RainbowPie 867 members · 362 stories
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Group Admin

What time is it? ADVENTURE TI- Uh, I mean, time to play a writing game! You know the site 30 Minute Ponies? Well, we’re going to do something like that here, except instead of a time-limit, there’s a word limit.

* Post a short fic in the comments, based off of or inspired by the prompt shown at the end of the last comment that has a prompt in it. The fic doesn't HAVE to directly include the prompt word or phrase.

* You can ‘claim’ a prompt by leaving a quick reply. If you do this, include a prompt at the end of your ‘claim comment' for the next writer, so they aren’t held up. You don’t have to claim a prompt to use it, although I do recommend it. If we end up with more than one story per prompt, that’s fine. The next writer should use the prompt that was posted in the first fic or 'claim comment if there's more than one fic per prompt.

* Either after you claim a prompt, or at the end of your fic, include a new prompt for the next writer, in bold. Prompts can be single words, idioms, a short phrase, or even a picture or video, if you feel so inclined. :rainbowwild:

* The fic should be between 200 -1000 words.

* Everything has to be SFW. Can be up to 'Teen' rating. No clop here (feel free to start a separate clop-prompt thread though).

* Fics should relate to PinkieDash/RainbowPie, though they can be friendship or ‘friendshipping’. Fics can be in any style. ALL writing skill levels are welcomed, so if you’ve never tried this before, come and give it a try! Don't worry about having anyone pre-read, this is just meant to be a quick and fun writing game, or exercise, however you want to think of it.

Alrighty, first prompt is Rainwater.

Eh, sure. Why not?


While everypony else scrambled to get indoors, Pinkie Pie happily trotted to the same spot she always trotted to during sudden storms. Of course, for her it wasn’t a sudden rainstorm. She could always tell when storms were coming. You could call it Pinkie-sense, but she knew it was something else.

“Pinkie Pie, do you want to come inside?” one, or a couple, or a few, or a dozen, or a hundred, or a thousand, or a million of her friends always asked her as she went.

She would always answer with a chipper “No thanks” and a wave, and then go on her way. She walked outside of Ponyville, up to her spot, up her hill. At the top, she firmly planted her rump in the wet grass and then pointed her muzzle up in the wet air.

She sat on a hill in a rainstorm.

It wasn’t so much for the storm as it was for who made the storm. And Rainbow Dash made the all of the storms.

Pinkie frowned when she thought how few ponies appreciated Dash’s work. Nearly all of them ran inside as soon as a storm began. The most they ever experienced of her storms was a quick glance out the window, or a frightened shudder after an especially booming boom of thunder. The only way to really experience a storm was to be in it.

Storms were important, and Rainbow Dash worked hard on them. WIthout rainstorms, Applejack’s trees would never grow, and Twilight would never get to read while listening to the sound of the rain striking her roof, and the Cakes would never sit quietly together in their dark living room, sipping coco and telling scary stories while the lightning flashed outside. So Pinkie Pie made sure to get caught in every single one to show Rainbow Dash how much she appreciated them.

Like how every painting was an extension of its artist, every storm was an extension of Rainbow Dash. Every storm was something different. New every time.

Pinkie Pie could feel her marefriend in all of it. The cool raindrops were like a thousand little kisses all on her head and face. The billowing wind felt like Rainbow Dash was rushing past her, showing off one of her new tricks. The booming thunder was like Dash’s snores, sleeping close to Pinkie as her legs and wings twitched with some dream. But most of all, the lightning was her. The lightning was her streaking down the sky, twisting perilously, beautifully in the air, so fast that even the thunder couldn’t keep up with her.

And then at the end, always, as the rain dwindled, a rainbow would arc across the sky, signaling an end to the storm.

Rainbow Dash would come, smirking and confident, rainwater dripping from her mane and wings, goggles pressed to her forehead. “How was that one?” she would ask as she landed beside her.

“That was the best one yet,” Pinkie Pie would answer, every time, because it was always true.

For now though, Pinkie sat on a hill in a rainstorm, and smiled as she heard the first echoing crackle of thunder.


Prompt: Tacos

Am I doing this right?

Group Admin

1545288 YOU. You are doing it perfectly. This little story is literally better than many full-length PinkieDash fics I've read...love it! Have some mustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:


All right, I'll take you up on that one.


Scootaloo frowned uncertainly as she watched Pinkie Pie bounce around Dash’s kitchen grabbing various ingredients.

“Are you sure she’ll be here?” Scootaloo asked.

“One hundred super-duper percent,” Pinkie replied. “I promised Dashie her favorite desert if she made it home tonight. Besides,” Pinkie stopped for a moment to give the filly an affectionate boop on the nose. “I know she’s been missing us just as much as we’ve been missing her.”

Scootaloo smiled despite herself before glancing back out at the stormy weather outside. Pinkie caught the look and felt her own smile falter slightly at the raging weather as well.

“Scootaloo, can you go check on Gummy and Tank for me?”

