Advisors' Cove 59 members · 44 stories
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Group Admin

This group no longer accepts stories for reviews. This page is kept as an archive.

Having trouble deciding which reviewer to pick? In this forum post, you will find the reviewers’ guidelines — their preferences, their likes and dislikes, their style of reviewing…the list goes on! Simply follow their guidelines...and submit to their folder! Your review will be provided soon! But if you still don't know who to pick, then you can just add your story to general!

Group Admin

Hey all! I’m Stinium Ruide. You might know me as the crazy pegasus who had reviewed Long Live the Queen, Spectrum of Lightning, Death of a Queen, Rekindled Embers and Danganronpa: In Harmony’s Wake. And also maybe being rather critical in reviewing stories. 

But moving on to my guidelines: I would like to consider every story that comes my way except (a) clopfics and (b) stories that advocate for immoral actions. I particularly love Slice of Life and Mystery if executed brilliantly. 

In the past, I used to review in a long, deeply analytical fashion. While it is very in-depth, the length of the review would (a) hinder other readers from looking at it and (b) require a lot of time to write the review. Hence, I hope to provide insightful observations and improvements in structured bullet points to trim the needless fat from my prose. 

I review based on three criteria. Content signifies the characterisation, plot and story events. Flow exemplifies the pacing and communication of the story. Language refers to the technicalities in grammar and syntax. The overall score will be the average of the three criteria’s own. Based on the overall score, a verdict of “Needs Work”, “Enjoyable”, “Recommended”, and “Highly Recommended” will be presented. 

I look forward to receiving your stories!

Group Contributor

My name is TerribleSpeller and I'm your resident weird person who's primary expertise lays in politics, military, theology, history, and philosophy. With my extensive background in worldbuilding and roleplaying, I believe myself a good eye in reviewing how 'realistic' stories are in the terms of worldbuilding, politics, military, and economics. These are some niche topics to be an expert in, but these are the ones I excel at the most due to my idiosyncracies.

I'm open to reviewing most stories, primarily those from slice of life, adventure, drama, and thriller. I personally would advise against giving me crossover stories, because it may not be fully objective, but you may still give it if you accept such possibility of bias.

My reviewing method is simple, I score stories based on four categories - Engagement, Insight, Character, and Technical. Engagement rates stories based on how much it could immerse a reader in the story and invested in the plot, world, or characters. Insight rates stories based on what lessons people could learn from the story, since stories are meant to convey something after all, and a story that can't convey a message for us to learn in our lives is an unremarkable story. Character rates how well written and how interesting the characters are. In relation to characters from the MLP franchise, it rates how close to their presentation in the show. And to OCs, it rates how real they fit. And Technical is a catch all category to rate how grammatically correct a story is (which is ironic considering my name).

Group Contributor

Heyo, folks! I'm Petrichord, or Petri for short. I've lurked and interacted with the community for a number of years, Including being a co-admin of the yearly Jinglemas event for half a decade, but story-wise I'm probably best known for Paper Butterflies, Pancakes, ReVerse and Imprisment, among other works.

Reviewing-wise, I look for a number of different smaller factors and add them up into a total score: chiefly, they're made up of Concept Originality and Execution, Pacing, Characterization and Overall Impact, though points are also awarded for good visuals and memorable moments. I don't have an equivalent score for technical proficiency, since I default to the assumption that submitted stories will be largely technically proficient, though deductions for particularly noticeable mistakes may occur.

One particular, immediately noticeable change in my scoring system is that my scoring is additive rather than average-based; in other words, everypony starts at zero points out of ten, earns points in one of several different categories based on the strengths or weaknesses in their story, and the sum of the points they've earned constitutes their final score. In addition, A score of five indicates an average score: Neither particularly good nor particularly bad, a story rated five out of ten would likely be the sort of story that I wouldn't mind reading but wouldn't really consider reading again. I choose to reject the four-point scale used by many other rating or evaluation services, as it limits the differentials between quality stories and thus gives less of an indicator on how i feel about a story and what i want to say.

