, but haven't had the time to sit down and just read it in one big binge. My first introduction to the FO;E world however, was from "Project Horizons", which I've been following closely, and hope to read more fics as time goes on.

I've got an idea in progress for a potential FoE-based fic, though I know it's going to seem flawed right from the get-go; although I can only hope that it will be accepted and appreciated considering there will be elements that are different then most of the FoE fics that I have had the opportunity to read. Additionally, I'm a bit of a video game addict and work as a security guard; which means updates to anything I submit to FiMFiction will be slow.


Welcome, and good luck with (planning/writing) your stories. I am Interloper. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

Out of curiosity, where can I download a copy of the updated version of the "Official map of Equestria" (with the Crystal Empire) so that I can compare it to the original version while I figure out the setting for my future FoE-based fic. That map just calls to me for consideration as a base for my story's setting.

5153823 Thank you so much. I really appreciate the help.

Hopefully I can figure out a suitable location from the map since I don't wish to impede upon anyone else's work given that my fic will be a bit different than most of those in the fallout universe.


I don't wish to impede upon anyone else's work given

You shouldn't have to worry about that because no Fo:E sidefic is canon to the original and thus, by universal rule, have no relation to each other.

Yo what's up bronies and pegasisters! My name's ArcTech, it's nice to meet you. Well, since I'm here I guess I'll do my intro...thing.

So I've been into fan fiction about since about May, 2015, a couple months after I started watching mlp and joined the fandom. I read fallout: equestria in June I beleive, which actually got me in fallout just before the big E3 fallout release thing. While mostly into fallout and mlp fanfiction, I occasionally read something from five nights at freddy's, undertale, Xcom, TF2 and a couple of space strategy games. I got into writing fanfiction itself during the 2016 spring break on fanction.net, and have just recently created an account on here as well. So far I have one story in progress on fanfiction.net, and will soon start working on one on fimfiction once high school finals are done. I'll hopefully be able to release chapters regularly during summer break.

Well, that's all I got. I'll cya'll later in the next post (yes I know that was slightly a ripoff from Frankieonpc)

Hi, I'm Vaatidj and I had become a FoE just a few months ago but have already mustered up the corrage to write my own (Fallout Equestria: False Guilt). I may be new in both fandoms but I have an active imagination and have an easy time making ideas for fan fics no matter how stupid they might be. Since I'm very new to the site it would be great if you all read my stories, but it's okay if your not interested. Still, nice to me you all and hope me the best of luck on this site.

5289989 Welcome to the cancer group! :pinkiehappy:

I legitimately had to go back up and stare at my username for a full five seconds to remember it. I am very disappointed with myself.
I am Frodoman, your local turtle fanatic and book lover, as well as professional Scrublord. I read FOE about [insert amount of time here] and since then have been addicted to FOE fics, as well as other types. I always hated waiting for updates on the original FOE, and its something that has plagued me ever since then. Waiting for updates, that is. Not the story. Story was amazing. Anyways, I am currently in a fiction addiction withdrawal, and I felt that this would be a great place to introduce myself, meet people, ask for directions to the nearest FOE fic, cry for help, take over the world, crack a joke, I am disappointing in so many ways, I know, and I hope you all enjoy having me here.


huh, so you're one of those enclave types aren'tcha

Hey guys! This is my first post here, but I've been around a while. I just recently started my own FoE fic (I'm a tad late to the party with it, but oh well), which is actually the first speck of fiction I've ever written in my life. I had the idea about a year ago, and I've been reading these things since, eh, about fall of 2013. In that time, I've gone through, well a lot of them.

And I gotta say, I'm pretty excited to get involved with this community for real now! The fact that its still fairly active after so long is not only encouraging, but very impressive

And about my story. I'm waiting until I've got a couple good, solid chapters hammered out to post it, partially in case I decide to change some things near the beginning, and partially so people will have more to read right off the bat :)
(Also, still trying to come up with some kind of alias. My name might change)

If you've got any questions about me, my story, or anything else, feel free to throw em!


do you like turtles

5382298 a better question would be who doesn't like turtles? I don't have a turtle though

but i do have a snek


a better question would be who doesn't like turtles?


but i do have a snek



The way you're talking almost makes it sound like you think synths are a bad thing

if I didn't know any better, I'd almost say you were a fan of waifu hating, Maxson BoS scum

are you forgetting he's only good for his coat?

haha, well its good to see that the admins are friendly as well as active. usually a key for a successful and enjoyable group / forum

alsooooo, by any chance, you wouldn't happen to know of any FoE stories off the top of your head involving time travel, would you?
I know how alicorn oc-tier it sounds, but i THINK im doing a good job so far of keeping my story withing all reasonable realms of plausability


I kinda just came back from a hiatus, and it's still usually quite sleepy in the forums.

alsooooo, by any chance, you wouldn't happen to know of any FoE stories off the top of your head involving time travel, would you?

