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Comments ( 7 )
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A Man Undercover
Group Contributor

I’m well aware that many seem to be accepting towards the idea of G5 being a direct continuation of G4, even if it seems highly illogical to my point of view. Mainly on the grounds of the visual and story inconsistencies it appears to have, and Hasbro’s history of contradicting itself through the media they make.

But, there’s one thing I’ve always wanted to know:

Would it be alright to classify G5 as part of either an alternate or parallel universe from FiM? In this case, a universe where events similar to FiM’s happened but doesn’t exactly share its continuity?

Group Contributor

I would think of it as a parallel universe.

Group Contributor

Yeah. That's how *I* prefer to think of it too. Yeah, a past very similar to many of the events of G4, but with still some differences, WOULD make a lot of sense.

Group Contributor

Yeah. Parallel universe or divergent timeline. Either would work.

Group Contributor

Yeah, that's how I prefer to think of it. Alternate universe sounds right to me

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

Given how the existence of parallel universes has already been established in G4, yeah, I think it's alright to classify G5 as an alternate universe.

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