M/M Shipping Contest! 164 members · 77 stories
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(2022 Oct 09 edit: Reproduced below)

It's time!

To start, we would like to thank every single one of you for your amazing entries! You crafted for us a grand library of top-shelf M/M content, featuring a rainbow of stallion-loving stallions and a real smorgasbord of genres. We had a wonderful time devouring and discussing your works, and threatening each other with fictional violence on your fics' behalf, so much did they stir our emotions. Though we could only give out a limited number of prizes here, we are thankful to each and every one of you for contributing to this underappreciated genre that this site and fandom do need ever more of. And all of us will continue to provide it. We can not and will not be stopped.

Before we continue, we will have to note two changes to the awards. Not Enough Coffee was unable to judge, so their Judge Prize has been transmuted into a Sixth Place award. Additionally, $5 will be added to each of the Judge Prize amounts, bringing the amounts up to $15.

Now, on to the results!

The Medallion of Melancholy: Last Dance of Tchaicoltsky by CrackedInkWell

Last Dance of Tchaicoltsky starts with the protagonist being told he has nine days to live, and the mood does not lighten from there. even though the plot of the story is a fan of the composer, a griffon named Gregory, asking the dying composer out on a date, from the circumstances alone this was never going to be a traditional romance. instead, it is a middle-aged stallion reflecting on his life, his past loves and losses, and the meaning of his work to someone who was very much affected by it. but for the few scatterings of modern phrases (it takes place in present-day Equestria after all), i felt very much like i was reading a historical novel, and absolutely transported to the Manehattan of canon inflected with a melancholy, late 19th-century atmosphere. i just loved the personality of this piece, as well as its beautiful ending, and it more than deserves this prize.


TLast Dance of Tchaicoltsky
The composer of Swan Lake, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker is dying. Tchaicoltsky is expected to go to his grave alone, until he gets an unexpected visit from a griffon that asks him out for a date.
CrackedInkWell · 13k words  ·  23  0 · 628 views

The Himbo Crown: A Himbo Too Far by Apple Bottoms

This was a super fun romance between one dense goofy stallion and a stallion trying his best. Shining Armour and Flash Sentry are one of my favourite MxM pairings and they've really been done justice here in a himbo based romance. I really enjoyed the comedy of the piece. The duo's silly chemistry and love towards each other is endearing and enjoyable to read. Great fic, and an excellent entry to the contest.


EA Himbo Too Far
Shining Armor just doesn't know what he's going to do with Flash Sentry! He's always getting into trouble! But suddenly Flash needs rescue, and the truth may turn out to be less himbo-ish than it seemed... [MxM]
Apple Bottoms · 5.3k words  ·  60  13 · 1.4k views

The Rair Pair Flair: All the Boys I've Loved Before by Botched Lobotomy

There’s just something so satisfying about a rare pair. Reading a story which pulls one off almost feels like you’re sharing a secret with the author—only the two of you are privy to this wonderful little thing. Few others will ever understand the joy, the chemistry, the sheer, unexpected perfection of this little relationship. All the Boys gives us not one, but two excellent rarepairs to enjoy, in amongst the rotating carousel of boys that a transman Fluttershy has loved and lost.

There is so much to love about this fic, from Fluttershy’s struggles with his identity to present-tense feels-like-you’re-there style, to the pairings that are sold one after another after another with ease. It isn’t as simple as being trans; Fluttershy struggles with his pronouns, his presentation, his relationships, and his name. All of it is deftly woven into the easy-flowing conversations he has with a massive cast of well-rendered characters. The conversations flow so beautifully and poetically that the story could have no true prose or narration at all—and yet the prose, too, is gorgeous and perfect. Something about the speed, about artistic use of short clauses in long sentences which move rhythmically to their conclusion, makes each scene come to life through the simplest words. I was there in the wheat field, there at the party, there in the quiet moments Fluttershy shared with his lovers. Take all of that, and apply it to a vignette-styled story, teasing out the most emotionally fraught and difficult moment’s of Fluttershy’s love life, and spinning it into a beautifully satisfying conclusion.

