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Group Admin

Story Theme:
Sunset starts up a romance with an equestrian villain from the pony side of the franchise. (This villain has to be a pony side villain but can take place on either side of the mirror.)

Stories should be first posted/published between today March 18th 2023 to April 28th 2023 until midnight. Time zone: United States eastern.

Any length is appreciated, wanna short 1K-3K thing? Go for it. Got that epic you've finished but never uploaded? That’s pretty dope too.

SFW only please.

We made a folder in this group to put your entries in BEFORE THE DEADLINE!

If this is your first story ever on and you're having trouble publishing it on this website, please send a link with view password to Reactception. Message me if you have questions about that.

Please include a link to the contest in your story description.



The Prizes

1st Place:

  • The story will be on the page description for two weeks, and the winner will get to choose the next Sunset x EG Villain competition (can’t be the same one). If they want to, they can co-judge for that competition. But if they don’t want to co-judge, they can of course compete again.

2nd Place:

  • The story will get an honorable mention on the group description.
  • The winner will get a review of one of their stories (their choice) by Reactception.

3rd Place:

  • The story submitted will be reviewed by Reactception.

Link to the folder for the competition:

So to clarify, it's a non EQG villain, but on the other side of the mirror? Say, SunsetxSombra for example?

I look forward to reading the fics that people come up with!

Group Admin

How Equestrian should the Equestrian villain be?
Say, in this story

Sunset's ex girlfriend has hardly let the other girl go after they broke up, and on one particularly irritating day, Sunset gets fed up with it.
EpicGamer10075 · 1.4k words  ·  8  4 · 433 views

where we don't really know how Daybreaker got into the human world and what she's doing there, is she 'Equestrian enough?' Or should we prefer to go more heavily and definitely Equestrian?

Starlight Fan
Group Contributor

Is Starlight a viable contender and can we use her reformed self or her villain self or both?

Group Admin

I would also like to note, I can think of some interesting things that could be written about a character who we know in canon as a villain in Equestria...but about the villain's human world counterpart. Is that considered 'not as good?'

Yeah, I think the whole story theme needs a bit of a rework with the way it’s worded, since that’s actually kind of confusing.

I think it’s meaning an MLP villain in the EqG world, but I could easily be wrong about that.

Group Admin

Daybreaker can work but it has to be a newly written story that hasn’t previously been submitted.

She does count but I do think DualSoul1423 was hoping for equestrian villains that haven’t interacted with Subset before

I’ll modify it to make it more clear

I can't wait to see some of the stories people come up with for this prompt! :twilightsmile: I would participate as well since I have some free time, but it is almost a code of honor at this point for me to never write something shipping Sunset with someone other than Adagio. :rainbowlaugh: But I do hope everyone participating has fun!

Alright, so just MLP villains then. Got it.
I probably won’t be making a story for this one, but hopefully that clears things up for everyone else as well.

The folder isn't working for some reason, I can't add my fic in.

Group Admin

Yes, but can I make sure that (or whether) the human world version/counterpart of an Equestrian villain is allowed as our ship partner for Sunset in this contest?

For example, the human world version of Svengallop? (This story wasn't published within the contest period, but I might have a similar idea in mind, maybe even another villain.)

TSunset Shimmer's Secret Summer (Princess Angel Pop Star)
When Sunset Shimmer was stranded in the human world, only Sven Gallop noticed she was homeless, and offered to help. But there was a price to pay. There often is.
Mockingbirb · 2.4k words  ·  37  2 · 737 views

And yes, these questions do make a convenient excuse to link to stories as examples, but I AM trying to clarify my questions too.

Group Admin

Has to be the equestrian version of the character
But you could make it work by having the equestrian version be on the human side for awhile or have the human version be the equestrian equivalent in an AU where they have been through the portal.

Problem has been solved for everyone now

Group Admin



This makes perfect sense and I'm still deciding whether I hate it. :trollestia:

Group Admin


Link to the folder for the competition:

The link currently in the contest announcement doesn't work, so I guess we should use the link below instead? works and it has a story in it.

Its been over a week now, are we still wanting on the results?

Group Admin

So sorry about the delay it’ll be out soon enough

No need to apologise, I was just confused. Are you ok react?

Group Admin

Yeah just something came up and I’m waiting to post until it’s all definitive but I will be soon.

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