No Author Left Unnoticed! 248 members · 2,634 stories
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Group Admin

...and I notice some readers have been taking advantage of the fact this Group has been rudderless for quite some time and submitted Mature stories. This was, quite frankly, a shitty thing to do, given the possible death of one of the founders, and the prolonged absence of the other.

So! Here's what we're going to do: ALL Mature stories will be DELETED, and ALL authors that said, "screw the rules!" will receive a week's ban, and ANY who submit Mature stories in the future will face similar punishments, as outlined in the Rules you have all read.

Now that the whip-cracking is over, I'd like to get us all back on track with the purpose of this Group, which is to read and share stories with one another and foster a healthy dialogue.

If there is any confusion, I suggest going over the Rules once again.


...and I notice some readers have been taking advantage of the fact this Group has been rudderless for quite some time and submitted Mature stories. This was, quite frankly, a shitty thing to do, given the possible death of one of the founders, and the prolonged absence of the other.

To be fair, people might not actually have known, or might have forgotten, that Mature stories are forbidden in the group. I certainly didn't know. Fimfiction lets you add stories to groups without having to visit the group page, and most people don't read or remember the front page of a group anyway.

ALL authors that said, "screw the rules!" will receive a week's ban

It's not necessarily authors who add stories to groups - any Fimfiction user can add them. The only way to know for sure who did so is to see the notification in your Feed when it happens.

Group Admin


It's not necessarily authors who add stories to groups - any Fimfiction user can add them. The only way to know for sure who did so is to see the notification in your Feed when it happens.

Not quite. One has to be a member of said Group in order to add stories to cannot add stories willy-nilly to any and all Groups as one sees fit, with no further involvement. And as to your other point about "forgetting" the rule concerning Mature stories? Throughout my purging, I noticed it was the same four or five writers who were submitting their Mature tales, and going to great lengths to make sure those tales were submitted to every folder they could. That doesn't seem to be accidental. In addition, one of those Mature tales was an incredibly vile tale featuring the graphic rape and physical torture of an underage filly, something of which even if Mature stories were allowed, that kind of subject matter would not be.

In any case, I hope this will get us all back on track, so that we may concentrate on the purpose of this Group, which is to read and discuss fanfiction, and to recommend any gems we may find.

With winnowing scythe in hand WInter_Solstice descends upon the folders.


Is this group active? I am noticing for a while now that I don't get comments on my stories by group members anymore after I submitted them to "Can I have a comment?" and "Constructive Criticism", which is why I figured that the group has fallen inactive. Only this year I learned of Ninjadeadbeard's passing, but I think I suspected the group to be inactive before already.

Group Admin

Besides myself and a few others, interest has fallen off other than submitting stories. I'm doing my best to drum up interest and keep this Group alive, but one person can only do so much. Still, it's a labor of love, and perhaps you'll see others join in if sufficient interest is raised.


Besides myself and a few others, interest has fallen off other than submitting stories.

That's the impression I got, yes. I will help out with advice where I can.

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