I’ve already read this story several times over, and it has absolutely become one of my favorite stories on the site. It has a tone, a mood, a style unlike most other stories on the site, and uses it to show its readers snapshots of relationships that will make your heart hurt. An absolutely beautiful exploration of queer romance, beginning to end. I can’t wait to read it again.


[Adult story embed hidden]

Sixth Place: transequestrianism by The Red Parade

i was really glad to see a story about the end of a relationship for the contest, and transequestrianism delivered. all of its melancholy was enhanced by it being a poem of minimal prose, giving us just enough of these characters and their relationship to both see why it worked and understand why it could not last, with a remembrance of the romance's beginning coming just before the end to make us really feel the heartbreak of its loss.


This was a really interesting pairing of Sky Stinger and Sunburst. The idea to write the romance at the end of it was novel and executed in such an interesting poetic structure. The separation of both stallions across the divide really hammered in the distance between them and the feeling of loneliness they suffered from despite being together. The fic draws you in with their easy chemistry, then slowly tears you apart with the unraveling of their relationship because of their incapatible lives. The story leaves you wanting them to make it work, but knowing it won't be. A great short read and truly heartbreaking.


In a contest like this, there are practically endless stories of relationships beginning. That’s not a complaint - I never get sick of the will-they won’t-they, the pining, the first kiss… but it makes the different stories stand out all the more. Transequestrianism does not tell the story of how Sunburst and Sky Stinger fell in love. It doesn’t even tell the story of how they fell out of love. All the more heart-breaking, it tells the story of a relationship that was doomed from the start, and invites to share in the heartache through poetry.

Author Red Parade took about a million chances when writing this fic, and each of them paid off immensely. The plot itself was already enough of a risk, but combine this with a one-of-a-kind pairing and a minimal, poetic style of prose… this story could have failed in a lot of ways, but the author’s confidence in the concept, presentation, and pairing is what makes this piece a success. Do yourselves a favor and lose yourself in this story. It has a wonderful heart, and it will absolutely break yours.


With every step they took towards the other, Sunburst and Sky Stinger drew farther and farther apart.
The Red Parade · 1.6k words  ·  28  11 · 551 views

Fifth Place: A Little Closer by Meteor_Mirage

A Little Closer makes me feel like i'm back in the version of the early days of the fandom's shipping that exists only in my head because i missed it by nearly a decade. it feels very "classic" as a shipfic: taking place just after the most recent episode, and using the ingredients of character and chemistry to write the coda that should have been. it is the necessary work of bringing these characters together to finally admit their feelings for each other and make their shipping subtext text. with the atmosphere of the setting, the voices and chemistry of the characters, and even the kind of jokes really feeling like they could be extensions of the canon, this fic is an example of that just done very well.


I admit I'm not crazy about Sprout, but this story really changed my opinion. The best friend energy between Hitch and Sprout is fantastic and the move to dating felt natural. Sprout being a gardener felt right, the little details and mannerisms of his character really lent to fleshing out Sprout's character and making him very likeable. It's a fun read with an easy breezy romance that's engaging and fun to read. Great entry to the contest.


With the addition of G5 to our little world, I think everyone has been excited to dig up new shipping material. Sunizzy has, of course, led the way as an incredibly popular new ship… but Spitch, much to my delight, has not been far behind. And this fic perfectly captures everything the ship has to offer.

A Little Closer gives us a scene so simple and so perfectly in-character it’s practically canon already. Hitch and Sprout are in perfect voice, and the sense of humor this fic manages to communicate in its brief wordcount is a perfect match for the movie itself. Even more than that, Sprout and Hitch’s chemistry is enchanting—I think most readers would be hard-pressed to resist it. They play off each other so well, weaving from insult to genuine love and warmth. While it is only a peek into the earliest blossoms of their budding romance, I am completely convinced that these two will be ending up together somewhere down the line.

If you’re looking for a fic that’s trope-y, silly, and yet expertly done and beautifully written, this is the M/M junk food you’re looking for. Savor its perfect cuteness with a can of soda and celebrate another generation of gay horses!


