Bean's Writing Group 152 members · 132 stories
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New Blood Contest Results

Our intention here was to make a contest that rewarded new, unknown authors, without the bias of fame and follower count; to uncover the hidden talent in the new blood of our community. But from the start we weren't sure how things would play out. The people we most wanted to participate hadn't even submitted a story before - had never had the motivation, encouragement, opportunity, or time to write and publish. It felt like a huge gamble.

However, with 29 valid submissions and 4 vanity entries, making 33 entries in total, we're proud to say our wildest expectations have been far surpassed - by you! The authors! Given the success of this contest, we intend to make this a yearly occurrence.

The raw talent on display here is amazing. All stories submitted to the contest are well worth reading. But, as it is a contest, we had to judge things - on witty uses of the topic, on creative interpretations of the various bonuses, and on that intangible stuff that makes stories great. The stories listed below stand on top of the pack. To those who earned a prize - congratulations! To those who didn't - thank you for your hard work, and don't stop writing!

From the bottom of our heart: thank you, all who participated in the New Blood contest, who made it a unique and exciting experience for the participants, judges, and readers. Enjoy the stories, all, and don't forget to let the authors know what you enjoyed the most.

Procedural remarks

Any prize may be exchanged for "special prizes" (see below). If the author does so, the monetary value of the prize is distributed equally among all other winners, and actual awards will be higher than the amounts listed with the results(*).

The secret bonus (which was “Name a story after a previous Bean's Writing Group prompt”) was not awarded, so its value will be distributed among all other winners.

Special prize selection will be locked on September 4th, or when all are selected.

If you can't accept a prize for any reason, please let us know right away!


If you want feedback for your story, let us know in the comments or through DMs. We offer two forms of feedback: through story comments or DMs if you would like to discuss the story in private. All feedback will be provided by all interested judges (at least one). These are going to be/going to replace the aforementioned mini-reviews in the contest announcement, and we are offering them to everyone who submitted.

If you are interested, please make sure to also tell us how critical we can be of the work - while knowing about each mundane mistake can be useful, it’s definitely not for everybody. So, simply pick one of the following modes: pleasant, balanced, or ruthless.

Special prizes

Any winner can exchange their prize for one of the special prizes below on a first-come, first-serve basis, while supplies last.

  1. Reading of the submitted story, courtesy of TheLegendaryBillCipher.

    Youtube channel: Rainbow Infinity Readings

  2. Art piece based on the submitted story, courtesy of Short-tale.


  3. Cover art for any story, courtesy of starcoder.


  4. Reading of the submitted story, courtesy of Bean.
  5. MLP-themed patches,  one per person, courtesy of Shirlendra. (Note: These are available to all participants and do not need to be exchanged for a prize!)

    Example (more here):

Judges list

Given how unusual it is for contests to keep their judging pool secret, we want to thank you for your trust and patience during the process! Here are the beautiful people which made this contest run as smoothly as it did:

Honorable Mentions

"The Champion" by GrangeDisplay

TThe Champion
In the dead of night, an unlikely mare partakes in the fantastical world of pro-wrestling.
GrangeDisplay · 4.4k words · 395 views

The Champion describes a secret life both surprising and fitting at the same time. Overflowing with well-written action and peppered with life philosophy, The Champion goes more than a step beyond the obvious gimmick, and wraps the entire scenario into a satisfying, memorable story with surprising amount of depth.

This story aimed for bonus 4, which is interesting since Fluttershy is so easy to guess, but the protection of her identity is actually quite integral to the story, so, sure. I found it to be over-narrated near the end, dampening the emotional impact of its conclusion by deigning to explain to me why it's emotionally impactful. On the other hand, who could dislike a good ol' wrasslin' story? Nobody with two thumbs, that's for sure.

A nice story about the nature of performance. I'm not a wrestling fan, but even so, I could feel the energy and excitement behind the sport. The prose is slightly awkward at times, though. Still a worthwhile read.

