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ESo Many Wonders
Ponyville is a simple, quiet town. For a certain pair of Pegasus fillies, however, itʼs the most fascinating town in Equestria.
Uz Naimat · 3k words  ·  36  0 · 405 views

So Many Wonders is a Slice of Life story starring Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash directly after the "Sonic Rainboom" incident, where the curious young fillies decide to explore the world below Cloudsdale. It's largely set in the perspective of Rainbow Dash. whom mostly follows the whims of the animal loving compatriot as she too discovers the splendor of the world below. From Fluttershy talking to animals in a lively manner to exploring the town of Ponyville for the very first time, the fillies grow a deeper appreciation for each other as friends and the world around them, setting them on their inevitable and permanent return when they grow up.

It's quite the cute story. A very relaxing read about two very different children discovering the world beyond their own home. It's sweet, innocent, and the ending is entirely relatable (and also completely justified, considering their decision to sneak out to go down there, lol). This story had nothing but good vibes going for it from start to finish and was told in an entirely natural and simple way to boot.

I've only found one real hiccup in the story, which was the misspelling Fluttershy's name as Flutterjsy once, but I haven't found other in the way of spelling, grammar, or formatting. This is either because they are that rare, or the story is so good that it's difficult to pick them out/easy to miss. Or, a combination of both.

My only real complaint is while scenery description is well done (as it should be, since this is an exploration style story), we don't get much in the way of pony descriptions. Cookie Crumbles, a minor character the two encounter, is the only one described. I'm always in the belief that stories (even fanfictions), single or multi chapter, should always try to include some sort of physical character description for each currently important character (major or minor) at least once in the story, the bare minimum details at the least, even if the characters in question are well known in the fandom. That said, it's just a complaint, and doesn't harm this story very much.

9.0/10 I GREATLY recommend this story to anyone that's looking for a relaxing one-shot read about two little girls discovering the world outside their home for the first time. Heck, I recommend it to anyone that just wants a pleasant read in general. It's cute, wholesome, honest, and very well done.

Thank you so much for the review and for your kind words! Glad you enjoyed the show.


I heard you were going to do something like this for the rest of the Mane Six. Gotta say, that's an idea I can get behind.

Also, hello fellow FiM lore enthusiast!

Currently, thereʼs a Twilight Story and a Pinkie story in the works.

And yeah, I do love expanding FIM lore. Itʼs just so... fun filling in the missing pieces of show canon.

Totally agree. Every time I have an opportunity to do so, I do the same in my own stories.

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