EA Little Closer
Days after the events of Hitch Trailblazer's (unintentional) adventure to reunite the pony races, he finds himself face to face with the very pony who tried to harm the ponies he worked to help.
Meteor_Mirage · 4.2k words  ·  67  6 · 2.9k views

Fourth Place: Sunshine by Butterscotch Cream

i was very impressed at how well this fic established its original setting and profession, that of stormfighters clearing the way for big and important ships. it is a side of Equestria that one can easily imagine being part of the canon world, with its own high stakes and stories to tell. this is one of those stories, establishing its original characters of a seasoned captain and his lover, a novice crewmember. their relationship is portrayed with all the subtleties and conflict that such a messy situation would come with as their crew is cast into danger, providing a solid emotional weight for the trials they go through. the read is worth it for the sheer craftsmanship in the story alone, and i recommend this to any who are looking for an action-centered drama.


This one hit a lot of the right notes for me. A bittersweet tragic romance, two endearing characters: one the grizzled veteran with a heart of gold and the second the innocent up and comer. The prose was invigorating and well written, a delight on the eyes. The build up to the emotional core of the story and final resolution was near poetic in its execution. I was invested right from that first paragraph and was rewarded with a beautiful fic about love and moving on. Excellent entry and well worth the read.


To say that pairing worldbuilding and character work is a challenge is an understatement at best. To do so in a seriously restricted wordcount? An additional challenge, though not insurmountable. To use a cast of entirely OCs, and yet ground the story unmistakable in the mlp:fim universe? Now you’re dreaming.

Except you’re not! Sunshine gives us exactly that: a cast of OCs given firm and confident characterization, a new angle on a world which is undeniably familiar, and all in just twenty thousand words. The prose is nothing short of beautiful - I don’t often find myself quite literally hanging on every word, savoring it, fitting it into the greater whole… but that’s precisely how this prose felt to me. The description of the ponies, similarly beautiful - too often I read stories which center the colors of the character (and other surface observations) over their form and presence. These characters are introduced with weight, each of them in the midst of a tense situation which immediately draws out their defining features - their size, their power, their anger, their calm under pressure. The opening sequence alone is dripping with more character than many OC authors ever manage to attain. Most importantly, no character feels extraneous. We are given a small cast of wonderful characters, all of whom have their place in the story, their own distinct voice and motivations, their own moment in the spotlight. The world is populated, but not overwhelming. A wonderful peek into the world of Equestrian stormchasing.

All of this culminates, of course, in a beautiful scene of tranquility amongst the chaos. I don’t want to be specific, since I do believe this to be a must-read romance, but the set-up and the revelations during this scene are so heartachingly beautiful and real. I wish I could live in this scene - and, to be honest, the whole fic - for a good long while.


In the midst of a furious gale, a stormfighter finds he has more than just winds and rain to battle.
Butterscotch Cream · 15k words  ·  26  1 · 1.2k views

Third Place: How Not To Seduce A Stallion by TCC56

i really loved this! Blueblood is in top form here as his classic vain and useless self, but the cast is really made by the OC, his long-suffering butler Posh, who indulges him on his quest for the taciturn Big Mac's heart. i could have continued on enjoying the interactions between these characters for hours, with all of the dry wit in the narration and running gags, and the absolute life i found in the dialogue. an unrequited love story, particularly an unrequited love story played for laughs, is not the type of story that is the most central to the category of "shipfic", but any doubts i had about placing this fic highly was more than dispelled by its sheer quality, as well as how its heartwarming ending brought everything together.


I genuinely really enjoyed this fic. The characterization of Blueblood and his butler Posh was on point. Blueblood, despite being a pompous jerk, was super enjoyable to read about and see karmic justice served full course. It reminded me almost of the show Always Sunny in Philadelphia where you don't root for the main characters to win but to face exacting consequences for their actions. Big Mac's deadpan performance in the fic was glorious and I was always support throwing away garbage in the proper receptacle. The sweet moment at the end with Caramel - an expertly done fakeout - was heartwarming and really tender. Thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish that deserves a spot on the podium.


