Science Fiction Contest 171 members · 108 stories
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Group Admin

EDIT: results delayed up to 2022 Feb 17, with apologies

with the final story, SPARK WARS, out of the moderation queue, the Contest folder is officially complete! with 30 stories, 26 authors, and 248,432 words in total, we have a lot of great reading ahead of us, and can promise you all final results no later than 2022 Feb 10, and hopefully earlier than that!

thank you to not only everyone who managed to submit an entry, but also to everyone who read and commented on an entry, or encouraged an author, or even worked on a story that did not make it into the contest! for the latter, i would like to ask you to do us the honor of placing your stories in the In Spirit folder when done, as great science fiction stories are always a good thing to see.

in the meantime, please join us in reading these wonderful entries! it was very easy to miss them toward the end, as we had about a third of the entries come out on the very last day, crowding each other out of the attention space. so i would like you to encourage you to have a look at the ones from that day that did not make it into the feature box, and see if there are any to your liking. a lot of hidden gems that did not get their chance to shine!

THarmony Terminated Us All
"Harmony doomed us. I killed Cozy Glow (although she was always a robot). If anycreature remains, heed this warning." -Former Princess Twilight Sparkle.
SparklingTwilight · 6.4k words  ·  22  0 · 1k views

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TEchoes of Loyalty
What cost is worth paying to live in the City above the clouds? Whatever it takes for Rainbow Dash to feel alive.
Silent Whisper · 8.3k words  ·  36  4 · 603 views

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TRocket Chicken
Simpler than it sounds.
Str8aura · 6.8k words  ·  12  0 · 274 views
TThe Button
Buttons exist to be pushed. Don't they?
Golden Tassel · 3.2k words  ·  19  1 · 384 views

in addition, here are the stories from throughout the contest that did not even manage to get enough likes for the ratio to display. they are mostly from new or less-established authors, so please be encouraging!

TBookHoppers: Exiled from Home
Elizabeth, the newest chosen underling for Frazzle, gets a much darker story than expected.
Ace of Blackjack · 18k words · 149 views
ERust and Dust
After a heated argument, all Fluttershy wants to do is lose herself in her photography. Unfortunately, it seems her motorcycle has other plans.
SwordTune · 1.2k words · 243 views
When a new hammer presents itself, what will the most powerful beings do with it?
Icarus_the_Lunar_Guard · 7.4k words · 329 views
TVictory: Premonitions
It's the 22nd Century, decades after a Cold War, and two intrepid adventurers are participating in the first ever crewed mission to the planet Saturn.
Amazing Mr. X · 20k words  ·  12  1 · 209 views
TLunar 5
Something is wrong aboard the new Lunar 5 space station... but what?
Erstwhile Tail · 11k words · 245 views

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

"from new or less-established authors"

Me: Notices my story underneath
Also Me: nods understandingly

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