Science Fiction Contest 171 members · 108 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

Technically, we could just post those results now, and be done with it. But we can’t.

The trouble is, all of you wrote so many amazing entries, and our opinions on them were very passionate and divided. Getting a podium of the top four was a long process of vigorous debate and compromise, and left so many of our personal favorites out in the cold. Even with judge prizes, that would leave so much great work unrewarded, and that felt wrong.

So in order to not kill each other, I proposed a change in the prize structure, resulting in more fics beyond the podium of the top four getting the recognition they deserve. Due to the unexpected difficulty in reaching consensus, we only finalized things earlier today instead of by Sunday like I’d hoped, which left insufficient time to write the (now longer!) results post that I want to make sure we do right.

I am very sorry for these results being delayed twice now. Please be patient! We will get this done as soon as we can.

Well, I can hardly be angry with "You all did such a good job, we had to rewrite the rules of the contest." :derpytongue2:

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