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EThe Calculus of Love
Lyra keeps finging. Whatever that is. Bonbon just wants sleep. Love shouldn't be this hard.
Lofty Withers · 1.1k words  ·  72  10 · 1.3k views

Summary::Lyra keeps finging. Whatever that is. Bonbon just wants sleep. Love shouldn't be this hard.

Initial thoughts: Another romance. Hmm. And what do I think of this one? Well, this tale isn't the common one, but the way it ties it all together in a nice little bow is just lovely. I went into this without knowing any context, I didn't real the spoiler subtext about mental health. I went into it blind, and therefore my opinion is based off that. I liked it. I don't consider it a masterpiece by any means, but for a short little one shot, it's emotionally impactful and hits my "Awwwh" radar. 7/10

Heart of the story: : The "Heart" of this story is the bond between Lyra and Bon Bon, and I don't know what else I can say other than it just works. The feelings, the emotions, the way it all comes together is almost magical. The bond here makes the story stronger, while the message of the story itself is engaging all the way through. 10/10

Characterization: : Lyra is herself even if she seems crazy at times, but under the circumstances I can forgive this for the message this story is going for. I don't know admittedly a LOT about mental health, but I do have experiences of my own that were very unpleasant, so I feel for Lyra here. 9/10

Story/Concept: : This story/concept has been done before, and it's probably seen as "eye rolling" to most that read these types of stories. It's still an enjoyable little read, and it's not like it takes that much time to finish. 8/10

Originality/Execution:: Original? Not really. Like I said it's been done before. So did the author do anything unique? Both yes and no. I thought the whole thing with the pills and the craziness was a bit over dramatic in a few spots, but the characterization here is what sells it for me. 8/10

Overall score and final thoughts: : This is a simple, short and sweet story about love, mental health, and the bonds that tie us together. The story is good if a bit short, and it was able to get the characterization rather well. However, the one issue I saw is that there is nothing that I could see that truly makes this a rare gem or a masterpiece, for what it is, it's a solid story that will make you feel things.

Total score: 7+10+9+8+8=42/50

Headpat worthy:
Boop worthy: Yes
Meh worthy:
Cringe level:

To the author: Keep up the good work! Your writing is always interesting to read, and I'm eager to see where you go from here. Keep on going, and keep on improving. *headpats*
Next up is the-consuming-darkness by Zontan, See ya soon!

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