“Sure.” Pinkie watched Scootaloo hop down from the counter and trot out of the kitchen before turning back to the window and allowing her smile to fall away completely. She hadn’t noticed that the storm had gotten this bad. It was only scheduled to be a light summer drizzle but the winds had picked up tremendously and she could see sparks of lightning beginning to pop off in the distance. The storms never got out of hoof when Dash was still in charge of the weather team. But then, the Wonderbolts never got to use the Sonic Rainboom in their shows either.

As the evening progressed the storm only worsened and Pinkie found it harder and harder to keep her optimistic smile in front of Scootaloo. By the time dinner was ready, the thunder was booming with a frightening frequency and the ponies inside could feel their could home beginning to rock like a boat in the howling winds.

“Uggg, now I’m starting to miss living on the ground,” Scootaloo moaned, turning slightly green as the floor swayed beneath her hooves again. Pinkie Pie was about to say something back until she noticed the salad she had been preparing was sliding off of the counter. Making a spectacular dive, Pinkie saved their dinner and replaced in on counter before making another dive to save the plate of daffodil sandwiches while Scootaloo moaned and curled into a little ball in the corner.

By the time Scootaloo felt well enough to lift her head again, Pinkie was balancing on one leg while holding their entire dinner on her limbs, head, and tail.

“Um, Scootaloo would you mind helping me set the table?”

Once again, Scootaloo couldn’t help but crack a smile.

After they had finished setting the table the two ponies silently went to the window to watch the storm rage outside. It was barely sunset, but dark clouds that surrounded them had darkened the sky completely except for the occasional flash of thunder. Pinkie Pie scooped up Scootaloo and pulled her onto her lap as they sat down to watch the storm. Scootaloo fidgeted for a few seconds to get comfortable and then went still, wrapping her forelegs over Pinkie’s as they stared out the window.

“Are you sure she’s gonna come tonight?” Scootaloo asked again, her voice shaking slightly as they felt the house rock again. Pinkie didn’t answer immediately but instead held the little pegasus a little tighter. Taking a breath Pinkie opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a tremendous multicolored explosion outside. A wave of rainbow colored light dissipated the dark clouds and shook the house. After the blast had passed over them the two ponies looked back outside to see the now clear skies reveille a beautiful sunset and a rainbow colored trail streaking straight towards them. Scootaloo gasped in delight and pressed herself up against the window as Pinkie felt her natural smile come back to her lips.

“Pretty sure.”

The little filly scrambled out of Pinkie’s lap and rushed to the door, Pinkie Pie right on her tail. They flung open the door just in time to see Rainbow Dash, clad in her Wonderbolts uniform, glide in to land on her front porch.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo shouted as she ran to and nearly tackled the older pegasus in her excitement. Dash swooped her up in a hug and ruffled her mane.

“Hey there, Squirt. Miss me?” Dash asked.

“So much,” the filly mumbled into her shoulder. Pinkie smiled and watched her adopted daughter’s tearful reunion with her idol/second mother. Sapphire blue eyes caught rose for an instant before Pinkie Pie rushed forward to give Dash her own welcome home. Dash managed a soft moan as she melted into the kiss and enclosed her wings around her family. It was definitely good to be home.

Eventually the two mares pulled apart, though only due to the wriggling of the little filly who had gotten caught between them.

“That was totally awesome!” Scootaloo yelled, jumping in the air and buzzing her wings as best she could. “It was all like, ‘Boom’ and then all the clouds and thunder was all like ‘Whoosh’ and gone!”

“Yep. No storm stands a chance against ‘The Dash,” Rainbow boasted, pulling off the mask of her uniform and smiling down her number one fan.

“Though apparently she still had difficulty getting to the post office,” Pinkie added, her tone causing a worrying chill to run up Dash’s spine.

“I wrote as often as I could. Honest.” Dash gave her marefriend a nervous smile.

“I know,” Pinkie replied, her tone lightening slightly. “That’s why we’re getting having a very special desert tonight.”

“Desert?” Dash asked, looking from Pinkie to Scootaloo. The orange pegasus nodded.

“Yep! Pinkie Pie’s double-caramel-fudge-super-sprinkled-ice-cream-tacos!”

“But dinner first,” Pinkie reminded the excited filly. “Now, why don’t you go wash up so sit down and eat. I’m sure Dashie’s got a rumbly tummy after that long flight home.” She added, giving Rainbow’s side a poke with her hoof.

Scootaloo nodded and gave Dash another hug before running back inside.

“Tacos huh?” Dash said dubiously as she followed Scootaloo inside, Pinkie leaning against her shoulder as they went. “Refresh my memory, but isn’t that the same desert that sent her buzzing up the walls last time?”

“Mhmm,” Pinkie replied lazily, breathing in Dash’s sent for the first time in months. “The same one that made her crash so hard we couldn’t wake her up until the next afternoon.”

Dash’s eyes lit up after working out what Pinkie Pie was implying. She smiled and nuzzled Pinkie’s mane before heading upstairs to take off her uniform and wash up. She wondered briefly if they could skip dinner tonight.

