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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

...and to find more members of more character-dedicated groups I founded, as well as to help out the administrators of more character-dedicated groups...

Who around here happens to be a fan of the following characters?

  1. The Storm King.
  2. Grubber.
  3. Ahuizotl.
  4. Sphinx.
  5. Capper.
  6. Captain Celaeno.
  7. Princess Skystar.
  8. Queen Novo.

Sorry, but I don’t regognise most of those names.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

The Storm King and Grubber were antagonists of the MLP Movie, and Celaeno, Capper, Skystar, and Novo were new friends that the Main Six made in the movie. The Sphinx was the antagonist that Somnambula faced off against in “Daring Done?”, and Ahuizotl is an arch nemesis of Daring Do.

They are from the MLP movie

I like Skystar

Capper is the "Friend that you need"

Of course we all know we wanted Skystar in the series proper, but Hasbro didn't want to pay her voice actor's rate, thus we got Silverstream... the poor man's Skystar. Much like how Nova is the poor man's Kerrigan and the Red Eyes is the poor man's Blue Eyes... a cake to anyone that gets the references

I, for one, had no issue with Silverstream. She got development of her own, and Lauren Jackson did a good job voicing her.
It may be quicker to list which of those I'm not a fan of.

What are you going to do with this information?

I know she did, but we all know we wanted Skystar

Storm King, one of my favorite villains with Chrysalis, Sombra, and Nightmare Moon. (At the same time I was satisfied with his fate given my interest in that kind of villain defeat)

Not all of us. (Nothing against Skystar, but guess who one of my four favorite characters is?)

7343100 All but Grubber and the sphinx I'm fans of. Grubber is the worst character in the movie who serves no purpose, and the sphinx is just there for the one episode sphinxes are mentioned.

I am a fan of the Storm King, Capper, Captain Celaeno, Princess Skystar, and Queen Novo.

Why is this suddenly pinned?

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

So that I wouldn't have to promote groups dedicated to these characters in the future. Plus, it's something simple, and it's a great way to get to know what people like or don't like.

You know what I mean?

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

To give recommendations or invitations, why?

Storm king, Grubber and Ahuizotl were such poorly written characters. I personally think that Tempest Shadow should have been the villain of the MLP movie, her design and motivation would have made a much more intimidating Storm King than what we got and it would have made a much more satisfying resolution of her being a misguided villain that received forgiveness.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Personally, I believe the movie wouldn't be as fun if only Tempest was the villain. Plus, if it weren't for the movie, I would not have heard about Liev Schreiber nor knew about him later playing Kingpin in "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse". But, everyone has different opinions. I loved the movie even though it likely wasn't perfect. Plus, it inspired me to come up with a lot of stories depicting scenes that I wish could’ve been in the film.

All of them, minus the Sphinx.

I like Ahuizotl and Captain Celaeno. I would like to learn more about Grubber.


You sure do have a lot of curiosities...

Just messing with you haha

I'm a fan of Grubber, Capper, Captain Celaeno, Princess Skystar, and Queen Novo.

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