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So I have just come up with this villain, and if anyone was looking for one, or wants to use this storyline, feel free too. I feel like a villain with a really relatable backstory, based on personal struggles. I will try and make one right here so you can see how someone might do this. (Warning that the Grammar and some of the sentences might be totally off)

So we have this filly, and she is extremely outgoing. The other foals don't really like her because they think she is too loud/has no personal space. Truth be told, she just loves the world, and everypony in it. She isn't afraid to step outside her comfort zone and try to help others. She is also quite physical, (hugs for example), and doesn't really hate anyone. She comes off as really over the top, and sometimes maybe even fake.

She does have this one best friend though. They are extremely close, and she is really reliant on them because they are the only one who accepts her for who she is, and provides all the love and attention she needs. But a couple years later, the friend and their family moved far away, leaving our little filly on her own.

After taking some time to grieve the loss of her friend, the filly goes out and tries to find a new best friend who was exactly the same. However, other foals are scared by her confidence and the way she just comes on so strongly. Throughout childhood our filly tries and tries again, with little success. Maybe she thought she found someone, but then they either moved away too, found new friends, or they just drifted apart. The filly's father gets involved in politics, so his daughter is exposed to all the problems of the world at a young and tender age, along with all the drama that comes with it. Our filly, who was once really naive, now is exposed to a harsh and cruel world in which happy endings don't exist.

In the teenage years, our filly gets more and more desperate, before feeling like an absolute failure, and goes through a state of depression. She starts to try and learn more about herself through journaling, personality tests, and just a lot of self reflection. After a couple of years doing this, she is more comfortable with who she is, and she has learned that even when the rest of the world is in chaos, she herself can be stable. Her family finally moves for the first time to a small town, and our filly this time, instead of focusing on friends, focuses on her studies. She isn't afraid to roast her classmates, and show off how smart she is in academics. She is still nice, but now she is more detached to any emotions inflicted by others, whether good or bad. She has learned to reign in her emotions and needs for affection, and now just presents a polite front.

She isn't hated at her new school, and is recognized for being smart. But aside from occasionally helping someone with homework or studying for a test, she still has no real close friends. A few friendly classmates, that's all. She is resentful about this, but she is afraid to lose her hard earned reputation for being the nice, sometimes sassy, smart girl. So she keeps all hateful comments and bitterness inside her. She carries this attitude with her into the big world once she graduates, and she finds herself back in her hometown which has just started booming since she left.

She has gotten interested in politics because of her father, and she has learned everything she can about it. She starts by first building her reputation around the large city, by being kind, generous, thoughtful, etc. Throughout the next few years, she is very well liked throughout the city. When there is an upcoming election for Mayor coming up, she runs. She uses her reputation to her advantage, and she starts campaigning. She wins in a landslide, and during her time in office, is very successful. So, once she has been released, she sets her sights higher. Soon she is running for political offices in the highest ranks of Canterlot.

But in one election, her competition is getting ahead, and our filly knows that if she keeps playing nice, she will lose. She views this other politician as being ruthless, cruel, and only cares about his own wealth. So she decides to start playing dirty a bit. A few nasty rumors here, some twisting of words over there. And to top it off, framing. The other politician is disgraced, and our filly wins. She takes what she learned and starts to apply that in every aspect of her life. Soon, everything is about manipulation, deceiving, lying, and other things to get what she wants.

But it's only for good things! Your snooty nobles refuse to help with the local orphanage? Threaten them with social suicide unless they donate half their fortune. A foreign diplomat from another country that might go to war over a dispute of some land? Frame one of the rude guards on their side for setting up this whole thing! After all, better that one rude griffin get imprisoned for twenty years, than many more others die in needless battle! Etc.

But, that is just the political side of her. Soon, she starts to take breaks, or delegates her political duties to those beneath her, and she disguises herself as a regular citizen, and she goes on the lookout for those who have been wronged like she had been when she was a filly. When she finds those foals who have a hard life for one reason or another, she kidnaps them into her own personal force (secret force). And when the time comes, she plans to overthrow the monarchy (peacefully!) and ensure peace for all underdogs in Equestria. And she plans to take power by blackmailing and framing the current rulers as superfluous for their people. The people support her as she takes down the princesses, and her own personal force becomes the new military and political power, and she rules the world where no one will ever have to feel lonely again! And only a few ponies died to make it happen!

The End!

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