Chemistry is a difficult thing to describe. In many cases, it’s the sort of thing you sense more than evaluate head-on - characters either have it or they don’t. And boy did these two have chemistry.

It’s not the sort of thing I expected to find in this contest, I’ll be honest; to write an M/M fic which is this absurdly and comedically one-sided was certainly a risky move, but it paid off in droves. This fic is non-stop wonderful characterization, dry humor, and pure, uncut pining. I’ve never been particularly entertained by Prince Blueblood, but this version of him is just the right mix of lovestruck idiot and self-absorbed jerk to come out utterly hilarious and endlessly entertaining. This fic could have been more than twice its current length without losing me - it’s just that much fun to read. It also had a certain amount of courage to tell this sort of story - one-sided love at first sight and overwhelming desire - with two male leads. It’s something that just isn’t that common, honestly. I won’t deign to explain why, but there’s something refreshing about seeing that precedent broken so directly and confidently. Might seem like a silly thing to praise a comedy fic for, but it stood out to me, and it’s always worth mentioning those little things.

All in all, this fic is fantastic. It is a great read - a true comedy with solid laughs all the way through, and a fitting resolution (both for the characters and for this contest). It might not be what most folks think of when they’re looking for a fic with great chemistry, but the way Blueblood and Big Mac play off each other is incredibly entertaining, whether that be romantically or simply through a series of comedic mishaps.


THow Not To Seduce A Stallion
Prince Blueblood has been dispatched to Ponyville to apologize for his beastly behavior. He opts to fall in love instead. Unfortunately, he's bad at that, too.
TCC56 · 4.7k words  ·  96  16 · 1.5k views

Second Place: Past Tartarus and Back by Space_Kase

set in the Crystal War timeline that Starlight created, this story is not one of main characters and action. instead, it is Big Mac on the home front, taking the days one at a time as the war and its deprivations stretches bleakly on and on, trying to take as much joy in the little moments he shares with his family—expanded now with his blossoming romance with Soarin'. i loved how the author took the thin gruel of the canon Big Mac and Soarin' and made a thick and hearty soup with them, lending their relationship a weight and preciousness that i was so very afraid for, as the author did an excellent job making the atmosphere of an Equestria at war and the dread of its ultimate consequences really felt. a beautiful ride from start to finish, i loved soaking in every word.


This was an absolutely solid Big Mac x Soarin romance. The characterization of the main two were amazing and had an easy chemistry about them that really showed through how they interacted with each other. I am all for a domestic romance and this delivered it well. The backdrop of the crystal war was fantastic. It complimented the romance and didn't overtake the focus on the superbly written characters. It's a war story done right: a story about characters not the war itself. Riveting story from beginning to end and a delight to read. An absoutely banger entry to the contest.


This fic accomplished a great feat in a tiny package: a story equal parts comfort food and heartache. It is tempting to tell a war story from the trenches. After all, that’s where all the action is! But Space_Kase wrote bold and beautiful with a story of the homefront, centering longing and the war waged from your front porch. It’s a story you can get lost in, as its balance between simple details (the taste of coffee, the slow and steady waking of the farmhands, the moments of warmth between lovers) and grand consequences.

One of my favorite parts of this fic was the voice of the Apples. They can be difficult characters to write with proper and accurate depth, as it is temptingly easy to reduce them to flat stereotypes (or, worse, accents with bodies). This fic presents the whole clan in pitch-perfect voice, and uses all of them to help establish and maintain the mood to great effect. This, combined with the author’s almost effortless presentation of exposition through a tight dialogue and prose that flows like train-of-thought narration. The word I’d like to use is “readable”, though that doesn’t quite capture what I mean (and, in fact, sounds pretty sarcastic) - what I mean is that this fic made such good use of its style and pacing that reading it was as easy as breathing. Great flow, wonderful and engaging rapport, and some standout lines in the narration which I’ll leave a surprise for you all as you read.

Because you should read it! In fact, you must! I compel you all! The journey is enticing and moody, and the resolution is utterly fulfilling. It is an absolute must-read for those readers who enjoy a warm, smooth, and emotional tale of domestic gay love, and the heartache that can get in the way of a happy ending.