Insofar as what I'll review? I'm a sucker for character-driven stories, but with or without a character focus I'll happily review Dramas, Slice-of-life stories, Comedies, Romances, Thrillers and Adventure stories, including ones that are fairly dark. I'll also review some Alternate Universe fics, though it may be harder for me to be fully objective depending on the alternate universe in question; this goes doubly so crossover fics, where I'll be unable to provide useful feedback if I'm unfamiliar with the material being crossed over. Porn and suggestive material can be submitted, though unless the story can stand on its own merits without sexual content I'm unlikely to endorse it as a good story. Finally, while I have no inherent objection to particularly dark horror and/or gory stories on an objective basis, I'm fairly squeamish and I might personally struggle with reading about things like dismemberment or extensive emotional abuse.

Group Contributor

hElLo ThErE mY nAmE iS iAmSiNnEr

But feel free to call me Sin or Sinner. I'm your friendly neighbourhood shitposter, and you can always count on me to be a great poster of sh-

Jokes aside, my specialty is action and comedy, and I'll always appreciate the good ol' romance. For what I'll review, I'll literally read anything but

1. Crossovers. I do not have context for your stories, nor will I bother to find the context. Any stories that are asked of me to review must stand on its own.
2. Mature rated fics. I simply am not interested in providing an in depth review of these stories, nor am I technically supposed to.
3. Gore/Unnatural mutilation of characters. On the off chance I might read one of those, I usually do so because they are interesting, and not because of the gore part of the story. I'm all for the plot.

So to sum it up
What I will review: Adventure, Slice of Life, Drama, Romance, Alternate Universe
What I will consider: Anything else that doesn't have sex as a major plot driver.
What I will not review: A story that has sex as its main plot; eg. Clopfics, porn. I will also not review Crossovers.

How I review fics:

Firstly, I will give my first impressions of the story after just reading the description. Once I finish the story, I will then proceed to give a summary on the story and for some scenes, I will comments what I think about that scene.

Once this is complete, I will then proceed to comment on my overall feelings and thoughts of the fic.

And then, comes the last part:
I will then give a score for three segments; Plot/Pacing/Storyline, Grammar and Character out of 10. Once this is done, your final score will be the average of the three.

side note: I welcome every Twilight fic 🤣

Also, my schedule is extremely warped, so my reviews don't have a preset time to be done or released, and I release them as according to when I'm finished.

Rest assured that I'll do my best to give good feedback :)

Group Contributor

Hi y’all! I’m Celestilune. While I’m more of an up-and-coming addition to the FimFic family, I’ve been a reader for many years, and a graphic designer and proofreader long before that. Most of my work so far has been rather niche, as I am an editor for Rekindled Embers: Mercury’s Journal, the creator of Magenta Mirror, and the Lorekeeper for the alternate universe of Rekindled Embers at large. I’ve also designed supplementary graphics for both Rekindled Embers and Rites of Ascension.

My real-life experience is in live event/show/theatre production, office politics, and theme parks. Any of these in your story request? You’ve got a friend in me.

As for what I’ll review:

I’m a sucker for a good political- or academic-based story, pieces that make you think philosophically, Royal Guard features, Romances, Slice of Life Comedies, Dramas (particularly personal, political, or power-struggle), Adventure (war stories especially), and Romances. Alternate Universes also tend to fall into this. I also love stories about the making of leaders, which tends to make me gravitate towards Twilicorn stories.

Good to Go!: Anything in the above, plus Random. AUs that are crossovers may hold some scrutiny. Mythology is also usually good with me, as is anything related to music/worship/orchestra.

Case by case (not a guaranteed yes):
Dark/Tragedy: I’m usually okay with, but there are exceptions.
Crossover: depends on the property/IP. Most of these will likely be a no, though there are some I’m open to, so don’t give up hope.
Mystery: Few and far between. I’m likely not your gal, though I will consider it if it crosses over with another aspect I like.

I do take Mature stories for review so long as they go in the specific request folder marked “Celestilune Request: Mature Stories.” These stories are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. I also retain the right to first perusal and refusal before accepting a story to review. If I don’t feel comfortable reading and reviewing the story, I won’t review it.

Gore: I get it, some fics that are war-based will have it. This one isn’t a major hang-up for me, but it’ll still fall under case-by-case, just as insurance for you and me.

Porn/Clopfics/etc: REQUIRES a list of kinks/content featured in the description or somewhere within author’s notes before reading. Non-negotiable; if you have questions, PM me. Healthy relationships get a green light from me usually. Anything other than that is up to me.
➡ Anything T rated that has the Sex tag is not required to have to have the kinks/content marker, though you’ll earn brownie points from me for having it.