I've never heard of any stories with that kind of premise, and can't think of any off the top of my head.

It does sound like an interesting idea, though.

You can make a thread here asking if anyone else knows, if you want.

Hello, everyone. My nickname is Dark_Hoof (Where are Captain Obvious memes?)
I'm just a teen guy, who does a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Do some 3D stuff, making mods for Fallout: New Vegas and started writing a FO:E fanfic. Anyhow, glad to meet each and everyone of you. Not much stuff other than that.
P.s. Maxson memes everywhere.

Hello, Hello, Hello, this is Myshiroyuki here introducing myself to all ya fine people out there reading this.

About a year ago, I read Fallout Equestria and thought this had to be the best fanfiction I've ever read. I love both MLP and Fallout so it was nice to see such a great crossover fanfic. I've since started reading other Fallout Equestria stories like Project Horizons and have been inspired to write my own Fallout Equestria epic called Relics of the Past with a story also inspired by Fallout 4's (which I'm sure has been done before but oh well). I have a problem completing stories but I made sure to give myself incentive to finish it. I won't go into any more than that since this isn't the promotion thread (but you're welcome to ask for details). Anyways, nice meeting ya'll and I hope ya'll enjoy meeting me, if not now then certainly the near future. Hope we can be friends.

Memes everywhere.

Greetings everyone. I'm Kyle or kevanick as I'm called here, and though I haven't finished FOE yet I have played Fallout 4 reasonably far. Now I've also dabbled in Fallout 3 and New Vegas but frankly I'm not a big fan of 3 though I love NV. Glad to be here. I do have some ideas regarding my own non-canon FOE story but we'll see.

749511 On the banner, Homage is like "now imagine bombs, bombs everywhere!"

Hey y'all Native Assassin here! I've just gotten into FO:E , but I've heard so many great things about the story and the other side stories and the Fallout games themselves. Though I still haven't gotten around to playing any of them. I really need to get on that. Haha. Anyways that's me. I would love to get to know some of y'all.


Getting my ass handed to me in XCOM 2.

What about you?

5478114 on the bus on the way home form work.

Hey everyone, I'm CyberDutchman (long story to the name which I will gladly tell ad nauseam to anyone interested). You can also just call me Dutchman or Dutch.

I started reading FoE back in the middle of this summer and... well... a month later I'd finished the canon and PH. There were nights I didn't sleep much. Worth it.

I'm working on my first ever piece of public writing, Fo:E - Steelheart, and would appreciate any commentary and critiques you might have. Seriously. I have a solid grasp of where I want the characters and plot to go but grammar/structure and I have a tendency to be ships passing in the night. I have a friend who's versed in such things editing right now but more perspectives are always a good thing to have.

Enjoying my time here with your stories and hope you all enjoy the things I try to contribute!

5567748 Thanks, what's new in admin land?


Nothing. For now.

Hello. My name is the one obvious word above in that little green label. I've read around a quarter of the original story... And that pretty much makes up the uneven, unfinished clay figure that I am. Still trying to finish myself before hopping into the furnace, solidifying who I am permanently.

Anywho, I like the fandom work around this. Lot of soothing and feet tapping melodies here, grim or uplifting. May or may not try to make some kind of fitting FoE piece that suits you all and your high tiered quality stories. Then again, there seems to be enough fics here to feed your eyes.

Hello, I'm Gizmo! I just finished reading the story yesterday, and I had been trying to find an easy way to watch/read the story all over the net for a year an a half, when I stumbled upon the story about four months ago. Now I'm lookin at other variations/spinoffs of the story. Its great to be here!!

P.S. dafuq is project horizons?!?!?

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