TPast Tartarus and Back
Big Macintosh and Soarin fall in love during Sombra's bad future.
Space_Kase · 7.1k words  ·  31  7 · 635 views

First Place: Catch Us If You Can by Miller Minus

i am at a loss how to praise this fic enough. can i just get away with describing it as "perfect"? the premise alone—a roadtrip romance between Sombra and Troubleshoes—was enough to win me over with its audaciousness. i did not expect to also get the best romance story i have yet to read on this website. this is not an example of a crackship barely held together by noting a few biographical commonalities. their interactions are a delight from the very beginning and evolve subtly and wonderfully through the story, which alternates between tension and release with perfect pacing, with the decisions and reactions truly feeling like they were driven by the characters themselves in all their complexity. even just the quality of the prose alone is heartbreaking in how effortlessly good it is. i cannot recommend reading this enough, and it was no wonder why we all immediately agreed that it deserved its place at the top.


This was by far one of the best fics in the contest. The chemistry between two completely unrelated characters like Troubleshoes and Sombra was fantastic. I cannot believe this actually pulled off as well as it did. The dialogue is top tier. Some of the best I have ever read in an MxM romance. I just couldn't help but absolutely fall in love with the characterization of Troubleshoes and Sombra. Troubleshoes quiet calm demeanor and Sombra's bristly attitude bounce off each other perfectly, and I enjoyed every line I read about these two. Honestly, when I started reading, I couldn't stop, it was engaging and so beautifully written. The pacing, the prose, and the use of Twilight were perfect. That ending line that resolves the plot in the final moments was fantastically executed and I cannot stress enough how beuatifully it tied everything together. Ugh, Sombra's arc in this is just so amazingly heartwarming, and the romance is just so wonderful in every way. Amazing story, and more than happy to announce this with my fellow judges as the contest winner.


There are a few compliments a fanfic author can get that, in my opinion, are absolutely the greatest things you can hear. “I’ve already read this twice, and I’m starting a third.” “I never understood what people saw in this character, but I think I get it now.” “This story is such a gem - everyone should read it, and I’m recommending it to all of my friends.” And, of course, the ever popular “I wish to god there was more of this to read.” Catch Us if You Can is an incredible fic, deserving of all of these praises and more. I make no exaggerate when I say this is one of my new favorites fictions of all time - it has a fabulous plot, perfectly original and expertly simple; its characters, strange as they may seem on the face, are rendered with depth and complexity that could convince even the most skeptical reader of their unique chemistry; though it has a wonderful pace (a balanced combination of tense action and quiet contemplation) and a brilliantly satisfying conclusion, I was left aching for more in the worst way. I could read thousands more words, entire epics, about this dynamic. I would eat it up with a spoon.

One element that I feel deserves additional praise is the author’s ability to present characters who make poor (yet understandable, in-character, and plot-relevant) decisions, while still remaining sympathetic and loveable. To say that everything the pair does in this fic is ethical would be disingenuous at best, but the fact is that you still long for them to succeed! To beat the odds and end up in each other’s arms, to ride into the sunset, to earn their victory. It is such a rare treat to read fanfic where characters make mistakes - after all, it’s hard to see the characters we love make the wrong choices. But this fic makes it hard in exactly the right way.

This is a story that is more than the sum of its parts. It is simultaneously small and huge in its scope, it constructs complex characters and develops the dynamics between them with ease, all told through beautiful prose and building to a heart-pounding climax. Read this fiction as soon as you possibly can - you won’t regret it!


TCatch Us If You Can
King Sombra and Troubleshoes Clyde travel across Equestria to find Sombra’s missing horn. Twilight Sparkle follows their trail.
Miller Minus · 18k words  ·  112  10 · 1.8k views

And there we are! All prize winners will be contacted by PM to disburse their winnings. In addition to their prizes, the top fic, Catch Us If You Can, will receive an automatic place on Cadance Slate IV in Comment Club. Though, of course, you should all read and comment on it and the other winners and entries before then!

In the meantime, here are some other contests you can enter:

Thank you all very much for reading, and see you again soon!

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