Slice of Life 1,466 members · 8,224 stories
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I really wish to see this group get started, and I thought perhaps I can provide som insiration for people who'd like to write a slice of life story, but are unsure about the genre.

What makes Slice of Life so special as a genre is that it is pretty mcuh the only non-experimental genre that doesn't follow a traditional story structure. You can still have a story-arc, of course, slice of life can be combined with other genres such as drama or romance or comedy to add flavour.

The basic idea is simple enough, you just follow a group of people trough a day (week, hour, whatever) in their life. what makes the story interesting is generally not the tension of rising/falling action, but rather how the characters personalities and quirks shine trough. Slice of life is an espescially great genre if you like humour that depends on dialouge rather than humorous situations.

The story is allowed to be more meandering, there doesn't need to be a lot "happening" (as such, slice of lfie is an espescially good genre for short stories).Since the genre is usually character-based, it is a great choice if you like to practice writing a particular character, how we behave in normal situations say a lot about us, after all.

But any thougts and ideas? Anything you want to add or disagree with?

I was under the impression that Slice of Life basically means "normal." As far as I can tell most of the MLP episodes are Slice of Life/Comedy and sometimes they're Adventure.

You could read my exchange with Wanderer_D in 'How to use story categories'. In literary criticism, "Slice of life" has for a long time meant a story without a traditional plot structure. See the Wikipedia entry on it. But Wanderer_D says that in fan-fiction, it's come to mean "normal", which I think means no other tags apply.

How about 17 minutes, 28 seconds.

I kinda thought that slice of life meant basically normal. like no adventures. It doesn't have to necessarily follow just this day week hour.

It doesn't seem active here but I'll give my thoughts.

Slice of life to me is a story (not in the traditional type) that gives more insight into the character(s).

As the OP said: Slice of life is an espescially great genre if you like humour that depends on dialouge rather than humorous situations.

Well the difference between slice of life and a genres such as adventure is that you go way more into the character. In an adventure, you give a short background to a sidecharacter ("Villain A killed my father. I go with you to avenge my father's death.") In a slice of life situation, you see the same character fall into a deep emotional hole, he might get drunk over this or building up a raging hate against the villain that could later on pose a threat because he doesn't think with a clear head or wants to kill the villain instead of bringing him to justice like the protagonist hero planned. You have way more time and opportunity to give depth to a character in SoL.

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