Pinkie Pie had been right after all, tacos were her favorite desert.

Hope that's decent enough. A bit vague with the prompt at first, but then what do you expect from Tacos? :rainbowhuh:

Prompt: Surprise :pinkiehappy:


Pinkie Pie’s double-caramel-fudge-super-sprinkled-ice-cream-tacos!

Oh, that sounds awful...

But I'm fairly certain this is the best taco-based story I've ever read.


Waffle cone tacos! Haven't you ever had a Chaco-Taco?:pinkiehappy:

The cloud broke immediately, the thin water vapour slightly dampening the Pegasus’s mane as she shot through, twisting round mid-air to admire the clear sky she had created, slightly out of breath. Rainbow Dash grinned, angling towards the ground, trotting as her hooves met solid ground and folding her wings to her back. She had nothing else to do that and was looking forwards to a peaceful, relaxing day…
“Rainbow Dash!”
Or not.
Pinkie pie screeched to a hold, her face stretched out with a wide grin. “Oh my gosh, I’m so glad I found you! I have a,” she giggled. “surprise for you.”
“Pinkie, I’m sure your surprise is awesome and all but I’m a little tired today. Can we hang out some over time?” She said, trotting quickly in the other direction.
“I bet you won’t be tired when you see~!” Pinkie pie trilled in a sing-song voice, bouncing to catch up.
Rainbow Dash scowled at her marefriend. “I’m busy. Find somepony else.”
“But I can’t do that!” the baker wined. “It has to be you!”
“Pinkie pie, no,” she beat her wings, lifting herself into the air. “I was looking forwards to just relaxing after cloud-busting. We can have some fun together tomorrow, okay? Bye, I’ll see you later.”
With a mighty bounce, Pinkie pie landed on Rainbow Dash’s back. “Aw, come on! You have to come with me!”
Rainbow Dash straightened up in the air, hoping the pony would slide off though of course she didn’t, standing perfectly straight until she was shaken off instead. “Goodbye, Pinkie.” She turned and flapped her wings, shooting off in the opposite direction. Once she was sure she’d lost her, she landed next to Applejack’s cart.
“Well howdy Rainbow,” said the farm pony cheerily. “What can ah do you for?”
“Two apples, I’m starving.” She grinned, pointing towards the box of shiny red fruit, only to jump back in shock as a pony burst out of the middle.
“Come on, Dashie, pretty please?” Pinkie pie begged, leaning forwards so far she tumbled out.
“How’d ya’ll get in there?” Applejack asked but nopony was listening.
“Now you’re annoying. I said no, and I meant no.” Once again she leapt into the air and zoomed away, faster this time.
She slowed down in a nearby park, shaking her head angrily. Celestia damn it Pinkie, why’d you choose today to annoy me?
Rainbow Dash let out a small yell as a tree rotated to revel a bright pink face poking out of the hole. “Are you reading to go now?”
“Oh, hello Pinkie pie, I didn’t know you did this too.” A soft voice said.
The Pegasus turned to see Fluttershy’s head poking out of a tree costume next to the one Pinkie pie was in. “It’s really fun! You should’ve invited me to join you.”
“I didn’t know you’d be interested…”
While her marefriend was distracted, Rainbow Dash flew silently away. She needed someplace to hide from the logic-defying pony. Looking down, she spotted something and grinned.
Rainbow Dash pulled the frilly hood over her head, grabbing the pram’s handle in her mouth and pushing it along the sidewalk. When no pink pony appeared out of nowhere, she grinned, glancing down. Pinkie pie was dressed as a baby.
She began to fly away again, only to stop and drop down. “Oh, never mind. You’ll just chase me all day until I give in, so I might as well do it now. What’s your surprise?”
Pinkie pie giggled, hopping out and shedding her baby clothes. “You’ll have to follow me to find out! Oh, but you keep the dress on, you look really cute.”
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, taking off the dress immediately, but a smile graced her lips as she turned to follow the bouncing pink pony. “Pinkie pie, this had better be a good surprise.”
Pinkie pie led her through into sugarcube corner, which was for some reason dark and devoid of any customers, most likely because of the CLOSED sign that hung around the door. “The cakes have gone on a trip for the weekend, so I’m in charge of the shop,” she spoke softly. “I’ve closed it for just a little bit to organized this for you,” she turned, grinning at her. “May I introduce you to my sister… Surprise!”
A white Pegasus pony with a golden curly mane jumped from behind the counter, grinning wildly. “Hi! I’m Surprise!”
“I remember how you said how much ‘fun’ we had last after our date,” Pinkie pie giggled, throwing in a little wink. “So I thought we could have extra fun when it’s like there’s two of me!”
Rainbow Dash wings unfurled, sticking straight up. “You were right, Pinkie. I’m suddenly not very tired.”
Next prompt: Balloons
This thread is kind of dead, so I'm trying to revive it.

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