No futa, (likely) no fetish, no foalcon. Allowance of the rest is up to my judgment.

My reviewing style:
I cover a few categories, giving them a rating 1-5, with one being “needs work” and a five being “super stellar!” These five scores, added together then averaged, then get turned into a rating out of 5 for short stories and 10 for long fics. (Subject to change)

Allure: Do I lose track of time reading your story? Does it suck me in and leave me wanting to read more? Does it linger in my mind as a rereadable piece? If it’s immersive, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll likely rank it high.

Plot/Content: Does it make sense? Is it plausible? Does it have structure? Does the conflict/desires drive the story? Is this a fine feast or something else?

Flow and Execution: It’s a great idea you have there. I hope it works in practice.
Does the method fit the idea it’s carrying? How is the idea presented? Does it leave readers wowed or frustrated? If twists are utilized, do they elevate or distract?

Characterization: Are the characters relatable and understandable? Are they plausible? If canon, do they honor the spirit of their sources? If OC, what is their reasoning for creation/inclusion, and how does that add/distract from the story? Are the characters round and developed, or flat like cardboard?

Proper Prose: Did the author use proper grammar and syntax? Did they give the formatting some TLC? Was the story accessible? (Fair warning, I am a stickler for this.)

I’m a college student, so my schedule is a tad irregular, but I will do my best to give your story the time, attention, and feedback it deserves.

I look forward to reviewing your story!

Group Contributor

hai, hai! PacifistDoodl3r here, ready to read a piece you may show me. I've been a part of the FIMFic side of the fandom for about five years. My account was created after I've convinced myself to dabble in writing. I have no further experience of writing publicly beforehand. At least not really. Ah, yes, I was creating small stories & online quizzes with my sister on a little known website called QuoteV & very few noticed us. Basically, I'm a rookie with a veteran's discount. 

Here's something important I must add: I've only proof read & edited a few stories. Although I may not be a seasoned writer with grade A substance to my work... I bring a certain whimsical charm with funness to the table. If every author represented a board game of varying rules & art direction... I'd be 🍫🍭Candy Land!🍬🍥

A little about my preferences. My eccentric & silly nature plays a part in what I will review. Something fun or something involving blood being spilled! In other words, I like to laugh & I like to feel absolute dread.

What I shall review: Stories with these tags (Dark, Horror, Mystery, Slice of Life, Drama, Sad, Tragedy, Romance, & of course Comedy) are my cup of tea— my cup of coffee! E stories don't contain content warning tags so as long as they contain tags paired with Dark or Comedy, I will be very interested! Do I like gore and violence? In moderation. Adding content warnings are a must if the fic is insanely graphic. But like I said, I'm down for dark & disturbing content. Guaranteed decimal points of appreciation if the fic revolves around mental health.

What might take a double take, causing the request to slightly bake: I may consider Second Person POV stories. Alternate Universe & Crossovers are fine but nothing too over the top (2 IPs are my limit). With AU's, I'm ok with those. Sci-Fi, Thriller, Adventure, & human tags are fine. (I consider human & Equestria Girls separately. A human being in Equestria is what I meant)

Will politely decline: Anthro & Porn? No thank you. Non con is out of the question & so are fetish fics, especially foalcon. It's ok if the story has a sex tag. Themes around sexuality & sensual plots are fine but explicit porn is a no-go.

How I review
I rate stories out of /15. There's three factors I take into account when reviewing fics. 

  • Characters — Who was in the story? How good was the writing for them? Are they canon characters or OC? Although it doesn't really matter if they are or not, I like some personalities and authenticity.
  • Plot/writing/prose — In depth plot breakdown, the technicality of the story (grammar & all that jazz), the elements it took to write the fic such as the author's writing style, & ability to tell said story.
  • Overall Enjoyment — Did I laugh? Cry? Shiver under the covers, straining out my hair? This is where I give advice and praise the work put into making the story. 

I rate these aspects out of 5, then I'll add up the score at the end of the review. My word count limit is 1,000 - 20,000. It may take me a week or three to read and a few days afterwards to review your work.

I, Doodl3s, thank you for reading this.

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