This was one of my favorites and it surprised me. Initially I thought this was going to be a crack fic about pony wrestling and with the obvious character choice of “pony you wouldn’t expect.” But it surprised me by having depth and good character development. Picturing our shy mare insulting the audience and making herself seem arrogant was fun. Especially since we’ve seen her do similar transformations in the show depending on what clothes she’s wearing. Add a little Discord influence and her willingness to sacrifice for other ponies’ joy it makes complete sense. 

I wondered if the opponent was some pony we knew too. Like Applejack… was it Applejack? It was right?

This story is not only a love letter towards wrestling and heelers, but towards the character of Fluttershy, one too many times misunderstood. The irony of exploring all that, as well as her flaws and weaknesses which at the same time are her strengths, through a Persona she created, is delicious. It manages to seamlessly combine the aforementioned with engaging and clear to follow action scenes, which is no small feat that very few can pull off. This was my personal winner, and a story that will stick with me for long as a perfect character study made into an engaging and interesting fic.

I know little about wrestling, but I did know about heels

Interestingly, my “during reading” comment — which was almost instantly answered in the next paragraph — was, "I wonder if they are still called ‘heels’ in Equestria".

"Starry Nights Over Knossos" by sirenc0re

EStarry Nights Over Knossos
Starry Nights- young aristocrat and perpetual tourist- ventures abroad to the island republic of Minos and learns to accept the past one step at a time.
sirenc0re · 4k words  ·  11  0 · 283 views

Starry Nights Over Knossos builds on the canon outside of Equestria, creating an intriguing fanon about minotaurs, and a pony who is there to learn more about them. The story weaves in nods to mythology of ancient Greece and while it stumbles somewhat on the way, it is nevertheless a fascinating piece of world building. All it needs is more polish, and a follow up.

It makes perfect sense that Starry Nights would get lost in the labyrinth of Knossos. 

I admit that, on my first read, I did not recognize the protagonist. Even so, I loved the worldbuilding, especially with how everything was so obviously foreign. The characters all had unique voices with just a few lines. (And I eventually punched myself at not having realized who the titular character really was! It was blindingly obvious in retrospect.) 

And, in agreement with the author's own post-story blog, it runs up against the 4444 word count limit somewhat.  In my opinion, it feels more like the opening chapter of an excellent longfic rather than a standalone story.

A really intriguing Minotaur-centric story that does a great job presenting a city as a complex, tense, but complete thing. The words for minotaur-things, the cultural misunderstandings, the detail – it’s all great. Also good to see our little cartoon horses understand the union makes us strong, and a scab shall not be suffered to live. Luna’s a boss so she might not get it now, but maybe she'll come around eventually.

Minotaurs aren’t always the first thought when you think of MLP, which makes this story special and enjoyable as readers fall into the details of “Starry”, Selene, and the city of Knossos. Although you don’t really realize it until you really think about it, Starry Nights Over Knossos is a wonderful twirl of identity, adventure, and friendship.

A very enjoyable adventure story. Always a good read when you get to gnaw at the ankles of big business.

"Secret Garden" by Discombobulated Soul

TSecret Garden
Roseluck is a criminal. One whose machinations are endangering every last individual aboard the starship she has found herself on. She won't stop, though. She can't.
Discombobulated Soul · 4.4k words  ·  18  0 · 249 views

Secret Garden is an exploration of life on a spaceship, where friendship had long since been stressed beyond the breaking point. Filled with tidbits that put together a fascinating tapestry of the onboard life, Secret Garden does not forget to show the power even a timid light has when shining through bitter darkness. Surprisingly heartwarming.

This story demonstrates that the best sci-fi isn't just about space or fancy technology - it's about how people live in and relate to that context. On that note, I found it unclear how the plague actually works, making the stakes of Roseluck's criminal enterprise less apparent, but everything else was well done. And the details of the Refuge made it seem so lived-in and real.

