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EHell On Earth
That Demon Sunset went from somewhat of a threat, to being the most annoying thing Sunset has ever met.
MorbidTheBrony · 2.7k words  ·  106  1 · 3.2k views

Summary: So, that demon version of Sunset that appeared during the Fall Formal? Turns out she isn't dead. Apparently, she's still well and alive, but the catch is, only Sunset can see her, and living with a literal demon that follows you almost everywhere you go is not very fun. In fact, it's actually extremely annoying.

Initial thoughts: So this story wants us to believe that demon Sunset and Sunset exist both at the same time, while bringing comedy, and drama to the whole thing. However, at least for me, the comedy wasn't really funny. There was definitely drama here, and tension, but even then I am unsure what is truly at stake. Feels like the story is just "there" and nothing more. Which is a shame, because this idea does have a lot of potential. As is, it's okay. 5/10

Grammar: Overall, I didn't see a whole lot here to complain about, and the way it reads feels just fine as well. Overall solid. 9/10

Characterization: Sunset Shimmer and "Demon" are the main characters. I feel the demon was more played for laughs rather than the more serious tone this kind of story could have taken, but of course it's a comedy, so it makes sense it won't be as gripping as some other stories. 7/10

Overall thoughts: This story has potential, however it falls into the "trap" of "trying" to be funny, without actually being funny. And the chances it does have to be more serious are often pushed aside to show Demon messing with Sunset. I also dislike how short the scene with the mane six was. There was potential for everyone to do something, but only Rarity and Twilight speak? Seems a bit odd. However. despite all that it's not a terrible story by any means. It's just lack luster.

Final score: 6/10
I'd recommend to go over the story again, and reread it and see if you can see what I see. If you are happy with it that's fine. Just I can't pass this story due to it's failings. A comedy should be able to make it's audience laugh.

As always if you have any questions just ask.

Well, I certainly learned something today. I'll make sure I look into potential a story has a little better next time, as well as the jokes and how they land.

Thank you for the review and have a nice day. :twilightsmile:

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