Slice of Life 1,466 members · 8,224 stories
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Lark is a colt about to enter 5th grade. He's never known much beyond caring for his younger sisters, their mother gone and father estranged. When his world is turned upside-down, he and his sisters are shipped off to live with their aunt and uncle in Vanhoover.

He's missed a lot in life but his likable demeanor and winning spirit gain him plenty of support and even a few interested filly-friends.

Join him as he's finally able to just be a kid.

TLarkspur Blossom
An Earth pony colt grows up taking care of his younger sisters, a Pegasus and a unicorn. As he matures, he learns his worth and gains the best friend he could ever hope to have.
Pone_Heap · 67k words  ·  55  9 · 958 views

My first story, it's fun to look back at how my style's changed. I like to think I've gotten better about over-exposition but I've still got some work to do.

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