The use of the sci fi setting helps really bring a new dimension to a relatively mundane situation. Information about it being fed in drips and drops mixed through the world is a real star here, and I loved the focus on the little bit of humanity and retaining oneself amid harsh conditions.

Sometimes, I just want to stand among the flowers and take a deep breath. 

Damn the implications! All power to the forward thrusters!

"The Ponyville Files" by LastToTheParty

EThe Ponyville Files
Did you know that Equestria had a secret service all along? Celestia only knows what happens there. Now Twilight is given access to learn more about its secrets. But what’s that? An agent is hiding among the ones closest to her!
LastToTheParty · 4.4k words  ·  237  6 · 2.6k views

The Ponyville Files revolves around the plots, plans, and manipulations revealed to Twilight Sparkle after her ascension. Part mystery, part drama, The Ponyville Files uses a thought-provoking primer to transition into a story of loyalty, betrayal, and more beyond that.

There are stories that have the reader keep thinking about that story, whether it’s solving the mystery as you read it, or if it’s about how you wish the story would go on and on so it wouldn’t have to end. The Ponyville Files is definitely one of those stories. So many questions were created and left unanswered, yet, at the same time, so much was made clear in a short story like this first-timer by LastToTheParty.

This started with a great idea. I have always loved the premise that somepony is secretly keeping Twilight safe. Especially since by themselves the mane 6 is easily defeated. I’m sure Celestia wouldn’t leave them unprotected. Especially Twilight. The rest of the Princesses have guards and soldiers but not Twilight who actually defeats the villains? Unrealistic. So I was excited about this. Rainbow was an ok choice, Pinkie or AJ also would work. But the thing that made me a little sad was the Twilightdash that felt haphazardly thrown in and resolved much too quickly.  I think some editing of the story would help it feel less scattered and increase the emotional impact.

Talk about making a splash while dipping your toe into the water. Not many can claim to have had a first story quite as successful as this one, and deservedly so! Loved how seamlessly and creatively the set up combined worldbuilding, humor, and an underlying pseudo-meta conspiracy. Trying to decipher the codified missions and names was great fun, too. One of the most creatives out of the bunch for me, amazing job!

Bonus Prize #1: "Sister's Moon" by WaywardSon

ESisters' Moon
Sunny wants to find out why, after generations apart, all ponies call an eclipse the Sisters' Moon.
WaywardSon · 4.4k words  ·  140  2 · 2k views

Sister's Moon was judged to best represent "From the beginning, you know the end."

WaywardSon earns a prize of $15*.

Sister's Moon is a touching retrospective of the mythos of generation four through the lens of the Mane Five. Wistful and bittersweet, Sister's Moon nevertheless tells of hope for the future, and the continuity of the things one finds the dearest in life.

Such a sweet Slice of Life that incorporates several mini-themes, such as family and unity, into one big theme: The Sisters’ Moon and its origin. This story connects G4 and G5 in a way that will warm the hearts of many readers as they are reminded of the heartwarming connections between past and present.

My greatest compliment here is that this feels like it could have easily been the script for a G5 episode. It combines interesting world building with a style that perfectly captures how the show actually flows and moves.

To be honest, I've read few G5 stories, and enjoyed even fewer. But this story fit nicely in that area of world building, enjoyment and feel that makes it — at least in my opinion — an excellent G5 staple. 

It did not feel overly ambitious, but at this point in time G5 doesn't either and that's OK. I'd be interested to see additional writing in this world and will be looking out for it.

Bonus Prize #2: "Blood and Glamour" by Mindscape

TBlood and Glamour
Fluttershy has a secret. A problem she needs help with, but one she can't tell her friends. Instead, while searching for help, she finds it in the most unlikely of places.
Mindscape · 4.4k words  ·  39  1 · 581 views

Blood and Glamour was judged to best represent "Include a bug".

Mindscape earns a prize of $15*.

