Slice of Life 1,466 members · 8,224 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

I came to the conclusion that this group is very little, compared to the amount of fans of SoL, and the amount of fictions written in this genre. We should somehow advertise this group, to spread the gift of awesome SoL fictions. For one, everypony present should add as many SoL fictions you know, and like. If you have a SoL fiction written, add a link to this group in the description, this should popularize this group. Thanks! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: If anyone has other ideas then go ahead and write it in a comment.

Group Contributor

291119 I'm glad you've decided that its time to expand, it is a genre a lot of people write in, after all.

Group Admin

291123 Yes, I hope that the group will become popular. Too bad I only wrote one SoL fic, and it ain't the best.

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