My Little Reviews & Feedback 510 members · 872 stories
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Azure Drache
Group Admin

Well, it seemed that most people fear the workload or the responsibility that comes with being a full reviewer. So after a suggestion from Secret Moon, I spoke with the team about it and we agreed on a tier based hierarchy that allow it for new members to have it far more easy and also give boni to people who do more than the minimum. :pinkiehappy:

So that is our current plan:

Tier 1 (Beginner Reviewers)
Requirements: 1 Story of any length per month / Sticking to the reviewers formula (Summary-Feedback-Score)
Boni : None - It is like a trainee
<- With this tier, no one has to fear the workload or pressure at all. If you want to give reviewing a try, thats the place for you!:twilightsmile:

Tier 2 (New Reviewer)
Req: 2 Stories of any length per month by the guidelines of how a review should look like / Be a Reviewer for at least 1 month
Boni: Contributor status in the group / Listed as new Reviewer in the thread of official Reviewers

Tier 3 (Reviewer)
Req: 2 Stories of any length or 1 story of 10k reviewed each month / Be a tier 2 reviewer for at least one month.
Boni: Own folders, Contributor status in the group, listed as reviewer, access to the reviewer only thread on Discord, Can vote in the voting channel as well as in the monthly animation for the server.

Tier 4 (Senior/Master Reviewer)
Req: 4 Stories reviewed per month, or 2 with at least 25k words, or one with 50k words. Be a tier 3 for at least one month.
Boni: Own folders, Contributor status in the group, listed as reviewer, access to the reviewer only thread + Can use their own banner below reviews and are mostly free in how their reviews look. Also can choose a pg-13 friendly role in the discord server for themselves.


That is our current idea about it, since we are new to this, there may be changes in the future of course. But for now, that is how it should go, so if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know.:twilightsmile:

This looks cool! I honestly might try it out if there's no pressure.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Sure go for it!:twilightsmile:

Huh. I like that. I might hop in. I miss the reviewing game but I never know if I'll have time for it these days.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Thats what the new hirachy is for, everyone can join with just one review a month, which relly isn't that difficult to make. :derpytongue2:

For those who are interested to join, just send me a PM and I give you the needed info, or you can just look it up in the threads we have already in the forum:raritywink:

I just make a mock review and send it to you, right? Though I did find it odd that the review needs to avoid spoilers. Is it a feature review or an editing review? Both? Why would the author not know the plot of their own story? Am I making two reviews?

Azure Drache
Group Admin

You make a test review, not a mock one. You choose a story from the main folder and try your best at a review for it. That one you send to me and we speak about it, see if it is alreeady good or if there is room for improvements. We fix what needs to be fixed and then you could post it and become a beginner reviewer.

The avoiding spoiler idea is because you also give possible readers an overview about the story and let them know if it is worth a read. So if you spoil the whole storyline, there would be no point in reading it anymore.

I appreciate you trying to answer my questions, but you've actually not answered any of them. Is this one review or two? Is it an editing review or a feature review? And will people other than the author be seeing these?

Azure Drache
Group Admin

It is one Review.
Everybody here in the group can see it if it passed the test.

Could you please explain what you think an editing review and a fetured review is exactly.

An editing review is directed at the author. It goes into the finer details of plot construction and common proofreading errors if any, and is designed to help the author improve their work for feature, and help them improve their writing skills overall.

A feature review is directed at the audience, highlighting some strengths of the author and a few key plot points that don't spoil the outcome, and is designed to give the audience an idea of the kind of story they're dividing into, and of course encourage them to read it.

I've done dozens of the latter and hundreds of the former (though none of either for this group, obviously). The two are quite distinct, and nearly mutually incompatible. When you tell me to avoid spoilers it makes me think you want a feature review, but then you mention criticism and being kind to the author, which might suggest an editing review. I'm getting mixed signals, so I had to ask.

And that's not even getting into the grading system, if you use one.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

I see, thank you for the explanation.

So in this case we tend more in direction of the editing review but that does not prevent to be part into a featured review as well.

Let me explain it this way, authors come to us for a review and generel feedback for their stories so it is our main goal to provide those for them. We tell them about what we think is good and strong at their stories as well as pointing out weakspots or stuff that could be improved. Also we offer general feedback and an opinion about their story.

That does not prevent us from giving possible readers an impression of what they can expect from a story without spoiling everything. For example: if you think the plottwist from a story is bad, you don't tell the author that Pinky Pie doesn't fit as false Nightmaremoon , instead you passively inform them that the character they had choosen for their plottwist is unfiting by personality for that role.

If you want examples for that approach feel free to browse through our forum and read the reviews we made over the years.

And we do use a scoring system. As you can see though, the higher in tier one advances, the more free they are with how their review can look like

Thank you for the explanation. That sounds a bit restrictive, but I guess I'm not rich for options these days. If I find time in the next week or two I'll send one in.

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Well i am open for ideas and suggestions, how would you imagine working for the group then?

I'm not one to impose my methods without trying out yours. I'll give it a shot, and if I think it needs improvement I'll let you know. Perhaps I'm simply biased in favor of the way I learned.

Where does one sign up tot be a reviewer?

Azure Drache
Group Admin

Just send me an PM with your apply :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

I’m a little bored and looking to broaden my horizons a bit, and was wondering if there’s any chance I could become a reviewer?

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