Blood and Glamour takes a stab at a part of canon with much potential and equal amount of fan stories - Fluttershy's vampirism. The story explores this topic in a way both familiar (and referential to many classics and derived works), but also elevated by tidbits of lore, as well as skilled descriptions. Seldom does being thrust into a strange new world feel as threatening as it is alluring. Blood and Glamour is a tasty first bite of a vast fanon just waiting to be savored.

This story satisfied this bonus the way many others did, but the mix of vampire and changeling concepts elevated it above the rest. There were some technical problems, but overall it was great, and was permeated by the literary smell of blood. Overpowering, intoxicating, and frightening, yet darkly alluring.

A quintessential vampire story, Blood and Glamour delivers on its promise. It has some very creative plot elements—especially regarding the resident bug—and appropriately visceral imagery. I almost felt like I was in the room with the characters.

Bonus Prize #3: "A Modest Proposal" by Jymbroni

EA Modest Proposal
When Fleur receives a romantic dinner invitation from her marefriend, any expectations of sharing a lovely meal quickly change into an unforgettable evening for both of them.
Jymbroni · 3.9k words  ·  35  1 · 410 views

This story was judged to best represent "An unusual matchup."

Jymbroni earns a prize of $15*.

A Modest Proposal showcases a surprisingly realistic relationship between two very different people - even more than it would seem at first glance. While the story shows many complications love brings, it does not forget to highlight the many good aspects of it. With a clever ending that recontextualizes this - some would say mundane - story, A Modest Proposal becomes a very memorable short with surprisingly complex characters given its length.

I took away from this story the idea that Chrysalis really was in love with Minuette - but it's very hard to reconcile that with her actions, which are indistinguishable from a mere self-interested parasite. Well, the fact that I'm still thinking about it proves this story earned its spot, even if it was perhaps too full of lovey-dovey pulp for my liking.

Diving in at a steady pace, A Modest Proposal is such an enjoyable story, even near the end, where you must take back your “What could go wrong?” from earlier. Through this story, you get to see the soft side of someone who rides a rollercoaster of impressions and expressions, and watch as they grow into something that you can only hope will stay with them forever.

Wow, denial's not just a river in Egypt. This was an interesting story even if you can see where it’s going. The chemistry between the two characters was something special and deserving of the "unusual matchup" bonus.

Bonus Prize #4: "A Lovestruck Folly" by A whisky man

[Adult story embed hidden]

This story was judged to best represent "The main character's name and identity is never mentioned."

A whisky man earns a prize of $15*.

A Lovestruck Folly tells the old story of the terrible prize of love, which we are nevertheless more than willing to pay. The story's lofty style is peppered with just enough purple prose to give the contents the gravitas and pathos which a tragedy deserves. What's more important, the tone of A Lovestruck Folly resonates well with how such situations feel to ones afflicted by them.

Love the magic, love the Ye Olde Speech, love the Luna. Maybe the archaic speech can be too much at times, but it fits, since this will have been >1000 years prior to FiM present. I feel that the thread of Sombra's infatuation with Luna ended up a little buried, and it's confusing that a magic spell that equalizes things could ever be used to remove - ah, but that's nerdery, not criticism. Back to the topic at hand: Well done.

A hero would sacrifice all they love to save the world, but a villain would sacrifice all the world to save what he loves. A Lovestruck Folly is a story with a timeless theme and an interesting reveal.

Surprise! We have two third place stories! The prize pool was increased accordingly. 

Third Prize (tie): "Pitfalls" by heartlessons

Cherry Jubilee does her time.
heartlessons · 3.6k words  ·  38  0 · 346 views

Pitfalls was judged to be the third best story in the contest - tying with One day I am gonna grow wings.

heartlessons earns a prize of $45*.

Pitfalls expertly pairs two very different ponies, and shows just how similar such people can truly be. It creates a sense of deep, mutual understanding in a record time, with excellent (yet subtle) command of the language throughout. Pitfalls doesn't get bogged down in melodrama, speculation, or forceful characterization - it fits the show's canon like a glove.

There is this air of strangeness despite the entire thing being extremely mundane – liminal, like an airport. The temporary nature of it is suffocating. Yet the encounter endures beyond the edges of the story. Something important was created here.

Pitfalls features two ponies that go together so nicely—although, if you hadn’t read this, you would never have dreamt of it. The two get a feel for each other, as does the reader, as they dive into a simple but super sweet interaction between the two that fit the bonus, an unusual matchup, so perfectly.

This was a very emotional slice-of-life story, and I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff. Technically flawless while weaving countryisms and philosophical musings into a bittersweet narrative, Pitfalls tugs at your heartstrings and doesn’t let go.

Third Prize (tie): "One day I am gonna grow wings" by TheInfamousFly

TOne day I am gonna grow wings
After Sunset Shimmer's redemption, Principal Celestia and Principal Luna have some uncomfortable questions.
TheInfamousFly · 4.4k words  ·  158  7 · 3.4k views

One day I am gonna grow wings was judged to be the third best story in the contest - tying with Pitfalls.

TheInfamousFly earns a prize of $45*.

One day I am gonna grow wings is a skilled character study of Sunset Shimmer. Creative with filling in the gaps in canon, it creates a solid, tragic backstory for Sunset. Moody and serious, One day I am gonna grow wings is not afraid to show a character at the end of many different ropes... and to show the significance of an offered hand to one who is drowning in themselves.

The idea of Sunset Shimmer as a tortured soul is pretty common, but the execution here – the desperate loneliness, the visceral detail of her transformation – so much of it is evocative and affecting. Technically speaking, it's obviously a rush job, and there is some overindulgence with the flashbacks. But this does not erase its quality, only clouds it.

The idea isn’t original, but that doesn’t mean the story was boring and tedious to read—in fact, it was probably just the opposite. As Sunset Shimmer reflects on her past, she, along with the reader, gets lost in her fears. Through this delightful story, you and Sunset will soon understand just how great someone willing to share their map of life can be when you need it the most.

Good execution of a classic concept. The flashes between past and present are well-timed and especially reminiscent of Sunset’s later powers. The use of second person was well done, and the reinterpretations of canon are especially vivid from Sunset’s own perspective. But it’s the creative conclusion that really takes the show for me.

Second Prize: "A Study in Chartreuse" by Serketry

TA Study in Chartreuse
Crackle Cosette spends the afternoon at a high-class art gallery. Nothing to see here.
Serketry · 4.4k words  ·  29  1 · 669 views

A Study in Chartreuse was judged to be the second best story in the contest.

Serketry earns a prize of $60*.

A Study is Chartreuse provides a fresh view of canon often interpreted in other parts of pony fanfiction. It constructs a vivid backstory for many, showing it through an unusual - but welcome - lens of art and culture. Detailed, thought provoking, and dramatic, A Study is Chartreuse is a must-read for anyone who wants to see a new angle of a road so well traveled.

Fantastic story. Complex, compelling, detailed, varied, and efficient. Probably the best Changeling story I’ve ever read. What else can I say?

The idea is completely new—unlike anything I’ve seen before. This was a fun take on changelings that I certainly enjoyed reading through. The details do what they must: make this story into something interesting readers won’t mind staying up just a few minutes more to read.

Wow. There’s a lot to unpack in this story, but at the core of it is a tragedy which speaks to anyone. Creative plot points, references, and a rich worldbuilding round it out. A great story about our "unknown" gallery-goer.

Where to begin: the art, the sophistication, the glamour.

But seriously, a very enjoyable piece. The usage of art and the structure surrounding it speaks volumes.

If there is anything I'd recommend adding as a standard in your repertoire, make it the art.

And as the fashion horse would say, “Make it shine, darling.”

First Prize: "Sabot Élégant's Not So Savory Adventure" by Chromentazol

ESabot Élégant's Not So Savory Adventure
A mysterious food critic visits a restaurant.
Chromentazol · 2.6k words  ·  26  2 · 309 views

Sabot Élégant's Not So Savory Adventure was judged to be the best story in the contest.

Chromentazol earns a prize of $90*.

Sabot Élégant's Not So Savory Adventure is a fun, self-contained slice of the unusual life of a secretive food critic. The story describes the process in an interesting manner, in just the right amount of detail to keep the pace interesting. Effortlessly charming and with a must-read ending, Sabot Élégant's Not So Savory Adventure is sure to bring a relaxed smile to many a face.

This was a really compelling and funny concept. Big Mac as a high-profile anonymous food critic is perfect. Though not much of note actually happened in the story, it was written with enough attention and care that it really sells the core idea – and while there are hints about his identity, like knowing the CMC and Rarity, and the focus on apples, these can be looked past as common elements of a Ponyville local. Since I didn’t read the tags, that punchline was a punch to the gut. Excellent.

Details align perfectly to conceal a truth that stares you right in the face, waiting for you to notice if you jump straight into the story, as I did.

Both the author and his words perfectly shaped a simple story you’re bound to love, even if you normally dislike Second Person and/or Slice of Life stories. Who knows? This story could make you want more of what you once steered away from.

Second person is perfect for guess-the-character style stories. You can avoid revealing so much as a pronoun, all without being forced to narrate in the character’s voice like a first person perspective would demand. The details are the prize in my opinion, with so many that just fit perfectly in retrospect. I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

I do not like / second person stories.

But I like this one.

Why? Because of its wit and the food.

Although it does come off a bit blocky in the text, the food description and the exquisite pairing with the second person narrative left me with a good brain feel. As such, I hope that you, the author, are left with a good brain feel and continue to explore your equine horizons.

Closing remarks

Meaningful communication is all but impossible without language. Whether you want to communicate emotion or an idea, express fear or joy, share your inner turmoil or give powerful advice – there are many reasons to write.

Conversely, there are many reasons not to write. The desire for perfection, fear of rejection, doubt in one's ability, the lack of time, or some nebulous mental shackle – all these and many more are common obstacles for writers across the world.

The goal of this contest was to entice people who face those hurdles to try and overcome them. For many, these obstacles are but pebbles on the road of creativity – for others, they are mountains. But like any mountain, they can be summited, and upon doing so, the writer can bask in the joy of creation and sharing. Or at least, that is our hope. Some people need others to believe in them. Some need technical advice. Others simply need to inhabit an environment where others write and where creative juices flow freely.

Bean's Writing Group was created to try to help as many of those people as possible. To help those standing on the threshold of creativity to make that one more step forward. To show the power, utility, and beauty of the written word - to show it is within the grasp of many who would dare not imagine so. We hope for a world where everyone can share their stories and ideas without fear – and a world where their stories will be heard.

 Those who participated in our contest have made another step on the journey of sharing their creativity. We hope it was a pleasant step, and that many more will follow.

If you would like to become a member of BWG, simply contact PunishedBean or TheSmokingGuy. We usually take in new members gradually, since we want to learn about them so we can help one another better, so the opportunity might be somewhat limited. We’ll see how many people are actually interested..

Whether you write high drama or silly adventure, tragedies or comedies, thought provoking or vacuous stories – there are many reasons to write. We hope you see a few more of them, and a few less reasons not to. Once again, Bean’s Writing Group thanks you for your participation in the New Blood contest.

Until next time!

wow congrats to all winers

Yeah, I was sure until the end that I won't make the cut even close with my depressing story about silence, loss, and longing. It is something that wasn't meant to succeed here, and winners' line up exemplifies that. Still, it was great to participate, and my admiration goes out to everyone who was involved. To the new stories, better than ever!

Dang, I really thought I'd have a shot at placing with mine.

Still, congratulations to the victors! It was fun competing with you all!


(i am extremely jazzed about getting on to the honorable mentions and i thank each and every judge for their lovely comments)

your story was pretty good, i did read it

Wow! With all the great entries I wasn't expecting an award in this one. Thank you to all the judges! This was a lot of fun to write for such a small wordcount.

(If I'm still eligible next year, I'd love to enter again.)

Group Contributor

Congrats to all the winners!

I stayed up until, like, two in the morning working on my entry and once it was published I vowed I would never do such a thing again. (Read: I will totally do such a thing again.)

Thank you to the judges for running such a great contest, and congratulations to everybody! I have a lot of reading to do. :D

Wow! I was not prepared for winning one of the categories this time round. Thank you so much!
I've been reading through the entries over time, and while I've yet to read them all, there is so much talent on display here.
Congratulations to everyone, winners and all!

Dang! As the submission month went on and I saw more and more of the submitted stories, I really thought mine was going to get absolutely buried.

Group Contributor


Congratulations to everyone who contributed to a successful contest!

Well, that's certainly a nice surprise to wake up to! I honestly didn't expect to win any prize, let along first place!

Congrats to everyone else who participated! So many great stories and ideas, I'm going to have a lot of fun reading every other entry that I missed/haven't had the chance to yet

Thanks again for hosting this wonderful contest and to all the judges for taking the time to meticulously go over each story. At least for me personally, you totally achieved your goal of getting a potential author to finally put the pen to the paper (or more realistically the hand to the keyboard). Both, the amount of positive feedback I got directly on my story and now even getting an honorable mention were beyond what I imagined a first-timer like me could achieve. Now I just hope I can continue to be motivated and keep on writing :twilightblush:.

To all other participants, thank you all for taking part. It is awe-inspiring to still see so many other young authors being around, for a series that is well past its prime. So let's all give ourselves a pat on the back for helping this awesome community to keep going on :pinkiehappy:. So congratulations to everyone and of course to all the winners.

At least this contest was a reason for me to push to write the submission that I did. Looks like from the winners there was a wide range of stories that all fit into this contest's themes. I wonder if anyone who entered this year would be allowed to enter next year. If I could actually put some time here given no story is longer than 4.4k words, I might find some really enjoyable stuff I personally would enjoy.

Can I get a balanced comment from a judge on my entry, Finding Oneself? It seems to be my story with the least attention so far, not even any comments prior to my post here.

If you would like to become a member of BWG, simply contact PunishedBean or TheSmokingGuy. We usually take in new members gradually, since we want to learn about them so we can help one another better, so the opportunity might be somewhat limited. We’ll see how many people are actually interested..

What does this mean? Like would there be people who would rate and comment on your stories? Editing help? Something else entirely?

By the way, I'd like some balanced feedback on my entry.

You know, why waste opportunity, can someone spare some time to eviscerate me with ruthless comment? I really want to improve...

Thank you, guys, for holding this contest and congratulations to all the winners!

Wishing everyone the very best in their creative endeavours! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


We will be collecting those who wish for feedback of any kind in a document so some of us can go over them as the prizes are delivered. Thanks again for your participation, your two entries were highly enjoyed by the judges!

I’d like to get a comment to see what I can do better for next time.


I have already requested via Dm some feedback but I’m also requesting it here, just to be sure.
Ruthless and with a comment please.

Oh what the heck, I've received so much positive feedback already, it's time to get utterly demolished :pinkiecrazy:. Requesting some ruthless comment on my story, please :pinkiehappy:.

If it's on the table, I'd like a comment review, too, please. Ruthless.

I'd love to get some balanced feedback on my story too thanks.
Also, when you say it will be in comments, is that commenting directly on the story? or somewhere else?

Group Admin

it can be either story comments or dms, as you prefer

Story comments would be great :twilightsmile:

I'm VERY late to this but I just wanna say congrats to everyone who participated and to those who won. This contest is what pushed me to make an account and finally write a story of my own, was a big hurdle to overcome but I had a lot of fun. Thank you for holding this and I can't wait to officially participate next year! :twilightsmile: :heart:

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